What went wrong?


>he fell for the Kickstarter scam

Class action lawsuit when? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!

I'm sure you could do that shit in the early versions too. They just didn't because they are no idiots and do that.

>I'll continue to eat shit and pay $60 for it because person who shat it out said something about someone I don't like once!


You're getting as bad as Sup Forums with this shit. This game sold something like 600,000 copies between Steam and consoles. Maybe 1% of those people bought the game for "political reasons."


Fuck that one's annoying when it happens



You have to delete this RIGHT NOW
We can't let the leftists know the game is shit.
We can't keep BTFOING SJWs and dropping dank redpills on Sup Forums if you keep spamming these webms that make the game look bad

this is literally worse than warband and that game is like 10 years old

>still the same exact webms spammed over and over and over and over and over
>I'm not a pedogaff shill I swear guise

Your parents did not practice adequate birth control.

Why the fuck do you compare swordfighting with unarmed fistfighting?
The unarmed fighting is fun and well put together if you're not complete brainlet and spam left mouse button for slow heavy attacks and get shit kicked out of you, when right click has quick jabs you use to initiate and then use heavy blows for high damage, then use F to kick the opponent away.

Swordfighting is proper as well. People complain about the combat being bad or too hard. If you keep facing opponents far beyond your level, you WILL lose unless it's a 1v1 situation and you know how to make openings.

Remember guys: it's Sup Forums that's the REAL problem!

The trailer shows a high-level character and the gameplay footage shows a low-level character who hasn't even done combat training fighting the one scripted unkillable enemy in the game.

High-level fights look exactly like the trailer.

Nothing, I guess? Seems that people like it

pls back to whatever forums you came from and stay go.

Got this game on console and have to lockpick for the first mission, literally impossible with a controller! Fuck the developers of this game and fuck you


>two webms of same exact stairs on talmberg showing the same problem which is bypassed by walking on the left side of the stairs
>video of a guy deliberately glitching a sword into a fistfight and then the sword hits are count as punches indicated by the puff of smoke
people who are this easily manipulated into thinking things are worse than they seem don't deserve to live, literal waste of space, go kill yourself

>damage control

But you can do all that in the finished game.

>two webms of same exact stairs on talmberg showing the same problem which is bypassed by walking on the left side of the stairs
This issue happens in other places, user


they are already planning on casualizing the lockpicking for console babbies
Mouse has no problem with the lockpicking. You chose the inferior bed, now lie in it.

Sure explains why every single fucking Kingdom Comes threads turns into a Sup Forums circlejerk right out of the gate

When will you retards realize political shitflinging doesn't belong here?

I can cherrypick shit like that from skyrim. What's your point exactly? That massive open world games have lots of bugs and a small studio that promised one of the most complex games of all time has a hard time delivering on their promises? Shit son at least they tried.

I've been to every city by now and the only place I've had the stair glitch happening consistently was talmberg, haven't been granted entrance to Sasau monastery yet which seemed to have stairs inside

>two webms of same exact stairs on talmberg
the guy getting booty blasted doesn't realize that is the first set of stairs leading to the first main quest. it's fucking hilarious.

Oh boy it's another year, another successful game to pick on. Just scour the web for bugs and ways to cheese something, things you didn't discover then post them on Sup Forums for imaginary upvotes and circle jerk about how the game is actually shit and how you have all the answers.

It's just tedious at this point.

>oh no a single flight of stairs doesn't work properly, they're literally never gonna be able to fix that, waste of $60

You can be cynical all you want and complain about minor stuff, only thing you're doing is depriving yourself of playing a fun game.

The webm is Rattay, not Talmberg, and it's the only place I've had that issue myself. It happens every single time I need to go up those stairs, though. I saw somebody saying that taking their helmet and shield off fixed it, but I just jump over the top step.

The one where you can't get through doors is much more annoying.

Why would anyone damage control a game that has outsold everyone's wildest expectations? KC:D is an instant hit, eat shit soychild.

how come the backers of the game are saying the beta was better? have you even looked at their forums?

>*teleports to you*
>*kicks you in the face*
>*moonwalk away*

You know what's the most beautiful thing in all of this? This shit thread is started by the same retarded OP who is eternally butthurt about some perceived """Sup Forums""" element which is nonexistent in the game.

Yes there are people THAT autistic and retarded.

The only issue I've had with it are the loading screens whenever I talk to someone. Really annoying, but everything else is fine so far.

So basically #justconsoleproblems?
I have 40 or so hours into the game and I've yet to have any of the glitches people are complaining about.
The only glitches I had thus far was graphical glitch in a cutscene with Hans Capon and a glitch where I got Woyzeck's "steal a horse" mission twice but I wasn't able to complete it second time. After stealing jewels from Lady Stephanie, the quest cleared itself.

>not passing the buck

>tfw you're so bad at the combat system you resort to picking flowers to earn enough cash to buy some fancy clothing in hopes of being able to charm your way through the game

Is this possible? I just learned alchemy last night, it seems selling potions is a decent way of money making. Trying to get those pimp robes now.

>When will you retards realize political shitflinging doesn't belong here?

When will you? You started it in this thread.

After advancing a bit through the main quest you'll be taught some better moves by the Captain of Rattau. You should pratice with him anyways just to practice.

Spamming? I'm not spamming.
*Posts proof that he IS spamming*

steam forums and their forums are filled with shit wrong with this beta. PC/Console
>there is a patch slated for release very soon
>kiss those 40 hours goodbye
>screencap this

better level your stealth

Which stairs are those? I haven't had problems with any of the stairs in Rattay
I've had the door bug on Talmberg twice after loading saves, but nowhere else and I've always managed to get through the door or up the stairs by walking from the leftmost side


My toaster runs the game at a buttery 20 FPS and I have to deal with 10 second loading screens before opening a dialogue or starting a cutscene, but at least these stairs have not given me a problem so far.

>Sure explains why every single fucking Kingdom Comes threads turns into a Sup Forums circlejerk right out of the gate
Because it's the easiest thing to shitpost about. If the game didn't have the current drama going on i'm sure user would find something else to shit up threads with.

My combat scenarios happen the same way, or better, when compared to that trailer. That happens when you're not trying to be retarded.

>mfw you and your opponent start parrying each other's parries like four times in a row

>hahahahaha, this player had to waste 30 seconds bypassing a bug in a freshly released game by an obscure developer
>im gonna spend DAYS laughing at this with my online friends!!

Try playing some video games instead, you might end up being less of a bitter manchild

>being this new

>Be shit at melee
>Whip out bow
>2 arrows to drop random cumans

You were born.

That shitty Ghostbustaz movie ?
Wow that's a fucking vintage Wojack.

The ones in the lower castle, where you have to go to meet Radzig after getting your ass kicked by Runt.

Uhm no sweetie, he was not

Actually, can we talk about the game's success? I'm really enjoying it, but it feels way too niche to justify how many people have put money down on it.

Sure. How much did steam rake in?

Do you mean that they wipe saves?
I don't mind. People absolutely despise me on Ledetschko, Merhojed and Talmberg for murdering random people walking in the outskirts of the villages.

ngl I would have waited until it went on sale if I hadn't found out about the dev making soylords cry.

-if- saves get wiped, the lulz will be amazing.
all we can do is hope.

I'm unironically enjoying this game. Just off yourself if you can't handle the fact that people actually enjoy

but it's really janky as shit specially combat sometimes a arrow to the leg one shot them sometimes one in a head don't do shit
normal bandit and coumans are piece of cake but the one in quest are way harder even though they were the same clothes and everything
and sometimes passing doors

Bows are medieval guns.
It's like bringing a gun to a knife fight.
I've yet to see whether heavy plate armor completely negates arrows.

the downgrade

>amerilard taking the upstairs


>Different forest
>Different time of day
Nice comparison

saves are always saved somewhere, it's not that difficult to make backups if people are afraid of wipes

>what is sweetfx

when sieging runt's camp i was able to take like 4 arrows from those dudes up on the ramparts before killing them and was around half hp.

was only wearing the normal cuirass with no hauberk, shit tier gambeson too

>patch day whooo yeah!
>30GB D/L TY cryengine!
>saves incompatible
>implying this hasn't happened before
back'em up, back game up too.


If even a minor amount of glitches are fixed, I wouldn't mind starting a new save.

They should have discouraged it the way it's done in real life, by putting a sword through the player's gut before he gets close enough to punch.

are you really trying to defend that dude ?

The only time I've seen an arrow to the head not killing someone is when they were wearing a metal helmet, which is completely normal because the arrowhead can get jammed into the helmet, while only bruising the wearers head. I've also never seen a character dying from an arrow to the leg, even with multiple arrow hits to the leg.

I actually played the game, so yes. Did you?

most are unaware of how much was gutted from beta to release.
^point in case

Sword vs sword is correct. Punch vs punch is correct.

Sword vs punch is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

No. What's your point?

Look I like the game but this is the biggest piece of fucking Eurojank in a long time. Fucking ELEX was less buggy and janky. It's going to be improved eventually but holy fucking shit this needed another year or two of polish.

Pray tell what was gutted

Pretty much every complaint about this game would have been solved if they'd just called this release an open beta.

Can you people stop saying bad things about the game already it hurts my feelings. Just stop okay?

Good comparison user, here's another

>wojak is now politics

It probably shouldn't, heavy armor still bruises when an arrow hits it due to momentum transfer. Only a shield should fully negate arrows, which is why they were so much more popular in real life than in video games.

As per usual, garbage gameplay designed for low-skillers.

r u yankin on me pizzle m8

the forests, the weapon(s), whole beta town,
the performance..it hurts.

>same bugged webms again and again
>posted by same user

It feels more like an early Alpha. They have all of the systems, story and plot down they just need to spend time polishing and tweaking.

anyone got the zandatsu webm?

holy shit man 2d assets in 2018? you've got a point

>he runs the game on lows and on a toaster and complains about everything
if you're a poor nigger, stick with free 2 play games
league of legends is right up your alley, it can run on 20 year old hardware and it's free