How is this even legal?

How is this even legal?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's probably not

>agreeing to the EULA

>Microsoft game expansion
>Steals personal information
When that company is sued into the ground, they'll just use another company they created for the purpose of stealing information.

Only affects pirates
>dump that cracker's information needed for us to gain access to those illicit websites, so we could then forward the information to proper legal authorities
p clever desu

>PC gaming
>not full of scam, spyware and drm

EULA are soft shit

>Microsoft is literally evil
Fuck off.

>going to such lengths to combat piracy
How about just, you know, make a good game and not be total fucking twats about it? Sounds incredible but those two things can do miracles.

>Steam has been infecting users with tracking spyware for years
>but now a small company doing the same thing is bad
explain this double standard to me

they aren't even making a game, they're just the plane models

It's not legal and doing this isn't clever. Evidence has to be gathered in a way that is legal and follows very strict rules otherwise it just gets thrown out.

It's not about piracy, it's about selling informations.

US company. Those guys fault for buying microsoft products.

EULA doesn't hold in court cause everyone fucking knows that no one reads that shit.

>Steam has been infecting users with tracking spyware for years

You have a single fact to back that up?

>Sup Forums welcomed this kind of people

They're probably just doing DMCA takedowns on the links user.

Moral equivalence

Remember that time Street Fighter installed a rootkit onto every PC it was downloaded onto for "DRM"?

>Not evil
Did you somehow miss the Xbox One presentation? Microphone that is always on, with a camera that is always on, yet you have to upload data or the system locks is that not Big Brother tier evil?

>pirates insects getting doxed
I know it's illegal but I say go ahead.

Only affects pirates, so the pirates don't really have a case to sue them over this since they're committing illegal acts in the first place.

>only affects pirates
>hundreds of hackers now know a backdoor exists that they can use to get anybody playing flight simulator's sensitive information
>surely this will never effect me, the paying consumer

how do you think they collect data?
they don't send you a questionnaire to fill out.

The only people who could unironically say this shit are underage niggers that have only seen the side of Microsoft that presents as a cool fun company for all the hip millennials, yo!
Anyone who witnessed the shit they pulled just a couple decades ago would shun them til death, but begrudgingly use Windows cause muh vidya.
t. /gee/

This. Pirates are criminals after all.

user, Microsoft has been sued for billions by the EU for their practices in the past. This is going to a whole new level.

>Only affects pirates
Bull fucking shit.

Still gonna pirate it fags.

They can still sue. You never heard of criminals getting hurt in the middle of committing a crime then suing whoever was responsible for it?

Besides, on the scale of things piracy is a small, insignificant crime while harvesting and stealing private information through the use of malware is much more serious.

It's not a backdoor though. It sends data to FSLabs over SSL if it detects that you used a fake CD key.

Performing a crime against a criminal isn't legal, you know.

>If someone commits crime against us we can commit crime against them
While I am not one for the currently bloated Legal system we have now, going full ANCAP is no better either

No, but pirating games isn't either. All pirates should be gassed

Enjoy getting your cc infos stolen and losing all your money to a russian thief.

they're agreeing to it tho and trying to circumvent the DRM, so they obv know what they're getting into

Who cares, criminals don't deserve any right. You're not gonna tell me you wouldn't burst the face of a pirate if you could get away with it?

Microsoft didn't do this, this is a 3rd party expansion

ummmm, user?

No eula is legally binding.
It will not hold up in a court of law.

>make an illegal copy of someone's car
>copy blows up when you try to drive it
>try to sue manufacturer

You don't see a difference between stealing passwords vs sending information if your're online and what game you're playing? In that matter any console with online features and friend's list is a spyware.


So this thing is supposed to access the password manager the the Google Chrome browser that I have not installed because fuck spyware, bypass my autistically configured firewall and send the devs the passwords I don't use/store in my gaming PC because I have a clean dedicated machine just for important stuff.
Wow, genius. Really got me there.

Irrelevant. Just because someone signs a contract, does not give you carte blanche to break the law however you want.

user, the purpose of the article is to show people to avoid that game at all costs.

If your doctor injects you with poison that only activates if you are prison, it doesn't change the fact that he injected you with poison.

If you're talking about a EULA, most company-made EULAs don't hold up in court at all.

The 8th Circuit case of Davidson & Associates v. Jung determined that such clauses are enforceable, following the Federal Circuit decision of Baystate v. Bowers.

That shamelessly admits they are doing illegal activities? No, this is a front for Microsoft.

>be retarded
>make retarded posts on the internet
>try to sue when someone tells you to kill yourself

kill yourself

There are lawyers who specifically takes cases over this shit contracts. I bet some lawyer with a big nose is rubbing his hands right now.

>food analogy

The flight sim people aren't the ones breaking the law, tho. It's the pirates.

It's got "Microsoft" in the title, that should have been a warning.

Yes and? If you're not a criminal, there's no problem.

Making and distributing malware that steals information from a computer is infact illegal, much more than piracy and can result in prison time.

it's all the same to me. the thing is, i don't fall for it like the millennials do. no fucking way would i ever install the steam_virus.exe for a game. I lol'd so fucking hard when steam, got hacked.

the steamvirus.exe is the very definition of spy/malware.

>American legal system
>Being fine with something that kills you if you are wrongly accused
user, are you by chance, retarded?

did you miss the part where bill gates took over the world with his insane business practices? If you aren't familiar you should educate yourself, he basically cornered the market and created a monopoly, and you think they aren't evil because bill gates said he is only gonna leave his kids like 1-2 billion dollars when he dies and donates the rest to charity

Not if you agree to it.

>install windows 10
>agree to telemetry
>sue microsoft

>implying I live in America

EULA isn't legally binding but also
>Have to accept EULA after you've already bought it.
Well, hmmmmm.

EULAs are circle jerking shit anyways. It's corporations wanting to rewrite the law, the way they want to make their egos feel bigger.

It's illegal if you didn't know you agreed to it.

What about people that have some game roms for their NES emulator? Should they be gassed too?

And you're just a butthurt pirate. Hopefully they've stolen your credit card infos and sell them to some chink scammer.

In the US it actually is.

The European commission laughed in Microsoft's face and fined them $10bil for fucking with Firefox and other non-IE browsers on their OS. The European commission punching American mega-corps in the dick while the US government can do fuck all is about the only good thing about the European Union.

>providing didn't know
>proving actual damages from this when you're pirating it in the first place
yeah no

Microsoft isn't stealing passwords with Windows 10.

Besides, I'm almost certain there is no EULA for this addon and it almost certainly doesn't mention a virus of any kind.

Threads like this are the reason why nobody takes PC gaming seriously. You're all just filthy pirates and should kill yourselves.

I hope so too. Because the millions I make from suing them is more than my bank account has in it right now!

The contracts' enforceability depends on whether the state has passed the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act laws.

Ow, I think I lost 5 IQ points reading this post, please do us a favor and never post again

guess how many terrabytes i've uploaded in the past month.

Of course?

yea but he's not wrong

Discussing theft...while the thieves claim they are only targeting thieves. No, user. We're discussing a reason why consoles will always exist.

I have a friend who had issue of getting all his money stolen. He's living like a hobo nowadays because his bank doesn't even want to pay back the money he has. He's in serious dept as a result. You won't sue anyone, you will just lose your home and die on the street. You need money to sue, you won't have any you retarded pirate.

I'll be happy to live in a country that doesn't let corporations rewrite the law for free then. No skin off my back.

>its not a backdoor
>it just sends a little bit of data containing all of your chrome install's information if some already reverse engineered DRM decides for any reason your CD key isn't legit
>how could anybody use that for evil?
i'm sure that was the same pitch the NSA used to get intel and windows to collaborate on meltdown

>game devs slip dildo into anus of whoever plays the game
>except that paid customers actually get lubed

I didn't read it, but it's probably a blanket catch-all like agreeing to sending personal data.

I don't think you know what backdoors are.

trying way too hard

Now you're making up bullshit. Banks are insured against things like theft and fraud and legally required to reverse transactions and return any money lost because of these.

I wonder how much you're being paid to post here? No worry, your boss is about to lose his home and die on the street.

>user goes to work
>needs to use his keycard to access his place of work
>nope, I won't do it, it will record the time of me entering that building, therefore it's a spyware
>break a window with a brick to enter
>much better

>user walking down the street
>sees a camera monitoring the sidewalk
>enters the busy street to avoid being recorded, because it is a spyware
>gets wrecked in a car accident
>much better

>user needs to make a phone call
>the phone company knows when he's in range of their communication towers, therefore it's spyware
>write a formal letter
>but without return address, as it's a form of spyware too
>wait 2 weeks for answer
>much better

>being a 3rd worlder
Guess that explains your lack of intelligence.

not even. most prolly don't even remember gabe doing the apology.

>not living in the woods, and not being your own boss, i guess. the system owns you if that is what you're going through.

-posted from my samsung device using tapatalk.

As far as the law is concerned there are different kinds of personal information. It's simply not legal for certain kinds of information to be harvested.

[citation needed]

It's me user refuses to accept a working position with drastic unacceptable "security" norms.

>People are taking too much ketchup from the dispenser
>I know we'll just kill everyone who takes more than one little plastic cup!
>It's okay because they're pirating our ketchup!

how you dum-dums sound

Has microsoft outsourced their shill program to literal children?

Then fuck you, pirating games is a necessity to preserve it's existence, no way I'm gonna pay nintendo three times now to play 30 years old game. Games that are on abandonware sites are for me to download legally and you can't do anything about it, same thing goes with amiga games, SNES games and any games I can't buy since there aren't physical copies to be found anywhere. And if by chance I pirate a game to see if it's worth my money, that's my right. Go suck a corporate dick some more kid

>government documents

I wish good luck to Microsoft trying to prove suing user was actually pirating his game WITHOUT using:
>If it triggered it means it was a pirate
OR without using their own program to gather proof.

>popular burger joint, BK!
>free refills
>a family of 5 insert race/colr walks in with gallon jugs and tops off
you've never been to america, have you?

what, it's FSLabs making plane DLC for Prepar3d

I do this everyday
they spend like 5 dollars on a giant bag of soda, if someone wants to risk their life stopping me from getting a free soda on BK's behalf, so be it

>>agreeing to the EULA
well, no part of the EULA disclosed the presence of test.exe, nor that it would extract login data

point stands still

(7) knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, or in connection with, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law; or

(7) the term “means of identification” means any name or number that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific individual

How fucked are your bosses right now?