We are confirmed to get 10 adventure mode maps so the longevity of this seems alright, but I kind of want even more maps, maybe one representing botw or an actual OOT map. Wouldn't mind playable Vaati or Pig ganon either.
Grayson King
>Hopes for the definitive version? a decent frame rate
Jaxson Hughes
>Hopes for the definitive version? Hero's Shade outfit an weapons for Link
Jacob Campbell
I always wanted ganondorf to have an unarmed moveset similar to smash bros
Thomas Young
Same here though
Nathan Campbell
Good progression through the many adventure mode maps, hopefully some are actually more difficult than the others so you arent stuck with 8 easy ones.
Daniel Russell
Pig Ganon is playable though. Honestly just want them to add one more character to the main roster being just at 29 really bothers me.
Blake Miller
[Spoiler]Amiibo. Seriously.[/spoiler] I've wanted them since the wii u version. Volga, Impa, Lana, Cia, Wizzro and even Linkle.
Camden Roberts
Reminder that the Switch version of Adventure Mode has a shop where you can use in-game currency to get Item Cards for Adventure Mode once you've unlocked one of those items.
Parker Roberts
I can see them adding BotW characters and weapons....
Angel Hall
Additional adventure maps would be nice.
Really I'm just excited for the 3DS content. I never bought that version and I've since given my Wii U copy to my brother.
Connor Miller
We haven't heard anything about a save data transfer from Legends, have we?
Carson Cook
My only hope is that outsells the shitfest that is FEW.
Brody Hall
Nope and I have zero faith in that happening.
Brandon Gray
Cute costumes for Tetra.
Adam Bell
Agitha needs amiibo
Hudson Hernandez
Pretty much just want to see some QOL improvements from FEW. Didn't play Legends. While unlikely, I do hope the sequel has a consistent artstyle -- it's jarring for me seeing toon characters and costumes that seem out of place.
I hate admitting I'd actually buy these.
Justin Sullivan
It would be pretty nice to add Adventure Maps for LttP and OoT just to complete the classic round up. But I'm pretty sure we can expect a BotW one at the very least.
Jack Sanders
This Wii U Versión looked nice but ran like shit, new 3ds had 30fps locked but 240p blurry donwgraded shit visuals I do really want that 1080p crisp look with locked 30fps
Aiden Richardson
I know it will never happen, but man I'd love to see online coop on this.
Matthew Morgan
Linkle is unironically great, and I would love to see her get a spin-off game
Christian Jackson
>No true Zelda alt for Tetra
What a waste
Ethan Lee
breath of the wild couldn't do it so don't hold your breath. a tegra only goes so far.
Luis Rodriguez
That the Rupee glitch still remains because fuck getting each character to 150+ just to do their levels.
Ryder Stewart
Never played a Warriors game. Worth getting this over Fire Emblem? I mean specifically for the Switch I'm not really attached more to one franchise over the other
Landon Price
Breath of the Wild was made on WiiU specs though.
Jordan White
I was gonna argue that since the Mario Kart 8 DX version didn't get DLC, this one wouldn't either. But then I remembered that Pokken DX did get more DLC. So who fucking knows. All I know is I'm buying this one since I never finished the Wii U version and didn't buy the 3DS version.
Jaxon Foster
>KT >Not doing DLC Who are you kidding here?
Dominic Anderson
So was this game.
Ethan Perez
tbf, Pokken just got characters from the arcade version, so it's still essentially just a port
Ryan Richardson
No Groose no buy.
Ian Turner
Blastoise and Aegislash were on the Arcade?
Adam Gutierrez
No, my bad Is pokken good btw? Played the Wii U version (pirated of course) and I liked it. Worth the $40 for new characters and online?
Liam Morgan
Eh, I couldn't say. I don't like Fighting Games. But I hear it's actually a pretty good game, so maybe?
Ethan Myers
lol, fuck, read your post wrong. If you played and liked the Wii U version then I suppose getting more content for it is worth it
Lincoln Smith
No buy it is
Luis Bailey
You fucks keep saying you want Groose in, but what in the fuck is he even gonna do? What's his moveset? Would it involve Bombs and Loftwings?
Jose Walker
I don’t I’m saying he won’t be in
David Jenkins
Well mostly I want a stable framerate in the movie and performance modes
But I also want one last trio of DLC. >First as a BOTW one with Sidon and Urbosa as playable characters plus Ravi's bow with the bullet time effect for Link. >Second is an Oracle pack with Din, Nayru, and Maple as playable characters and the season rod for young Link. >Third is a Minish Cap pack with Vaati as a playable character and the Minish Cap (Ezlo) as a weapon of some kind for Toon Link.
Eli Torres
>but what in the fuck is he even gonna do? What's his moveset? user, 90% of the characters doesnt have a source material for the moveset. The other 10% is link
Gabriel Gonzalez
This argument gets completely invalidated every time for the sole reason that Agatha is a fucking playable Character with a fully fledged moveset.
Dylan Cruz
but she has a theme. as with all the other joke characters. groose did literally nothing. i can see them giving him loft wing attacks maybe
Anthony Gomez
agatha uses bugs
Samuel Gonzalez
>tfw no Twinrova
Kayden Fisher
twinrova would've been great
Jaxson Cook
A Wii U version because Switch is bait for Nintendo purposedly stopping Wii U support quicker than normal console life cycle and not being much more powerful than previous gen because it's a console/handheld hybrid. Disable amiibos because fuck physical DLC. And get rid of the fairy system, it won't be necessary any longer since the consoles can display enough enemies on the screen.
Justin Russell
I just want more Midna related content. More costumes?
Matthew Ross
but I wanna play fairy dress up
Xavier Hernandez
>10 adventure maps
John Adams
I think the reason the fairy system was made because hard to get 1200 KOs without a fairy nuke on 3DS.
Isaiah Fisher
Make him fight with his FISTS
Liam Hill
i wanna put my face against her tummy
Brayden Allen
I would love a non toon version of the toon characters
Sebastian Carter
How is this negative? This is what drives my hype as someone who only had 4 on the wii u version.
Christian Morales
I only had 1 and it tested my patience
Camden Wright
John Morales
Takes a certain type of autism I guess. I love every second of it while finding legend mode good but without that same sense of accomplishment. The text and sound when you get a 100% complete on a map is hype as fuck for someone like me.
Josiah Myers
i want midna to dominate me
Jacob Rivera
Did you actually play fire emblem warriors? Playable characters aside it's pretty much a direct improvement to hyrule warriors in every way.
Mason Peterson
got sick of getting stuck because i had to use someone shit like agitha, Fi or Zelda with some dumbass weapon. or im getting progression blocked by no item cards. which in order to get that specific item card. i need to go find another item card which is locked behind another shit character i need to A rank i know the card shop is going to be added into the switch version.
Wyatt Jackson
Fire emblem warriors has much more going on in the gameplay department. You can control what other warriors do through the map, you can switch between 4 warriors at any time, the weapon triangle system makes switching necessary rather than just convenient, and there are no annoying boss fights.
Nicholas Brooks
>The moon falling is a stage event >the great fairy weapon for link has the moon falling as the super >The moon falling is the super for kid link
>skull kid doesn't have the moon falling as an attack
defend this
Levi White
I just want it to come out already. Where the fuck is the release date?
Eli Torres
If the game has DLC, who would you want
>b-but it's the complete version there won't be DLC!
Pokken DX got/is getting more characters, so there's a chance
Matthew Price
linebeck and his little boat
Daniel Ortiz
Eli Davis
Waiting on Groose and Linebeck
Andrew Rodriguez
Quality of life changes that Fire Emblem Warriors has, like not having to pick up item loot.
Thomas Carter
>Quality Mode (1080p / 30fps) or Performance Mode (720p / 60fps) as an option, like in FE Warriors >More palettes for the DLC characters (Medli, Marin, Phantom Zelda, Ravio, Yuga) to match the rest of the cast >8-Bit Weapons, Spinner, Classic Link / Toon Ganon costumes available in-game >Amiibo can unlock weapons / costumes early, but not exclusively. >Final 30th character added, the Groose is finally let loose
Zachary Perez
I hope that we get more characters, its a longshot but I kinda hope they do what they did with Legends and have the Champions be available in the base game. But they'll most likely be DLC.
Grayson Ortiz
>Playable characters aside
Hunter Morales
>We are confirmed to get 10 adventure mode maps How many maps were there all together including dlc? I got burned out by the awakening map and stopped playing. If anything, there's too many fucking maps without all that much deviation. The game needs new environments and levels, not maps. There's what, maybe 14 stages and like maybe 1000 adventure mode missions. It's insane.
Kevin Phillips
definitive doesn't mean the game is suddenly good it will still have shit AI compared to fire emblem warriors and unviable movesets that are inferior to the rest
Ryder Diaz
don't know they named this game definitive in the US, the autists on here would tear this shit upjust because of wording. it should've stayed DX
Dominic Thompson
We got: Hyrule Map Master Quest Map Twilight Map Termina Map Great Sea Map Great Sea Master Quest Map Koholint Map Grand Travels Map (Realm of the Ocean King & New Hyrule) Lowrule Map
Matthew Thompson
Great Sea Adventure Map Master Quest Master Wind Waker Grand Travels Koholint Island Lorule Termina Twilight
I listed them in what is in my opinion the progression difficulty wise. Rewards map is the 10th map and has 13 missions so you could say there's only 9 real adventure maps.
Sebastian Wright
>There's what, maybe 14 stages Yeah that kind of bummed me out when they first announced the dlc for the wii u version. Thought they'd be adding more memorable locations especially when they said there would be a majoras mask pack. Would have been cool to play a termina field level or something.
Henry Lopez
do we even know we're getting new content after the game's release? i mean, they wanted Groose and Vaati, but we don't know its happening
Easton Walker
We get 2 costumes from botw, but since this will sell really well you can be 100% sure you'll get a bunch of DLC, its fucking Koei...
1 of the famitsu scans or if it was the interview said that there's new content and showed pictures of botw costumes, but it can be interpreted that there is more. For example the item shop etc.
Gavin Kelly
>Minish Cap (Ezlo) as a weapon of some kind for Toon Link. Nah, Ezlo can just be a costume. What toon link really needs is the four sword.