Is there a worse combination?
Is there a worse combination?
Furry + Visual Novel
Your taste + your belief anyone cares
Your mom + anyone other than me.
RTwP+anything else
>being this butthurt
Female Protagonist + Early Access
What are some JRPGs that aren't turned based? I already know about Xenoblade and Soulsborne.
Secret of Mana, Dark Cloud, Ni No Kuni
Loads dude
You mean better? I'm sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand turn based strategy. Then again, I know you've been making these threads for nearly a year now.
Sup Forums + phoneposters
Shit tons, my main man. If anything, turn based combat is dying.
add random encounters and you have the trifecta of shitty, lazy, Japanese game design
Thank fucking god. That shit has no place outside of strategy games.
JRPGs are only really insufferable when it's got random encounters
The Four Horsemen...
Platformer + Pixel art
Even those tags combined will result in a better game than jrpg+strategy
los cuatro jinetes...
this is the axis of evil
Your mom's egg and your dad's sperm
Indie + Platformer
every western dev's dream game...
>Early access
There you go OP.
what's wrong with turn based?
las creaturas...
You're missing out on a lot of good games, user
JRPG is not a genre
Did anyone say so?
Turn-based combat isn't a genre either.
Is there a better combination?
Jrpgs so overrated.
The only people who are obsessed with them are the insecure tards who love when people ask them what the fuck it is in public.
" What kind of games you like?"
"O (actually says O) mostly jrpgs!"
"What the fuck is that gay garbage?"
"Oh it's Japanese rpg, a specific subgenre defined by the fact that there we two diff---"
"Ok fuck off."