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>poison by throwing dung

*kills him over the span of 15 minutes by running in and out of the stairwell and slashing once*

Anyone else excited for the remaster?

no. its literally pointless on pc



*raises paw*

Really? I thought parrying this cunt was the most obvious thing ever

Havel is excellent parry practice

>find npc
>run away/avoid it / dont overcome it
keep playing call of duty its more on your mental field

*roll, backstab, r2* heh.. nothing personnel


>tfw you learn how to cheese him straight after starting
>let him climb the stairs, run past him, and backstab him so he falls off the edge
>repeat a bunch of times, each fall he takes a percentage of his health in damage
Gravity OP

Cute hooves, furfag

don't bully Havel, he is a good boy

the animations take longer and it's only takes one fuckup. you can combine slashes between backstabs in the same time easier.

I thought Havel was a regular enemy so I didn't really thought him to be memorable.
I did died several times though.

I tried cheesing but that didn't work. It would've taken like 20 backstabs to kill him and even one fuckup meant death. So I lured him outside the tower but the fat fuck fell down through the broken section of wall, onto the wooden platform below. I jumped down but the idiot fell below to his death.

I didn't get the ring. Used a save editor so it was alright in the end tho

*ladder-slides below the world*


>So I lured him outside the tower
Literally fake news.


Never understood why he and Ciarin are human sized while everyone else is a giant.

When did you play the game last? I played it for the first time back in 2013 on pc, and he used to turn back at the entrance back then. I played again last year and he followed me outside.

It's a commonly used theatre technique.

not that guy but it's a dsfix glitch, like how you get stuck sat at a bonfire if you restore humanity and quit out the menus too fast


are they common bugs?`ive never heard about them before and havent experienced them either during 100hrs of play

This shot/scene was one of the most unintentionally hilarious things i've seen in movies i swear

I have the 'stuck at the bonfire' one all the time because I'm too impatient and I'm mashing circle as soon as the animation for becoming human has started.

I've only had the ladder one three or four times, but apparently for some people they're really common

They only appear in a few places and only at 60.
A few other quirks are the shitty jumps you get at higher framerate as well as previously walkable paths turning into sharp edges.
If you never noticed anything i'd have to guess your frames are taking a dip.

it's a meme, you dip. they are standing next to each other, not meant to be seen as eye to eye.

Oh, and by outside, I mean the stairway from which you enter the tower, not the wall where you fight taurus demon.

>boohoo 20 backstabs without a mistake is too much
Bitch I didn't even backstab or parry

the only thing dsfix has ever done for me is making the jump to get back to the crow and undead asylum impossible at 60fps

Yeah, but if you time it wrong you get rekt in a single hit.

yup. It's not even like something you'd need a guide or a soapstone message to know. 30 minutes into this game I was backstabbing this dude hoping he wouldn't break my guard. From there on out his ring was permanently glued to my finger.

Honestly, it's mostly annoying for me because i want to use the speedrun tricks like blighttown and duke skip.
You just toggle it off and it's not that big a deal but still annoying.

>can't pull off 20 backstabs on a heavy-rolling super choreographing fatlord
>didn't reload so the ring would spawn
>used a save editor

I'd be too anxious about accidentally dropping those cans when putting them on the counter

>didn't reload so the ring would spawn
I did. It was lost for that playthrough

^read notes

>can't pull off 20 backstabs on a heavy-rolling super choreographing fatlord
I probably could have if I tried, but let's be honest - it's extremely boring.

none of them are human so I don't suppose it matters to them. Smoug and Ornstein change sizes when they eat each other so maybe it relates to their power. By the time you fight gwyn he's withered to the size of a man but his daughter or the illusion of her is huge while gwyendolin is smole

The gods are also known as giants for a reason. Also in dark souls universe size = power most of the time when it comes to non-humans

is it actually boring or are you just not good enough to avoid getting one shot?

They are never referred to as a giants.

so are the non-divine giants the spawn of man and gods?

I would rather not circle around one enemy for 10 minutes like a retard. I tried to do it the smart way but this game has shit programming.

so you're bad and have to cheat

You can literally just stagger him with the zwei until he drops dead.

lol keep defending poor programming. The whole world knows that japs can't code to save their lives.
I play games for my own enjoyment, not to appease Sup Forumsirgins.

because Ciarin is a Lord not a God

>buy rapier cheap get the etsoc or get a bandits knife
>use a shield with at least 50 stability so he dosn't crush through your guard if you fuck up
>use a resin
done in less than a minute no effort or skill required

programming seems fine when i can beat him every time with any gear setup

maybe you're just stupid and dumb lol

I can master shitty encounters and games too, doesnt mean theyre any less shitty

You're starting to sound like DSP.

>I can master shitty encounters and games too
obviously not if you have to cheat past some of the simplest shit in the game

>well known bug that's even noted in the wiki
>you're just stupid and dumb lol

Stay mad, soulsfag. The game is mediocre and the only draw is the bosses. No wonder the sales were shit.

>The whole world knows that japs can't code to save their lives.
yet they release game after game that are almost bug free compared to even AAA western releases. They're the MacGyver of coding they'll have the back end all hooked up with improvised solutions and code sampled from elsewhere but on the user end everything runs clean.

its easy to release bug-free games when you make weebshit and games for literal children

Maybe but then I would be a zwei using faggot and who would want that?

>yet they release game after game that are almost bug free compared to even AAA western releases.
You think thats a gotcha but it isn't. What it really shows is how mechanically simple most jap games are. I'm not here to defend western AAA but your point is fucking retarded.

yeah because we're not talking about arpgs here or anything. You're moving the goalpost preemptively. A lot of western and japanese action games use the same engines so you can easily see the difference the skill of the coders makes.

>play on 60 fps
>basic stuff stops functioning correctly
>almost bug free

>modding a game made out of half improvised solutions
you're just asking for it

Yes, it's a bad mod to good code

>unstable framerate

Kill yourself.



here's something funny about the game: AI behavior like this literally changes based on if you have v-sync on or not
it's especially weird when it comes to behavior based on walls, where sometimes an enemy standing close to wall decides to rush at you when you get close enough to a nearby wall even before they see you. sound alone isn't enough to make enemies start approaching you.

*goes out of the door and then comes back again until you die*
Nothin personnel

Dragon Tooth R2 looks janky as fuck, it took me a long time to learn to read it properly. I wouldn't mind if the remaster took a closer look at some weapon animations.


He's so easy to backstab, you don't even need a cheese strat

It's the only game I give a shit about coming out soon so yea

So is Ciaran small because she's accumulated less power than the other knights?

>low soul level
>high level gear
>toxic weapon
>hornet ring
She's literally a smurf character

God I wish this was real