ITT: Oh yeah right that game exists

ITT: Oh yeah right that game exists







Such repetitive combat. The story for the game was pretty good imo



yeah wasted potential



Why must you remind me?


so much wasted potential
I'm playing it on PC, is fun.

>Implying I can ever forget how disappointed I was by this game.


you must suffer.



Sup Forums - the game?




>Can't play anymore because GFWL is gone

Well fuck you too Sega.




>Any david cage game

Hnnnggggg I loved the multiplayer for this game so much

I feel like most peole still know Heavy Rain for some reason




Ah, yes. Lair. The 5.5 shitstorm was the last time Sup Forums was good.

I had no idea Steven Spielberg designed this game

I had no idea there was a sequel.




This thread is dead. Too many comments trying to be edgy like we would forget such hugely marketed games that are only a few years old.

OP you fucking fail.


You drink way too little if you can remember most of these

>tfw hyped this game because Remedy
>it ended up being a total and utter disaster
I just want Finland to make good gaems

This game is like 2 hours right? 5 if you use all the characters?

Underrated game. The seqeul was shit.


GOAT artstyle though. Also the named mission was so fucked up it was great. But it ruined the characters and killed the franchise.


Wasn't this canned?

>Forgotten vidyas
>Remember Me

>kaneko would rather work on this than SMT


It's still available to buy on Steam with the GFWL bullshit removed.

>Just buy it again!
Sure thing pal

There really should be a remaster on PS4. Playing through it now and it still looks great despite 30fps 720p.

No. It actually came out. They changed the main actor than what OP posted

In that case, you could easily just download patch 1.1 that also completely gets rid of GFWL.

Got the DLC for $2, game for $5; spent more time replaying it then I had most $60 games. Was great trying to get S on every level.

when your game is so bad that it costs a US State millions.

at least that nerdy negro was happy

That game was so bad, just like every other JRPG made by Level-5 with DQ8 and DC2 being the lone exceptions.

Are you sure

Name a good one then. In fact I only said DC2 because I haven't played it and am giving it the beenefit of the doubt, but DC1 was outright dogshit.

how many % are you sure then

They gave it out for free a couple days ago, where were you? Also just pirate it

Over 9000

on steam?
Fuck I missed it.

Kinda, sega gave it away on steam for their annual make war not love thing, along with Bionic Domain, Company of Heroes, and some other stuff

God damn why didn't you tell me earlier

The sequal was pretty cash

It was advertised in a big banner on steam for a day or two.

That cover looks cool as fuck. How’s the actual game?

I am not on steam ever day. It's your fault.

Just the Driver series in general is so easy to forget despite how popular it was

>Enjoyed it when it came out
>try to replay it
>gameplay is a million times more garbage than i remember

Might have the worst gameplay of any obsidian game