>No good Super Mario World sequel
>no F-zero sequel
>no Star Fox sequel
>no Metroid Fusion sequel
>no Mario RPG sequel
>no Yoshi's Island
JUST fuck my shit up to be quite honest

I don't understand you fucking Mario RPG purists. I can understand hating the RPG series now but to completely shove games like TTYD, Paper Mario and SSS under the bus is fucking absurd.

>TTYD, Paper Mario and SSS under the bus is fucking absurd.

They're all a pretty big stepdown from SMRPG lets be real here

It's good but not like super mario rpg

Star Fox Zero is really good if youre good at video games.


>what is SMW2
>what is F-Zero X
>what is Star Fox 2
>what is Metroid: Other M
>what is SMRPG2
>what is literally SMW2 (again)

All of those games exist you faggot. Take off your stupid glasses.

I'm talking about after 1999
>Metroid: Other M
Fuck you ACfag

>wanting a sequel to the second worst metroid game

How can fusion be the second worst when there are THREE metroid prime games? It can only, by definition, be 4th worst on anyone's list.

how obsessed can you be? you even pop up in non metroid threads. No one thinks fusion is better than prime 1-3

Is it that crazy that there's more than one person who thinks the Prime series is utter garbage?

no, there are plenty of idiots. These people don't qualify as "humans" though

>How can fusion be the second worst when there are THREE metroid prime games
because fusion is a far, far shittier game than the prime trilogy? Yeah thanks for abandoning exploration and interconnectivity while shoving in pointless (unskipable) cutscenes and handholding. Fusion is every a metroid game shouldn't be and that's proven by other M which used it as a template

Fusion is definitely on the weakest end of Metroid titles, but it's miles above non-metroid trash like Prime.

As bad as Other M is, at least it vaguely resembles a Metroid title. The Prime games simply don't, and the only mongoloids who enjoy them are people who were 12 when the GC came out, and MP was their first exposure to both first person and "Metroid".

prime 1 is the true successor to super, no matter how much you throw a tantrum this won't change. It focused on exploration, isolation, and interconnectivity, something fusion should have done. Anyway, prime 4 will be a roaring success with SR being forgotten already anyway. People are clamoring for even a port of the prime trilogy, no one gave a shit about a full on remake of a 2D game

Other M is good.

is this alternate reality arino

No, it's his partner. I figured most EOPs would have figured that out by now, what with the minecraft shit getting subbed.

haven't watched any gccx in last 3 years tbqh

Fuck off retard.

Other M takes place before Fusion

AtvGame Center DX they played recent releases and it was done by Arino's comedy partner