Was this the match of the century?

Was this the match of the century?

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Red pill me on these two please

Nigger who talks a lot of shit gets schooled.

It shows the white man's superiority. No amount of "BUT M-MUH DICK, WHITEBOI. WE GOT YO GUUUURL" being written from in prison will ever undo that.

Nigger on the left is Low Tier God, known scrub and ragequitter. Despite this, he talks a load of shit all the time. He made a video about the man on the right, Viscant, who is a veteran of the FGC. They had a grudge match and Viscant showed LTG what his dick tasted like.


>Black guy is a dickhead fightan game player
>white guy used to play professionally but retired
>white guy calls black guy out on his bullshit
>black guy chimps out and demands a match
>white guy comes out of retirement and wins

Next person that compliments that Cammy is gettin they ass banned

Ain't havin that shit in my chat


this story gets more extravagant every time it gets retold its actually crazy

He didn't make a video about him specifically. He made a video about why gamers tend to be single and used Viscant as an example. Bad clothing, pale, etc. was kinda where he was getting at. They played some sets online and Viscant won. LTG wanted to play more, but Viscant didn't. So it got worse.

>LTG has sub 10k views on Youtube and less on Twitch

Why is he talked about so much on here?

Black DSP


His gf is cute


Which one?


>thinking a pasty ass whiteboi can get that tropical goddess



>bitch, bitch, where's the bitch

He's lucky he didn't get shot



>implying he makes enough to own a firearm

what a champ. stood his ground and put that idiot in his place.

No, this was:

I we wish we had a better version of Pic related.

Also, here is the match.

Well there are flavor words there like LTG "chimping out" for example but that is what happened


>valle, gootecks, aris and probably many other legends at WNF

SFV and Valle's attempts to make WNF more esports and showcase more games on the main stream is killing WNF. NLBC is so much better now

quite a late reply with this image, probably the funniest shit I have ever seen

>that eyebag
He looks so done with this shit. But still wrecks the nig ass.

valle in the back gets me every time


Legendary image

i don't want to be that guy, but look how much more masc the average black man like LTG looks next to the average white guy


What's his name again?


What is his name low tier God anyway

>i don't want to be that guy
lol sure you cuck

He played a low tier character with the hard difficulty bots once

He picks low tier characters and thinks he can come out ahead, but ends up playing shit like Alex with only pokes and no combos beyond the trash bronzies can do.

Low Tier Jihad.

dark and ugly =/= masculine

yes it was

>Complimenting my girl without paying 10 dollars first? Get that ass banned.

>being black
get that ass jailed

>90% of the match is throwing random shit hoping it will land
Why is this game popular again?

Look at your average black men in the audience and see if you can say the same, cuck.

>I have no idea how to play fighting games

Watch any Infiltration match and tell me what they do is random.

what a chad

is she latina?

LTG destroys instagrams thots and hates black people, show some respect.

Viscant is a hero to pasty nerds everywhere.

>Thinking anyone outside of beta neckbeards on the internet cares about skill in vidya

At the end of the day this guy is a manlet and Jamal there probably gets mad pussy.

You guys leave out the best part. They played a game Viscant almost never played, while LTG played that shit all the time and Viscant STILL won.

Why is he Low Tier God if he doesn't play low tier characters?

BLEACHED nigress obviously


ooga booga

Is it the same girl who was in the room while he was streaming and going on about "muh bbc"? I remember the girl was cringing or shaking her head or something.

Proof on the Instagram part?

The virgin chimpout vs The chad ground standing

Why do people do this

Why can't people just be cool

It was definitely the funniest victory speech of the century.

"You'll have to wash the taste of my dick from your mouth"

Fuck, it's making me laugh to myself at work.


It was pretty cringeworthy, especially how awkwardly he delivered it.


Be glad LTG didn't come in swinging. None of the other nerds there could have stopped him.

Why is being confrontative and insulting considered cool and admirable?
I mean that’s his whole persona, right? Being ultra macho.

viscant looks like a single mother

Nah, VisCHAD's speech was godlike.

Counting rage quits? Get that ass banned!

Whose gf?

google momokun and ltg

he called her out for photoshooping her fat ass

>that roast at the end

Fucking legendary

>fat hairy arab
I was expecting better desu.

>Nah, VisCHAD's speech was godlike.

No it isn't. It's cringy as shit and he barely gets his words out.

LTG's before the Grudge Match, but Viscant's after it.

>get jailed for assault
bruh he finna wuz a gud boi

Who said that Meek Mills album was fire?

Get that ass banned!

Hey Mr. God.

>Be glad LTG didn't come in swinging. None of the other nerds there could have stopped him.

LTG is a nerd, he just lifts. He wouldn't have done anything.

Is that a man?

The awkward delivery is what makes it, imo. It adds even more to the insult; this nerd doesn't dress nice and isn't attractive, he can't even insult someone properly, but he just wrecked this nig nog

It's a show

as in an act


hamming it up

like wwe



Nerds can't act

I wish the fighting scene was like WWE. Like back stage drama and teammates going turn heel. LTG talking shit and being a total jobber.

He's not just any nerd he's a GOD of nerds, albeit a low tier one.

No it isn't, these are just socially awkward manchilds

Anyone got that clip when LTG completely lost it during a stream and startet preaching about African Warriors and their huge cocks, while his then girlfriend in the background was diyng from emabarrasment hiding behind the book she was reading?

They try to make it like that at the bigger events, it's just awkward for the most part.

Does this dude suck at every game he plays?

Have you seen my boy put up? Fuck outta here

Sucks as a Jihad so he ragequits his suicide attempt coz he got shot by a sniper in the leg.

infiltration isn't human though