That's just sad

That's just sad.

>star allies
los soyaniños

Kirby games are so fucking boring JFC


>Tfw Idort and usually love my Nintendo consoles the best because they offer me the most unique games
>Then the Switch happens

switch is wii u drought all over again

Yeah why doesnt kirby have a funky mode

los infantes del poroto

>Hahah the switch is a success, Sup Forums is just doom saying shitposter they said
>I laugh at them now again and I told them so, I say

They're already going through a drought, I knew they blew their load too early.
The only other game I can see coming out this year to save them is probably smash, but again that's just gonna be a glorified wii u port.

Maybe, just maybe if they're lucky they'll get a pokemon game out this year

They could've at least filled out the space around that empty shit. It just emphasizes how much they have coming from them.

>nintendo sells a zillion switches
>forgets to make any compelling games
>switch cant handle xbone/ps4 ports
its like the wii all over again

inb4 someone tries telling me the wii won its generation

A shitty half assed pokemon game you mean? who cares about that zombie cash cow. The only people that play that is people chasing their childhood and literal ten year olds.

>They're already going through a drought, I knew they blew their load too early.
February-Bayonetta 2
April-Probably Hyrule Warriors
May-Tropical Freeze+Dark Souls

What drought?
>hurr but ports!
From a console barely anyone owned.

>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Project Octopath Traveler
>Mario Tennis
>Bayonetta 3
>mainline Fire Emblem
>mainline Pokemon
>Kirby Star Allies
>Metroid Prime 4
>possibly another side-scrolling Metroid.

What else do you fucks actually want? Honestly, if you don't like anything that's on the Switch currently already or anything slated to come out, then it was obviously never the console for you.

>forgets to make any compelling games
When did THIS happen?

I'm okay with barely any games coming out. I bought my switch because they announced SMTV, Metroid Prime 4, and pokemon plus I wanted to play SMO and Zelda. I already have so many games I haven't played on my one, ps4, and computer it's not like I don't have shit to play.

I just hope they can fix my gyro issues without having to give me some refurb bullshit

So this puts them at...8 or 9 decent exclusives in less than a year? How many did Microsoft and Sony have again?

You can finish everything that's out for the switch in two or three weeks then NOTHING.
That's what people is bitching about.
>Why don't you buy every port and indie that has been ut for other consoles and pc for years lol

One after two years..

>switch cant handle xbone/ps4 ports
Microsoft and Sony can't handle PC ports you mean?

>8 or 9
List them
And what else fuckboy

it's useless arguing with Sup Forums about this topic because you can literally point out every game on the Switch that's actually selling or has received good reviews and they'll just cry foul cause it shatters their narrative. Never mind that Splatoon 2 has sold like 5 million copies, that mario Odyssey and Zelda have sold like 8 million or more or that Arms and mario kart have sold more than a million. No one has any games to play on this thing.

Don't forget Mario Tennis somewhere between April and June.

This is far from being a drought and we might be as few as 10 days away from Switch's one year anniversary Direct

>pc exclusives

Nice try but Zelda, splatoon, Stardew Valley and XC2 prove you wrong sweetie

it has 2 good games and the rest are generic shit

>This is far from being a drought and we might be as few as 10 days away from Switch's one year anniversary Direct

there's also E3

>What else do you fucks actually want?
All they want is non-stop shitposting.

How the fuck can any adult gamer go through a drought with any console? Even with a part time job most people wouldn't have so much time on their hands that they need to buy more than 1 game a month, and I doubt most Switch owners have even purchased every worthwhile 2017 game.

It's better than nothing.

Lol ok

Nigger I am still playing XC2. The game has a ridiculous amount of content.


My friend already finished botw and XC2.
Not everybody is gonna play everything there is out for the switch. You drones just scream games but just because they are there doesn't mean there are enough games for everybody.
Once he plays metroid and kirby, he won't have anything left to play on his switch. He hates me when I remind him that.

is it though?

i'm still waiting on my second game for the ps4.
i'm really disappointed with that piece of shit console.
meanwhile i get great game after great game on the PC.

For sure

>nobody bought it lets port it and sell it for full price
its okay when nintendo does it

>You can finish everything that's out for the switch in two or three weeks then NOTHING
How's the 4th straight year of Bloodborne?

>What else do you fucks actually want
a Wario game, is it TOO MUCH to Ask for a New one

It’s just underage shitposters. These people dont work and have probably never thought of the concept of a backlog. Even as a NEET there are too many games to play if you own more than one platform.

>Doesn't count


>You can finish everything that's out for the switch in two or three weeks then NOTHING.

You obviously haven't seen my friends list. I have a Japanese chick on my friends list who's pumped nearly 800 hours on Splatoon and another dude who has pumped 400 hours into Bomberman R.

>>Why don't you buy every port and indie that has been ut for other consoles and pc for years lol

It's funny cause a lot of those are actually selling very well on the Switch. Some of them have sold better on Switch than on other platforms. People like to play their favorite games on their preferred consoles, even if they're available on another one, shocking, I know.

>Switch will do worse than the Wii U I say
never listen to Sup Forums

What did people have to play on the ps4 at this point in its lifespan?

That completely depends on how much time you spend on vidya and how good you are at it

The problem is that most Nintendo games are piss easy and can beaten pretty quickly. Paired with the their terrible third party support, it can be easy to find yourself in a drought

What's funny is that you haven't even played the 30+ games released because you don't even have a switch.

>anecdotal evidence
How was highschool today?

i hear nintendo will be rereleasing the gb ones on switch VC, and dont think your 3ds versions will transfer over either

Talk about it, I bought Zelda and Splatoon 2 when I got my Switch, later on I only dared to use my time with Mario Odyssey when it comes to a single player experience and Overcooked + 1 2 Switch for when I wanted to have some fun with my friends. That's about it, I just don't have the time anymore with college + full time job to play and explore the Switch library.

Becoming adult is insane, and I'm not even engaged or have children, imagine just how much free time those kind of people have??

>mfw if you brought a ps4 in the same timeframe bloodborne the first game worth buying on that system would be releasing in july
>mfw if you brought a wiiu the wonderful 101 and pikmin 3 would be all you would be playing until super mario 3d world comes out march with tropical freeze launching june
>people still try to tell me the switch has a drought when the only issue is that nintendo haven't announced their entire lineup for the next 2 years like the remainder of the competition

Weeb shit and multiplats
Also digimon and dragon quest builders which you love to meme that don't exist because it is convenient to say this

This. I have an Xbox, a Switch, a 3DS and a budget laptop for all my games, and I'm still trying to find the time to go through all the stuff I bought months or nearly a year or two ago in some cases. i wish there was a game drought sometimes just so I would stop buying shit and throwing it in a corner.

I don't know because I haven't went to one in 15 years.

>plenty of indie games I've never played
>Ports of Wii U games I never played
>Original games like Odyssey
>lots of eShop titles

Switch is the console for me, bros. I love it.

*Ahem* The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. *walks away*

So you have only bought nintedo shit, then yes it is the console for you.
If one isn't poor and has more than one console, then it is not a good choice though.

At this point in the lifespan those 2 games aren't releasing until 2019 mid year

lol wow, that's some 12 year old shit

>all the e-shop shit I haven't finished cause I keep buying stuff on impulse.

It's hilarious how this pic will never not be relevant.

>Le Bloodborne XD

If you people seriously think Mario Tennis or Kirby are “worthwhile” then I'll say shit like Killzone Shadowfall or Driveclub were “worthwhile”

This. Switch getting Mario, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2 in the first fucking year sealed the deal for me.

Thats just great because I dont own a shitty Pii-U console

ok gayboy go play as your pink ball and hairy monkey

>If one isn't poor and has more than one console, then it is not a good choice though.

You have it the other way around.

If you're looking for an all-in-one gaming platform cause you're a poorfag who can only afford one thing, your best option is a fucking PS4. But if you have multiple platforms already, the Switch is best as part of a combo or trio, especially if your other platforms include a PC or an Xbox.

that doesn't really make any sense

Wouldn't even stoop low enough to call killzone shadowfall or driveclub close to those games, but I'm not calling Mario Tennis or Kirby Worthwhile.

In theory Hyrule Warriors: DE should be come soon as well since the Japanese release is in March.

I want both of those, and I don't own a Switch.

>the only issue is that nintendo haven't announced their entire lineup for the next 2 years like the remainder of the competition
This, I'll take surprise announcements of games that are coming out in a few months over big reveals for games that won't be out for another two or three years any day.

Sure if you play vidya for 8 hours a day, but I know you don't because you don't play vidya, you sit here and post on Sup Forums

I'm better than most, that doesn't mean I don't take my time with games, I bought SMO and BotW 4 months ago, it took me a month to get the 880 moons and I'm still halfway in BotW, I have way too many games and a shitton of free time, but I don't play more than 2 hours in one sitting.

Kirby is the only Nintendo property that's never had a bad game.

I will and I'll be having the time of my life, thanks. You should give them a chance too if you like video games at all. You're seriously missing out.

But nintedo fags usuallly get a switch because they are poor. They are also all casuals, since they beat marios and zeldas.

>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Mario&Rabbits Kingdom Battle
>1-2 Switch
>Super Bomberman R
[spoilers]Senran Kagura Shinobi Refle[/spoilers]
This just in games that came out, theres still plenty other exclusives to come

Granted not all exclusives are good, but I have the decency of counting the Yakuza series and Hokuto no Ken as PS4 exclusives alongside Bloodborne

Tropical Freeze is the best 2D platformer ever made. Seriously, that game alone is worth the price of the console.

It's never had a good game either. Kirby games just kind of “exist”

>Switch 2018 lineup

squeek squad is shit

Superstar exists so you are objectively wrong.

>But nintedo fags usuallly get a switch because they are poor
>Switch $299
>PS4 $299

>PS4 2013 and 2014 lineup

Come on, Nintendo, or KT, whoever is publishing it, you don't even have to localize shit, I need to play that shit now.

What I hate the most about all of this is paid online is coming and if you want to play MK8D or something once in a while your gonna need to cough up some money for it. Shit aint worth it.

They expected third parties to make exclusives or technically exclusives (same in name only) for it, handheld-style. Marketing as a home console and not killing the 3DS ASAP played a cruel joke with them, though.

It had excelent games already user
>Kirby Dreamland 3
>Kirby Superstar Ultra
>Kirby Planet Robobot
>Kirby Return to dreamland(4 player co-op only)

These are the best ones in the series

It is kinda weird they haven't announced a release date, because outside of some new menus there really isn't anything to translate.

I guess they don't want to announce one and eat into Kirby's or Tropical Freeze's sales.

Switch is their only console, genius.
If you aren't poor you have at least two things, PC + something or switch ps4+ other thing.


>1-2 Switch

>But nintedo fags usuallly get a switch because they are poor.

Wut? The console itself is 300 bucks, if you want an extra pair of joycons so you can get the most out of your local multiplayer or have spares in case your main pair fuck up, that's like 60 to 80 bucks. the average first party retail game is 60 bucks, even something like Splatoon 2 which is the same cost as Zelda, the pro controllers are like 50 bucks for a standard and as much as 120 on the used market for the collector's versions. Then there's the amiibos which are 13 dollars a pop brand new, assuming you get them before they're scalped. You also have to buy a carrying case with microfiber cloth and screen protectors if you plan on taking that shit out with you portably, that's another 25 bucks. Then you're gonna have the Labo games + kits for 70 and 80 bucks.

The Switch is one of the most expensive consoles on the market right now

user, do you expect them to be writting on Sup Forums through the Switch?

>What is Hey! Pikmin

It's not coming till September and we still don't know any details. There's still time for them to think things through and keep online play free and just make a plus subscription service.

if we're counting side games then kirby air ride is trash too. And no, no amount of nostalgia makes that game good

>implying it was bad instead of just being bland and mediocre.