IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game

IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game
You're guaranteed it will be as good as The Wolf Among Us/Tales from the Borderlands/The Walking Dead Season 1

ok, after TLJ, fuck no.
Realistically Disney would never, and even then it'd be fucking atrocious.

>Disney would never
>What is GotG
>Implying the quality of the movies has anything to do with the quality of outside media
TWD show was, is, and has always been shit and the Fables comics were mediocre and TWD and TWAU were GOAT

Would never happen. Don't forget EA OWNS the license. Telltale will never make a Star Wars game.

Fallout and Elder scrolls.

>TLJ was a bad movie
In any case, yeah it would never happen and even the best telltale games are massively overhyped.


Guardians could literally be Banter the entire movie and I'd love it, it would fit well with TT but not Star Wars.

TLJ wasn't a bad movie, it was just mediocre. For a franchise with movies as good as Episodes III, IV, V, and VI, this shouldn't be acceptable.

My nigga, but all of the characters already have extremely developed personalities, who would be the MC? It would have to be an OC. Or maybe Miss Pauling, since she has the least character development out of all the main characters and she would be able to realistically interact with all the mercs without them immediately shooting her. It would be rad if Valve just foregoes the seventh comic issue and made it a playable series.

I really didn’t like how they handled Luke, Hamil’s frustrations are completely justified. A lot of the Rebels v. New Order stuff was also just lazy


The scenes with Rey and Kylo were good though

Scout would be the MC because his voice actor is the only person who cares about TF2 anymore

Ideally they’d give an episode to each of the individual cast and then a final one to wrap everything up

I would love to play as Miss Pauling

I want to see Telltale as a Chapter 13 story if you catch my drift

Kylo was the only character they even tried to give any depth to. Rey flirting with the dark side could have been good if daisy could act her way out of a wet paper bag.

>TTG anything
>SW anything that isn't a dogfighting game

>TLJ wasn't a bad movie
TLJ was a bad movie. I saw it because Sup Forums bagged it so hard I was like, "it couldn't possibly be that bad."
I was wrong. Sup Forums was right. All of it.

>Sup Forums was right
Opinion discarded

I haven’t seen her in anything else so I don’t know if it’s her acting or the writing. I’m going to say the writing though because having Rey be strong in the force because Kylo is strong in the force is the lamest fucking excuse to hurry shit along and prevents her character from having any real growth or danger of failing

of all the boards on this site, Sup Forums has probably the worst taste in its respective medium.
I have a hard time believing that a majority of the people on there can even explain what they think makes a movie good. It's a strange combination of elitism and "turn-off-your-brain" laziness.
I hate them.

2D Point and Click Archer game

God, I can imagine this shit. Like a Newgrounds fucking Flash game

The constantly growing cancer known as Disney showing no signs of stopping their crusade to own the entirety of Western Media and monthly capeshit releases has really affected the mental well being of individuals on that board

>IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game

Could be cool, but what would the story even be about?

>IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game
I'm not interested in homosexual bantz

I'd be skeptical because action series and TTG don't really mix, but god knows I need more Peter Cullen in my life.

>IPs you'd like to see made into a Telltale game
sam and max