What do you think?

What do you think?

is it the monsters for the first DLC to monster hunter world or what is it?

Print it out, tilt the camera, and give it really bad lighting. Then I'll believe it's real.


Fake and gay. But that Fire starter is cute.

I'm 90% sure that it's fake, and that it'll be better than the real starters

I like the platypus

I'll remain skeptical
But they are pretty damn cute

Could see myself using the fire or water type
Water starter reminds me of Totodike and Squirtle for some reason

I love all three of these, which means it has to be fake.

I love how the fake leakfags are always patternfags too.

They should stop making stupid new pokemon and make a mmorpg for pc and drop the nintendo bullshit I hope nintendo crashes soon

Not enough motion blur.

For what fucking purpose? Why would you need a party? It would be the same fucking game except cost billions of dollars to see other faggots running around.

Gen 6 was already an MMO

There's a new generation already?
SunMoon only came out like two fucking years ago.

No, there's not, just fags so desperate for Pokemon on the Switch they started to believe it's coming soon.

I like the designs, so it likely isn't real


if I'm not wrong, there's a photo taken of a Switch screenshot of Pokemon supposedly for the Switch.

The pokemon the player has seems strikingly similar to the bunny in these concepts. Either someone's going all out to try and pull our legs or someone's leaking this shit little by little. Probably the former, I've seen people do a lot of shit, but who knows.

It's a safe assumption that Pokemon Switch will be a new generation, since every hardware leap thus far has been, though that's still not guaranteed.

It was announced in June 2016 with a release window of "a year or more" (accurately reflected in financial reports as "2018 or later"), a fairly significant amount of onlookers see Pokemon Switch as a late 2018 or early 2019 title.

Are you talking about this ?

Cause it's already been debunked

ah here it is

but it seems like it was already debunked in the same thread

ninja'd by seconds kek

dispute it

They look fine. None of them really grabs me as something I want to train, though.

so what's up with the ass-peeved janimod that was on the loose mauling the previous threads left and right earlier this morning like what's their beef? ROFL and it was fucking video games for Christ's sakes