You manage and program do exactly what you want

>you manage and program do exactly what you want
>you virtually don't do anythng while in combat

why the flying fuck is this so god damn fun

Other urls found in this thread:

If Vaan wasn't introduced as the "protagonist" and/or he wasn't such a garbage character, people would realize FFXII is the best FF.

that's stupidly true, fran and balthier is such a lovable duo, is chewbacca/solo good

I wish MMO had this stle of gameplay like gambits

I'll never understand how there are brainlets that can't differentiate a point of view character and a main character.

The root of all satisfaction of combat in turn based party RPGs is optimising your team's loadout and builds to fulfill specific roles and then deploying them against a challenge strategically to overcome it. Figuring out bosses strengths and weaknesses, selecting the correct moves, and adjusting as their patterns evolve over the course of the fight is a mentally stimulating task and feels fun because you know you outwitted the challenge crafted for you.

FFXII recognizes this and just takes that concept but shifts it into a predictive focused framework. You figure out what course of action to take pre-emptively with a limited amount of direct control in the battle itself, making the challenge more cerebral as you have to account for a greater number of variables and lay out contingency plans further in advance.

Programming a healer to pop a spell at specific times is no different to directly commanding them to in terms of effect but the challenge it poses to you as the player is very different. That's why FFXII is so divisive.

Of course if people weren't retards they'd also realise you can play it near identically to the older ATB games but with added emphasis on positioning while ignoring gambits entirely. The game is actually remarkably flexible if you look at the settings.

Vaan doesn't fit the theme of the game's central plot whatsoever. How anybody can refer to him as the "main character" blows my mind.

>Ashe is a direct mirror to him and her development follows his own, and he himself is also a mirror to Balthier who bounces off his arc and develops in response to it
>hurr he's not important or central to the theme at all

He's more important than Basch, Fran, and Penelo tbqh

The only way I can comprehend is that he appears in many artworks of the game in the center. That or people who played Dissidia before XII.

>doesn't ft
He serves has the representative of Dalamasca's population. He's tired of war and just wants shitty politics to actually do something for the country other than "muh vengeance".

>He's more important than Basch, Fran, and Penelo tbqh
Basch does have some role in the story but Penelo and Fran are absolute voids of character. Hell, Fran is actually detrimental for the party when the forest negates them passage due to her being with them.

good post

11/10 post.

Because it has Fran

This is the ultimate truth. Although, I'll say that after replaying the game he wasn't really as bad as I remember him. He's mostly just there and doesn't do much for the story. This whole thing would have been much better if Bathier or Basch were the protagonists.

Viera race was a gift to men

also how did this race reproduce anyway?
there were only female in the tribe

>everyone says she's garbage and I shouldn't bother
>mfw she's absolutely destroying everything as a red mage/archer

Not sure if people shit on her purely due to her design or just don't know how to use her properly.

surprise surprise the majority of the FF fanbase is retarded. which explains FF15's "success"

Sex appeal > Damage

>every player is actually a squad of 2-4 characters
>can customize each one, from appearances to personality to even the skills they're allowed to use
yes please

True but also her dmg isn't really bad at all. I read a lot of guides saying she's a crappier version of Vaan (jack of all trades). I found she's actually a pretty decent archer with good speed and makes a competent mage. Thought she might have been better going monk/black mage but w/e. I think the difference between the characters in 12 is pretty negligible outside of Vaan who is just amazing at everything and Penelo who is pretty much shoehorned as healer.

FFXI added npc that you can summon to act as your tank/healer/DPS.

FFXII is just a hard rip of FFXI combat it fit well.

Because humans are optimizers are heart, at least if you're not an 80 IQ nigger. It's the same reason Factorio or Civilization are fun, but this time in JRPG form.

Because let's be real, spamming X to win has never been stimulated, it's only been vaguely tolerated

Just autists that obsess over numbers. If you add up everyone's attribute totals, she is statistically the lowest. But gear boosts your numbers high enough that the small number differences don't matter.

Generally speaking, stat differences in XII are nearly rendered moot late game but she has almost the lowest stats all around so she is kinda bad since you get 5 other characters that have stats better than her. Plus the fact that she is pointless to the whole story.

>Fran is actually detrimental for the party when the forest negates them passage due to her being with them.

They don't get blocked because of Fran. They get blocked because of everyone else not being of the wood. If it was JUST Fran the wood would of possibly allowed her passage. The fact she was there allowed the party to progress, otherwise they would of had to backtrack and take a boat.

Viera are either created by the wood itself, have males or one male that are/is never shown, breed with stragglers that travel through the wood like Garuda from Zelda, or some of them have dicks.

has anyone played the remaster on PC?
is there any features other than hd graphics and such?
I don't feel like pirating 30gbs of a already played to hell game

You wouldn't figure making the game play itself is fun, but that's the fun in itself is getting all the tools and figuring out how to do it.

>They don't get blocked because of Fran
She outright says that the Wood denies THEM passage because of HER, not THEM. She then sets up passage to Eruyt Village to talk with the elder (her sister) to let them passage. She only remedies what she caused.

It wasn't JUST her though. The wod wouldn't of allowed the party passage even if she wasn't there. The fact she WAS there however is how the group could get access to the Viera settlement.

An NPC at the beginning of the next area says that the Viera wouldn't of allowed you passage, and doubts that you came from the wood.

It's not any different to the PS4 remaster.

If you've not played the IZJS, I'd say it's probably worth it to give it a go. Job system is fun as fuck.

The entire narrative falls apart during the 2nd half, and if you're playing zodiac age once you get the 2nd job game is way too easy

Are there any mods that change Vaans clothes to make him look like less of a leftist fuckboi?

If yes, I may get the game, I loved it on PS2 but couldn't fucking stand playing as some gayfag

Mods just became possible.

I'm hoping for a shirt mod, and one that gives Basch less ugly clothes

>leftist fuckboy
>is pro-country and anti-forign invasion

It's basically the same shit but with an added 2/4x turbo button and the option to use japanese voices.

You're right. My mistake.
LOOKS like a leftist fuckboi

>Mods just became possible.
What are you talking about?

I want to make corsetless Ashe a reality.

He's garbage either way

>Program battle tactics
>Go to a place with infinite respawning enemies
>turbo mode

Grinding has never been so much fun.

We just have to wait for people to make something of worth now if there is any interest for it

Half the party is pointless to the story.

They should've just cut Vaan and Penelo and have a permanent 4 man party

You could remove Penelo, Vaan and Fran from the story and it would hardly be noticeable.

"Warning! He Replaces Vaan for the Whole Duration of the Game. Also, don't ride chocobos with Reks"


Buying now

>forcefully stops movement every time characters want to take out or put away weapons
whoever thought this was a good idea is a faggot. I can't stand it

Alright shucklefucks, let me explain in a way that a retarded like you can understand.

Fran commits the capital crime of a Viera: left the Wood for good. She goes against the Green Word of the wood. For which she is considered a "deserter". This, alone, is enough for the Wood to block her way like that Viera in Rabanastre says and that one Viera in Montblanc's Clan also mentions.

In the cutscene where the party is blocked, Balthier mentions something along the lines of "They haven't forgive you yet, no?". Also, Ashe says "What have WE done to the Wood?" to which Fran says "WE? No, "I"". She outright says SHE is the cause, since she is a deserter and the party are friends with a deserter.

Lastly, Vieras in the village mention that soldiers from the capital are passing through more and more and even some NPCs later, specifically a Bangaa NPC, mention something about how hard it is to traverse the Wood, not that it's impossible.

Merchants, soldiers, judges, etc can freely pass, as long as they don't stir up shit in the woods of course, while the party, because of Fran, and other deserter Vieras are the only ones being blocked.