Is it bad to say this is the only Metroid game I truly enjoyed? It had the best combat, had an okay cast of characters...

Is it bad to say this is the only Metroid game I truly enjoyed? It had the best combat, had an okay cast of characters, the best looking Ridley. I couldn't get into Super because I don't know where the hell I am suppose to go. Prime games just bored me for whatever reason. Samus has a character in this game atleast and I enjoyed seeing that side of her.

Yeah, because even without taking into consideration its not a metroid game it still has a ton of flaws. But to be fair, even with all its flaws its still not fun

Is it bad to say it? No. On the contrary. It lets everybody know you're a retarded, contrarian faggot.

I unironically had fun with it.
pls no bully.

It has the best combat though.

No because Team Ninja did a good job. Only mentally ill metroid fans are against the game.

You should seek a mental health professional.

I had fun shitting on it.

OP, like always, is a faggot.

Yes, I hope you die tonight.

>mash d pad
>mash b
Wow, great combat


>the best looking Ridley
The fuck?

>It had the best combat, had an okay cast of characters, the best looking Ridley

This entire sentence is wrong.

I actually picked up my save game from 2010 this past summer. Apparently I only had 40 minutes of the game left, so originally I gave up right before the thing was ending.

It's at least a good looking game for what it is. Appreciated how the worked the 2D game into the 3D space. That being said, it played like absolute shit and the pacing was a mess. Also all that ANIME AS FUCK story needed to go.

Don't bully disabled people.

>Appreciated how the worked the 2D game into the 3D space
problem is: there was no reason to do this
The game had none of the benefits that 2D brings, nor did it fully utilize it's 3D environment.
And worst of all, Prime managed to successfully transition the series to 3D years while somehow sacrificing less of the metroid feel in the process than other m did

This, Samus Returns is what Other M should have been.

They didn't give her a character in this game, they just gave her a voice that she uses to mumble about nonsensical horseshit.

and it's not like metroid fans actively dislike characterization
I mean, virtually all the space pirate characterization was invented by retro and the fans loved it

Agreed, Prime was too dudebro CoD shit. This was a good proper metroid game

>This was a good proper metroid game

>more Other M apologists

Although Ridley looked dumb, I did really enjoy the cutscene before the battle. It made Ridley seem a worthy villain for Samus, and more intimidating.

Having her actually scared of him, and her flash backs to seeing him as a child after he killed her parents or whatever gives Samus more personality. Instead of being an emotionless bounty hunter, she's still a person who has some fears.

even Sakamoto regretted doing the game (movie)

I wish 343 Industries had the same thought patterns when it comes to expanding Halo beyond games, I rather just have games, books, and comics, nothing else.