You're going to jail for the rest of your life and your allowed to bring three games from pic related
You're going to jail for the rest of your life and your allowed to bring three games from pic related
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Do I get friends?
Paper Mario
Animal Crossing
Why the fuck are they all gamecube games?
I will just masturbate and lift weights like everyone else if all I can play is soytendo faggot shit
Smash, Kirby, and Animal Crossing have the most replay value, though I'd rather have Wind Waker, Paper Mario, and Twilight Princess.
If I get multiplayer: KAR, Melee, TTYD
If singleplayer only: AC, TTYD, LM
As an edgy nintendo hater, prison is where you belong.
>kingdom shit
>uses soy unironically
checks out
Animal Crossing and both Zeldas I guess
Both Zeldas
>no Prime
just execute me senpai
Coin toss between AC or WW
Nintendo is the shittiest fucking system of every generation ever. I'd rather have p2w mobile games instead. Fuck I'd rather play analog chess with TYrone the rapist before I ever play soyzelda or soy crossing.
You fags have the objectively worst taste in video games. Like the mall ninjas of video game players.
>bring 3 gamecube games
>inmate shoves them up my ass after finding out prison has no gamecubes to spare
bing bing wahoo
enlarges facial cavity
How about a real videogame on a real console from the same generation.
>get melee
>befriend biggest guys there and play melee with them
Now I don't get raped!
Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario
For life ?
Guess the one with most replayability then, so Kart, Smash and animal crossing
>no Pokémon XD gale of darkness
i'd rather get the death penalty
what did you do to that's hard enough to go to prison for the rest of your life but soft enough that they let you keep a gamecube
>no metroid prime
Fuck you
AC, TTYD, and TP
I'll still get bored eventually but hey might as well delay the inevitable suicide.
>Animal Crossing
AC would be valuable because of the NES games you can get
wind waker, twilight princess, and super smash bros.
murdered a bunch of child rapists
smash bros
animal crossing
kirby airride
>one man in a cell
TTYD, Sunshine, Wind Waker
>get to bring friends
Melee, Air Ride, Double Dash
3 copies of animal crossing.
That’s nice user
Mario Kart
AC for its replayability and sense of time, season and relationships. Mario Kart DD because i can do time trials forever and keep trying to find new strategies and techniques. Melee for when I just want to play something kinetic but not mario kart
I'm assuming you don't have people to play with.
you don't actually keep the gamecube, just the 3 games
Mario Kart
Animal Crossing
Playing the same single player story over and over will get old fast.
Double Dash
anything else and you would be bored within weeks
>for the rest of your life
either is fine, I'm just gonna use the disc to cut my wrists
Paper Mario
and break the third into a sharp piece to stab someone
Melee, Sunshine, Animal Crossing easily.
animal crossing
f 0
should have put fzero up there instead of two zeldas.
AC and FzeroGX and i'm good
Airride, Smash, Sunshine and hide Paper Mario up my ass
Air Ride
Odds are I'll be dead before I can fill in all of the achievements for Air Ride.
>mario shart
>no f-zero
i'll just kill myself instead
I'm not good, the scenario is hellish. prison for life, only gc means good games but limited replayability for everything because prison probably has no multiplayer, etc.
but he seems to have tried hard to load the list full of short single player games
pure hell unless I have conjugal visits or a filipina bride, etc.
Melee, Double Dash, Animal Crossing
The first two have the most execution depth, I can learn melee tech or shave milliseconds off my time trials for the rest of my life. Animal Crossing just gives me something to do to simulate human society, to remind me of holidays and friendship and such.
Everything else would be nice for a few weeks and then completely exhaust its value
F-Zero or Super Monkey Ball would be ideal for this instead of Double Dash though
>no F-Zero GX
Crossing is obvious given the circumstances
I'd bring documentation of C++ and Unreal 4, tutorials and all that shit in order to make a game.
A copy of Red Alert 2 + Yuris Revenge
A pack of cards
Double Dash, Animal Crossing and Super Smash Bros would keep me occupied for a lifetime.
Mario kart because I could spend years trying to get the very best time ever on tracks.
Wind waker, because I could sit in my boat on the ocean and pretend i'm actually there relaxing.
Smash bro's because less repetitive than a story based game.
>Smash Bros
So all conflicts can be resolved with Falco spam and then rage quits followed by retaliatory ass rapes. Which will break up the straight up ass rapes.
>Animal Crossing
So I always have a reminder that things can be more monotinious than prison life, it'd be a good pick me up on the hard days
It's personally my favourite game on the list, not by a lot, but still. It'll serve as a reminder that I have shit taste for loving a flawed and unfinished game, it'll make it easier to come to terms with eating prison food.
Doesn't matter. They'll all get broken and turned into shivs soon enough.
Animal Crossing, and TTYD and Melee to fuck around in while I'm not playing Animal Crossing.
Anyone who doesn't bring Animal Crossing for this sort of situation would have to be clinically retarded.
Wind Waker
Mario Sunshine
Only game you'd need in prison is Melee since it's the fastest way to befriend nig nogs. Everyone knows blacks love Melee.
For the good ol' SPIKES and DISRESPECT on CPUs because no one will play it with me
>Mario Sunshine
Bing bing wahoo and slide around everywhere to fuck about
>Wind Waker
Favorite of the bunch and I can keep playing Master Quest with new challenges.
I'm not choosing Animal Crossing because I hate those kind of games
>not choosing animal crossing
Do you hate fun?
Animal Crossing for sure
Sunshine is pretty up there
then it's a contest between Smash and TP. Maybe Luigi's Mansion because there's a lot to do IIRC
smash and kart
i'll train my mind in martial arts and stunt driving and make my daring escape after 10 years of nonstop lifting
>Maybe Luigi's Mansion because there's a lot to do IIRC
> a lot to do
nigger you would be 100% in the game within a week of sitting in your cell listening to hard slaps of man meat one block over
I tried New Leaf, but it didn't do it for me. Sorry. If it was Harvest Moon I'd like it because of the farming. I don't know if Sims has farming, but that's probably help me get into both of those series
Can I bring an Action Replay? I would just need that and Melee to be set for life.
If i'm not mistaken, a shitton of lines of dialogue where written for the gc animal crossing game whereas the new leaf has piss poor variety in the neighbors and it repetas itself pretty much immediatly. that's the main reason the AC Gc game would be the ideal solution in this case, you decades could pass and you'd still get new interactions and lines.
>No F-Zero GX
I'd rather get the death penalty desu
Cool, then. I'll play GC AC and see what's up with it
This is actually really tough because none of these games have good replay value.
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart
They have the most replay value
You'll get sick and bored of the single player games
Pokemon Channel.
>People choosing zelda games that they'll play through once and then drop
>no path of radiance
Double dash
Paper mario
What if I wanted to speedrun Paper Mario? With how long I'll be in prison I'll be able to master that jump.
came here to post this
smash bros and mario kart are the most replayable. animal crossing has those unlockable nes games, punch out doesn't really get old
So I can bring the cds, but not the're a sick sick person.
>not making your own shank by breaking one of the gc discs
You deserved to get brutally raped first
One copy of animal crossing and use the other two to get two extra memory cards
No PSO no deal
Why is it all Gamecube games? I didn't have a Gamecube. I had a PS2, like a real person.
None of these games would be fulfilling for a lifetime.
Even Melee will reach an end playing against the AI. Perhaps if I could play with other inmates, then we could get a tourney going. But how long would that last before it's the same matchups winning all the competitions with the same strategies. Just like real life Melee. It would get mundane.
We need AC GC writing back so i can have neighbors I think something of. When i was playing AC GC it was fun to talk to villagers cause everyone was a passive aggresive cunt, now they all suck your dick if you stare for five seconds. The only person in my new leaf town that I care about is Purll cause i hated her in GC and there she is in New Leaf waiting for me at the station so I can plant pitfalls around her house and place a sign that says slut in front of it.
Third post best post
Animal Crossing lasts forever
Twighlight Princess
Nigga he'll 100% that shit in a day or two
Melee, air ride, and i guess animal crossing
Double Dash
Animal Crossing
Wind Waker
Seeing the discs brought back some memories that seeing the cases in my basement doesn't. Thanks OP.
>animal crossing
>super smash bros
>mario kart
get the fuck out
Oh, easy
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the Third
simply epic