ITT: Your dream vidya "A-Team"

I'll start
>Master Chief, Boba Fett, Samus, Doomguy

shameless self bump

>Boba Fett
more like Jobber Fett

Fett is the weakest of those characters.

no shit

>useless chick

>useless chick

Could unironically fuck them all up at the same time with the right beams and suit.

Duke Nukem
Lo Wang

Mitsurugi (Soul Calibur)
Viktor (Suikoden)
Arngrim (Valkyrie Profile)
T.G. Cid (FFT)

Balls to the walls

too bad she needs half a game to get those

>perfect chaotic good moral compass
>literally invincible
>capable of cross-dimensional and time travel
don't need anything more than doomguy

Serious sam, duke nukem, daniel garner, lo wang.

Your team is missing one of the most important members faggot.

Great team. Although I'd replace dick kickem with doomguy since forever sucked.

You have a point but personally forever didn't exists.

>Master Chief
>"Metroid Fusion" Samus
>Boba Fett new design

do you realize I know you are underage?

Are you like 12?

JC Denton - Infiltrator/Hacker

Revan - Warrior/Tank/Fighter

Medic - Healer (Obviously..)

Agent 47 - Sniper/Assassin

The western side seems to loves powersuits.

Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot

For fun times killing non freedom
+Sprints everywhere
+Rip and Tear
+Same thing
Sam Fischer
+Quiet guys, sneak time
Ecco the Dolphin
+Shark Immunity
+Whale taxi

+Sex apple
+Evil (good)
Balthier & Fran
Origami killer

Harman Smith
James Sunderland
Probably the main char from Manhunt 2 though I've never played it. Otherwise Chell.

Mr Kane
Alex Jensen
JC Denton

Don't like Deus Ex HR because of the psyche aug, but Alex is squared away.

Samus's suit is from Metroid Prime 3
Worth playing just for the controls.

>you're pretty good