Nice gigantic map we spawn on here neighbour...

>nice gigantic map we spawn on here neighbour, let me leave all that empty Terra and settle literally right on the border of your capital

>"Let us let the world know we stand as friends" so you can't declare war on me and stop that settler sneaking into your empire

>Do you want to be my Ally? So I can not help you while you get raped by the Aztecs I just want to use the shared visibility to find where I'll be settling after your cities are gone

Is there an AI worse than that of the Civilization series?

Are the games even any good? The only thing I hear about them is how Ghandi is some sort of nuclear warmonger

Ek sha woo.

Why is that man in drag.

All I know is Amanitore can go fuck herself.

Brazil and Germany too, hating me for playing the game good.

They're fun for a little but the progression of each game is so goddam samey. Play one match you've played 'em all. They're just not enough force to each action, you know? But at the same time it's not so complex that it feels like you have to plan out that much.

The games are pretty solid for 1000 hours on King difficulty. Anything less is child's play and above is just an exercise in frustration. Your 200 hour game depends on your initial 3-4 settles, you either snowball and rape everyone or watch Gilgamesh swallow everyone while 20 techs ahead of you

The Ghandi Nukelord thing was a meme because of a bug in the first game. His aggressiveness score(I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong) was so low that if he did anything to lower it more, it would go so low it would wrap around to the max score, causing him to turn into a warmonger and start stockpiling nuclear weapons.

It was so funny that, even after the fixed the issue, they always keep Ghandi's likelihood of building nuclear weapons high.

Yeah they actually programmed him to be nuke happy in civ 4 and 5 on purpose. And now in civ 6 he pops up to say "having a weapon and using it are two different things" so he respects people with nukes and builds them himself but is unlikely to use them unless you piss him off

>1000 hours
what the fuck
the combat is literally "bump unit A into unit B" how in the name of Mary do you accrue so many hours into such a shallow and repetitive game

Its not just the combat. Civ is like csgo in that you play more the better you are at it. You just can't help but keep trying to optimize your steps in everything from tech to civics to where you settle and how you arrange industrial zones, which wonders to build etc. to make the best out of each civ. It's not just about winning, it's about winning in the best way possible.

that's wrong, his secret agenda is "nuke happy" every single game

>not using historical starts

>It's not just about winning, it's about winning in the best way possible.
So it's like grinding up to level 99 in a JRPG, I see. I mean if you actually cared about optimizing stuff you would play online against players.

>play against online players
>build great library
>60% of the server leaves

I do play online but that's a different animal since you must play on quick speed which makes production, science everything like 5 time faster and combat is a cluster fuck it's pretty much which one of you can click and promote faster. Don't get me wrong I enjoy that but to me civ has always been an afternoon tea, taking over the world one day at a time sort of thing

It's not in civ 6. It's "likes peaceful civs. Likes civs that own nukes" so if you own nukes he's much less likely to attack you

Keke... Or you know one of you spawns as scythia or Germany

>Nuke Happy: Has no hesitation to use nuclear weapons. Respects other civilizations that project strength with nuclear weapons.

why do western game "designers" insist on this shitty fucking manjaw thing on all their "female" characters?

Why do you ask if you already know the answer?

Leader agenda: peacekeeper

Never declares wars for which he can be branded a warmonger, and will try to befriend those who maintain the peace. Hates warmongers.

They're real addicting at the start when you're scrambling for land and fighting wars, but once you reach the point where you're guaranteed to win, but still need to spend 2+ hours to actually win it can get boring.

>playing feminist\SJW games
Stick to Civ4 and Civ5, soyboys.

They don't.
Secondly none of the caricatures in Civ 6 look flattering.

4 and 5 are good, 6 is utter trash even worse than vanilla 5

Nowadays I just stop if I manage to build Oxford or ruhr valley because I've never lost a game after grabbing either (or both)

I've always had games where one or two civs are on the brink of a scientific or culture victory but all I have to do is nuke them and destroy their spaceship factories, or nuke them and make them give me their art shit for peace and bam I win.

>6 is utter trash

Hate to shatter your bubble but 6 is the best in the series and this is coming from a civ3-4-5 bitter oldfag who wanted to hate it. Click "strategic view" and start learning how to count tiles like the rest of us and see how much fun it is.



why do you bumbling retards need every character in a video game to get your dick going?
the civ 6 style is cool and interesting, and it's thematically really strong. no one in the real world plays strategy games for good looking women, they play them because they want an intellectually stimulating experience. that's why these games should use a thematic, well thought out artstyle instead of "how cute can i make my anime girls xDDDD"

why is everybody so obsessed with cleopatra?

i don't get it. egypt has thousands of years of history and most people can only remember cleopatra and king tut. she was just some greek slut who spread her legs for every roman chad that gave her the time of day.

You try to coexist with civs only to find out it is folly. A terrible realization dawns: Each civilization is merely a potential enemy that must be either subjugated or crushed. Their machinations only serve to leech off your success or undermine your sovereignty.
If you're not slaughtering those around you displaying a hint of weakness, you're playing this game wrong.

There are no allies, just enemies you cannot murder yet.


nah Im good, enjoy your poorly balanced shitgame

what's wrong with this? Sup Forums loves fat bastard ugly ghoul looking characters.


>Do you want to be my Ally? So I can not help you while you get raped by the Aztecs I just want to use the shared visibility to find where I'll be settling after your cities are gone
Wrong, AI can freely see the entire map. It's why they build where they do - it's where shit like Uranium is.


>civs settle right on your borders
It's not even just Egpyt that does this, at least every other game I play some cunt fuck will decide that settling anywhere except DIRECTLY ON THE BORDER OF ONE OF MY CITIES just isn't worth doing

30 years later AI is still shit.

No matter what you give or share any AI will almost instantly go all super angry tard on you just about randomly.

I just wish diplomacy is more than preventing your immediate neighbors from attacking you right away.

Also sharing tech is pointless since the AI then instantly shares it with everyone else so it loses any sort of practicality.

la creature..

Shakespear dominates English-speaking culture in a way not even Disney can hope to match

>Also sharing tech is pointless since the AI then instantly shares it with everyone else so it loses any sort of practicality.

I don't play the new ones but IV gives you an option to prevent this.

Wrong. The ai will never settle or attempt to settle land that it has not previously "discovered" with a scout or some other unit. If you agree to share visibility then the ai will start sending settlers to fill in the spots you didn't.

Fucking Victoria. Settles "Leeds" on it's own next to kongo while London is 60 tiles away.

>forward settle to cut you off from land and thus resources
>you can also do the same when you're friends
>sure let's squander or at the very least delay my chances of winning by sacrificing my units to help someone get ahead of me in the game
the AI is making decisions many human players would make and somehow that is bad? why not complain about something that the ai actually does terribly, like perform trade deals that don't fuck them over, or the broken naval pathfinding, or promoting their units too early instead of maximizing health by only promoting when they're below half hp?

>plunk down within 12 tiles of a foreign city
>random fucking faggots keep storming my beaches and putting down pimple cities right on my borders to steal a resource
>absolutely no diplomatic penalty
>ah hello let us be friends
>no you faggot
>declare war
>no one wants to trade with me anymore unless I shell out my life savings and unique resources for some goddamn duplicate copper

Absolutely insufferable.
It's hard to play Civ 5 anymore now that I know how the game just feeds them currencies no matter what they build, and their bad habits are never punished. I love exploring the land of the civ that's beating me in tech, and they don't even have half of their capital's tiles improved at 1800 AD. Or worse, just trading posts on every tile.
And yet, they have a 26 pop city that beats me out on wonders, production, science, and settlers.

Eat shit.

Which is why King difficulty is patrician difficulty. They get 8% science and culture boost and 20% production boost so they actually build armies but it isn't ridiculously unfair. I mean you can win immortal or deity but why do that to yourself?

you people are hopeless. if your purpose in entertainment is to be sexually aroused, you are not a human, but an animal.

>and somehow that is bad?
Believe it or not some people would like the AI to behave the way civilization leaders would as to provide immersion within that simulated world.
If the AI was meant to simply play like a player there would be no reason to even have leader agendas/personalities to begin with.

How do I snowball in Civ games? I always go to war with 2 or 3 other civs and my city count gets stuck at 4

that's a good goy

Get lucky.

Absolutely not. It's just shitty programming, if the ai actually settles properly with respect to my boundaries like human players actually do I'm much less likely to rape its ugly 2 pop shite city to the ground And spend the rest of the game with the sole intent of destroying it. The way the game stands now I'm at war with at least half the civs at any given point and hated by the other half for 'warmongering', if you played games against humans you'll know wars very rarely start before artillery and infantry and tanks because everyone is just doing their thing building up their empires and trying to decide which victory they're going for.

build a shitload of wonders quickly before you get 3 or so cities and you'll be rolling in happiness and can expand more if you want or need

but usually by then my military is powerful enough to force a domination win

One unit per tile makes the game unplayable. AI is just too stupid to use it and it makes every war a boring unlosable slog. Stacks worked fine.

Which difficulty are you playing?

strategic view is the only thing I like about 5+6


First district is always campus. Second is always a commercial hub or harbor. Get those internal trade routes going, try for the colosseum. Tech Oxford university and factories early. Tech Cavalry if you're getting raped. If no one is raping you tech all the way up to research labs without teching cavs then go back to steel > combustion > helicopters to compensate.

>play civ 3
>beyond regent difficulty the AI literally cheats to provide a challenge
CAN MAKE A COMPUTER BEAT EVERY SINGLE CHESS CHAMPION BUT CAN'T MAKE AN AI PROVIDE A CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. I know it's an old game but if you are going to sell it on steam the least you could do is patch the AI like age of empires. Seriously just give the AI smarter build orders and strategies instead of Giving it an extra citiy more units and gold. I don't even mind the AI in newer civ games since the combat is so much slower because of impassable mountain terrain and no unit stacking. In civ 5 half the planet was uninhabited by 2050 basically all you do is turtle science.

*befriends you while he conquers everyone else*
I'm touched, Shaka.

there's way less going on in chess than a game like civ



Age of empires is more complex than either but they still made it work.

Who's superior /culture/ here?

He always spawns right next to me every game. I want to be bros, but I have to kill him. Put that bitch cleopatra next door.

Tech trading hasnt been in the game since 4. I remember rushing religion techs in 4 then trading them for other shit, because the techs were useless after you spawned the religions.

You're doing something seriously wrong with your build order if you cant dominate king.

Always go scout > slinger > settler. Try to get a kill with that slinger to boost archery. If you delay by even one thing the ai will grab all the land. As soon as you tech archery your cities should be impossible to be captured at least until knights.

If you're being stuck with 4 cities that means you're not taking the ai cities which is a piece of cake you just have to time it right. You can take 3 cities easy just with archers BEFORE the ai puts up walls (if you see blue bar above the green city bar with a defense strength above 40 then you're too late and have to wait for bombards) just a green bar you can take it with an Archer and a horseman. Blue bar and 20-30 a couple of archers and horsemen. Anything above you have to wait for knights and bombards.

Also what the other user said about internal trade routes. Never send an route unless you are Egypt or late game cultural victory.

Never played civ before, how do I git gud?

3 was the only bad civ game. Why even play it?

>they want an intellectually stimulating experience
Yeah user you're really intelligent for playing a fucking video game

Build settlers asap and get at least 3 cities, then focus on building a military. Once you're barbarian free and have a decent army garrisoned in your cities and guarding your borders start making builders an d city buildings

What is the best war game for a complete retard noob. Is Three Kingdoms a good place to start

Shogun 2 is pretty simple, since there's no shield units making archers OP

Start at prince difficulty not less not more. Play with strong civs at first:

Scythia, Germany, Aztecs and Rome and the most powerful in the base game. Get the hang of the mechanics then kick up to king and stay there for 500 hours. Try all the civs, get out of your comfort zone. Winning feels good but civ is at its worst when you're Winning.

Because it's the best one.

T.B.H., Civ Rev was my favorite. Must because I'm casual.

I would play this game again if I didn't need to spend an additional 70 dollars for all the dlc after already buying the base game

The only dlc worth buying is the persia/Macedonia add-on


wow you showed him

You know Cleopatra had manly features right? Of course you don't you dumb neckbeard weeb fuck

>pic related

>not australia

>Implying that using polygons to make characters grotesque is thematic.

t. cuck

I will try that now. Thanks. I am tired of never ever snowballing

Why do virgins think having a square jaw is a manjaw?

Have you ever seen a woman in real life? Many have square jaws.

>play any Civ game after 2
>just around the time the industrial age kicks in the turns start being 10 minutes each

Honestly, I don't see why anyone would bother

Remember you need at least 6 cities (4 of them with research labs and all with unis) and ruhr valley for a comfy science victory

8 cities (2 arch museums and 6 art museums) for a comfy cultural victory.

Only settle your core 4 cities the extra cities have to come from your opponents preferrably at these crucial moments

Knights while he still has horsemen
Cavs while he still has knights
Tanks while he still has Cavs

If you can't get the tech advantage then you have to join your units together to make corps and armies.

Always build a couple of catapults and upgrade later to bombards and artillery because those are a bitch to hard build.

And don't forget that Civic cards are there for a reason, don't build crosbowmen without the 50% off production medieval units card etc. Or the 50% discount from archers card

>"hey man help! I'm being attacked by the french!"
"lets team up and push them back!"
>uh ok I guess
>"wow! we pushed them back now were friends! hey man can I have 80% of your entire economy?"
>uhh no sorry I need that to advance
>"Faggots have declared war on you"
These games are literal shit. Diplomacy is like tits on a bull. Fucking pointless and just there to piss you off.

>boot up civ VI for the fifth time
>actually put up with the tutorial long enough to finish it
>start playing as Georgia
aw dude this is actually pretty comf
>nubia slaps a city far away from their capital next to mine
>have civ III flashbacks

Late game turns are only that long if you foolishly try to play on large maps with 10+ civs.