Came out today

>Came out today
>Barely anyone is talking about it

Great marketing you've got there Konami

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I checked PSN for sales and was floored that this was out. I didn't even know it had a release date. Not that I care either way, I just found it particularly surprising.

It's not a Metal Gear game.

so does this have a solo mode, or is it one of them MP-only games

No thanks, i'd rather be play Gears horde mode with my friends instead

It has a solo campaign as well as a coop horde mode.

30 hour singleplayer campaign + MP including a bunch of different modes.

>as well as a coop horde mode.
It has more than just a horde mode doofus.

About 40 hours singleplayer campaign.


>barely anyone is talking about it
>Literally an APOLOGISE shitter thread every 5 seconds

A shame that the solo campaign is locked behind internet connection

I would have bought this

That's ok user, just don't do it again.

>say the game looks like shit
>get called a Kojima drone
>continue on with my life
>just realized the game released today
>mfw I'm still not going to buy it

I'm sorry to hear you don't have internet user, that must make it incredibly difficult to post.

i-i'm getting it on PC tomorrow. W-wanna p-p-play together?

>Came out today
The beta versions came out today, the definitive version comes out tomorrow.

that's not the point

nice source there faggot.

only if you show me your boi pussy after we're done. Otherwise get out of my unit.

>>only zombies they said

I don't have one

still getting this fking SHIT on ps4 what the fuck do I do Sup Forums bros? I WANT TO FUCKING PLAY!!!

>>just boring shit they said

fine...only if you give me all your survivor coins after we're done.

>not playing naked


Let me correct you.
It's not a Metal Gear Solid game.


I also enjoy playing Monster Hunter

stop trying to force this meme

he's crouching

beta was boring, had no interest
i'll look up the story on jewtube in a few days

Ending leaks when?

T -25

I'd love to, but my social anxiety prevents me.

PC version isn't out yet, so I'm just waiting.

sure :)

How do I make more water!? I'm fucking dying of thirst and it says I need a pot to be able to purify this dirty water.


True end can only be achieved in MP after progressing to a certain point in SP.

Don't expect leaks any time soon.

Where can I buy MGV for cheap? cdkeys is pretty good at € 28.69. Any better?

How are the missions? Is it like V where you pick one and go out or an open world part where you just go and explore?

>Not having a mic in the current year

what? the fuck are you smoking here

True. Hey, whatever floats yer boat. I don't hate the game but I'm just not interested without the main characters and situations. To me, Metal gear will always be about using tactical stealth to navigate around human soldiers, with super soldier and mecha shit to provide extra challenges. I love MGSV's gameplay but I don't want to use it to do this dumb smash-n-bash zombie shit.

The zombies were the most boring part of MGSV precisely because they removed the intelligence and weaponry of a normal soldier. And Konami made an entire game out of that. NO THANKS.

>stream guy is at the end of the game
>still only has the exact 4 weapons that were in the beta available for crafting

OHN is just shitting on the game, its pretty funny.

still going to play it and enjoy it

Persistent open world.

you're always in the open world in the singleplayer. you just run to where you want to go

>no ptt
open mics in the current year?

if only there was push-to-talk option. I don't want strangers hear me farting

>He hasn't been watching the streams
Probably for the best, it won't ruin the surprise.

you THINK he is at the end of the game

I don't have much data left for wifi this month, how big is survive and is it true you need an internet connection to play?

Yeah that's pretty reasonable.

You're gonna braaaap and everyone's gonna hear it and you'll love it.

i am literally watching the guy who is building the traps for the Lord of Dust who as far as I know is the furthest along in the game

even if he isn't, he's at least 15 hours in. Why the fuck hasn't he unlocked more gear? You telling me the only weapons in this game is hammer, axe, machete, bow, assault rifle, shotgun, pistol and double-barrel shotgun?

~12GB + 3GB update (this is for PS4, not sure about PC yet), and yes, you need an internet connection to play.

Kojima fans come out as incredibly dense.


Probably because he's been rushing through without exploring?

i mean, he has 41% map explored
not like he is looking around or doing research, is he?

So what are the co-op modes? Is it just horde?
I found the basic game mechanics of the beta to be fun but I'm not into tower defense garbage.

So how does Sup Forums feel about Survive being a technical sequel to Rising?

I'll accept that if you can tell me any other streamer who has more gear than that, cause from what I'm seeing I ain't seen shit.
We WILL fight back, shills.

I don't care. We will never get anything on the level of MGS3 since the only good writer left, and I've had enough of Kojima.

I hope Konami keeps making mainline MGS games with an actual good writer and brings Hayter back.

no other streamer is as far as he is.
also i feel this is a lot about R&D from the base.
it's weird really, I think there is a lot more loot in the game than the singleplayer really throws at you
like this guy just got his first broken legendary, a shotgun and he is apparently at the "final boss"

how big is the map?

>go to OHN on twitch to watch drk play it
>stream titled "fuck everything about this"
>go into chat, chat sperging out, drk sperging out.
>say "lel drk salty"
>chat explodes
>drk explodes
>banned for 1439 hours.

what a little cucked nigger. waa waa i hate this game im going to play it.

This is the same faggot that cried the entire time he played mgsv and then played it 40 more times.

>I don't like your game, and that's why I'm giving you hundreds of $ to prove it

>he believes that's how the games ends
Sahelanthropus fight with that giant thing to. the EM gun alone wasn't effective.

>>buy game multiple time to leave bad reviews
that's smart as fuck

anyone? I'm basically living from clean bottle to clean bottle that I find in the wild

Same sizes as MGSV, they just added barriers to make it more linear, its actually pretty great.

both africa and afganistan?

you know even if you refund it your purchase counts for sale numbers, right?

Its irritating watching someone play a game and do nothing but bitch and moan
On the other hand its hard to play a game you really dont like just to see the end.

some nitpicks are justified. Like how slow looting is.

From what I've seen you only have those pieces of gear but they come in varying qualities.

>people are coming to the stream and literally ask "Are we allowed to like this game at all?"
It's like I'm really on Sup Forums

>go to gamestop to pick up my preordered copy
>fat guy behind me tries to grill me for getting it

gotta get those views
gotta get those subs for "sticking it to konami"
gotta get donations so they can "keep fighting the good fight"

this is streamer culture

weird, normally fatties prefer to fry things instead of grilling

There's something you can build at your base that allows you to boil water.

I refuse to buy games that lock single player behind internet

Fuck this game, don't buy it

embarassing. you should tell his manager.

Dang is that a pet cat? Care to share the race?

show me the streamer who did that
link it

Yeap, both maps.

We've already seen spoopy shit in the African jungles.

Made me giggle and jiggle.

Im usually pretty good about tracking when video games release and I had absolutely no cock fucking idea this came out today

It's a lynx.


nah, streamers and chat don't have to be this retarded.
this is fanboyism at its worst.

these people would suck a log of shit from kojimas asshole faster than the log meme gets posted on Sup Forums

I don't have the option of building one, is this unlocked later on?

I heard about an emergency offline mode

Anyone can be so dear to explain?