Name two (2) games you played TODAY

Name two (2) games you played TODAY.

b-but I've only played one

Overwatch & God Eater Resurrection.

i played monster Hunter world for the first time today for a little
if I get home before midnight I will play dragon age origins

SMT Apocalypse with the usual quick grind for Grand Order.

Pillars of Eternity

team fortress 2
dragon ball fighterz

i really want to play nier automata as well, but i'm scared of the first boss, it killed me twice already


Sorry, I only play one game at a time until I'm finished with it.

You fucking slut

Xenoverse 2

warframe and overwatch, well its passed midnight so only warframe. But I'll probably play some more overwatch in about 19 hours from now

Assassin's Creed Origins and Slay the Spire

Armies of EXIGO

Shantae 1/2 genie hero

Rainbow Six Siege and Blood Bowl 2

binding of isaac
Civ 6


Fire Emblem Heroes

Just played Portal 2 and I'm about to get on L4D2

King of Fighters 98
Red Dead Redemption

Pillars of Eternity

Resident evil Revelations 2 Raid mode

>there are people who play more than one game at a time

>there are people who don't focus all their time on fully appreciating a game before jumping into another one

And yet you can't even name the one supposed game you play

Super Bomberman
Super Mario 3 (from All Stars)

for the nostalgia feels of getting gud at SNES

World of Warcraft and Terraria
You're welcome

>Learn Japanese Hiragana Warriors

Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Bout to fire up some World of Final Fantasy. I never in a million years thought I would like this game and I WAS FUCKING RIGHT BUT NOW IM HOOKED ON POKEMONING AND I CANT STOP UNTIL I CATCH THEM ALL

Metal Gear Rising
Castlevanila lord of shadows

Shovel Knight

I didn't play anything today.

Revenge of Shinobi
Danganronpa v3.

warhamer totalwar

kingdumbcum deliver us

Bravely Second and Mario Odyssey

Okami and Deus Ex Mankind Devided.

I didn't enjoy any of them.

Dragon's Crown
The Surge

fuck off namefag

SMT IV Apocalypse, I don't need other game.

Civilization V with the Vox Populi modpack, I've been playing as Polynesia on an islands map listening to the Moana OST. I also opened hearthstone before being disgusted and closing it. I hope that counts, OP.

Kingdom Go: Comeuppance

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Pokemon Gold and Dragonball fighterz.

slay the spire
risk of rain

>Super Mario 64: Star Road
>Nuclear Throne

Driver San Francisco and Assassin's Creed Unity.

NFSU and Gran Turismo 4

Heroes of the Storm
They are Billions

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Collection

Which is two games made into one. So I win by semantics, faggot.


Age of Mythology & Factorio

war thunder and battlefield one

Fallout 4 and Skyrim of course. Why would you play anything else?

Two shitty GBA beyblade games.

>kingdumbcum deliver us

What are you on user?, can you give me some?

KOF 14
Spyro 2

dead space and dead space 2
also warframe

fire emblem warriors, overwatch, and I guess a third would be osrs

Yeah I generally only play one game at a time until I finish each one.
Speaking of, botw credits are rolling as I maker this post.

Monster Hunter World and Darkest Dungeon

Dark Souls and Bayonetta

Tested motion controls on DOOM for Switch, will probably play some OSRS after playing Warcraft 3 with my squad tonight.

This was the bomb, despite the fact that GBA's screen is shite

all the Deus Ex games expect the first one are shit but you're a brainlet

You know what you gotta do now fag

Pokemon Pearl and Ace Combat Zero

Fire Emblem Heroes

AC Origins and Kingdom Come

black ops 2 and bayonetta 2

Spyro 2
Spyro 3

Heroes of the Storm

Innocent Life: Special Edition

Monster hunter world
Etrian Odyssey v

How is AC Origins?

Monster Hunter: World and SCP: Secret Laboratory

Dragonball FighterZ
Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist


Monster Hunter World
Digimon Story Cybersleuth Hacker's Memory

Simpson's Hit and Run


So, pretty much everyone here is gay. This confirms my suspicions

Splatoon 2 and Mother 2

Dragonball Xenoverse 2 and about to fire up Ghost Recon advanced war fighter

dragon quest builders and staxle
maybe sims 3 before i pass out

I played Kingdom come Deliverance. Wen't on a Date with Theresa

Slay the spire and monster hunter world

What's your deck?

I play gren maju

Death Road to Canada and Vermintide

Was about to boot up Darkest Dungeon as well

sonic forces and doom

NCAA Football 13 and One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

are there other games?

1. Mario Kart 8
2. Mario Kart 8 eat my ass

Injustice 2 (Ninja Turtles are cool)
Shadowrun: Hong Kong

Very good, better than most AC except maybe 2. Even more enjoyable if you into Caesar era history.

Computer Science ~After Story~: JobSearchForever

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mega Man X4

Cave story +

i tried to get gta 5 up and running again but rockstar is actually such autistic garbage i'm stuck with it telling me to install social club, then when i do that it tells me gta 5 isn't installed, and after deleted and moving and editing shit it still won't work - i literally can't even play the singleplayer because for some reason they thought it'd be a good idea to make you sign into an online server to play an offline portion of the game

there probably are ways to play singleplayer without social club but honestly at this point i don't even give a fuck, game was garbage anyways i don't know why i expected it to be any different when i give it it's last shot, i'm just glad it was a gift and i didn't give them any money of my own

Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare

It's early access horseshit, but it is essentially a FPS Mount and Blade. It was gifted to me and I love it. It's actually very well done so far and it gets updates almost every day.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

I bought it during the lunar sale. I enjoyed the first Borderlands and figured I'd spend a few dollarydoos on it, though I wasn't overly fond of Borderlands 2. It just finished installing, so I'm about to play it.

Can we have a moment of silence for the brainlets in the thread that can't digest more than one game at a time

I just played it but how do you get to walk with her?

Emperor: Battle for Dune
Bust A Groove