ITT: Poor game design

ITT: Poor game design

>Shitty part of a good game
>It's brilliant game design! You just need to get good!
>Shitty part of a shitty game
>As you can see, this is further evidence of how much of a hack shill soyboy the dev is.

It's so easy to get by these guys

DS has overally a pretty bad level design, entirety of Anor Londo is bad.
Painted World is the best.

am i the only one who never had any trouble with this? like, just roll

It used to be complete shit. At launch there was another Archer that shot you in the back when you turned the corner to get on the ledge.

Even if you roll, fighting with one knight when another shoots you in the back is awful.

This, I don't know who thought making the play go up that buttress into the church was a good idea. They could at least have an NPC give you a hint as to where to go

>no stamina loss
no shield, no dodge, what the fuck were you thinking?

>Implying that's my picture

You have never designed a game though..

i figured it was since it is of poor quality.

The worst part is, there's evidence that Painted World was an unfinished Demon's Souls area. So the best area in the entire game wasn't even originally from the game.

ITT: good game design is what I like.

I haven't died at that place even once. Why are people even complainig about it?

>parry knight
>riposte him with his back facing the edge of the ledge
>an invisible wall stops him from falling

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is This Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Dodge Like Nigga Roll Haha

nigga just roll or something haha

still there last time i played through a month ago....

>doesn't block
>doesn't dodge
>gets hit by the one in front, not the faggot shooting from the back
> already out of estus
That part really sucks, but you're just a shitter


It's actually great game design. With the specific intention of teaching players who have been hiding behind their shields the whole game not to be pussies every now and again.

>instantly lose all your stamina and get guard broken
>get penetrated

>try to roll
>fat fuck knight blocking your path

>try to bait the guy into melee and run through
>the other cunt at the back has magic physics defying arrows that push you sideways

shield user here.
I just killed them with poison arrows.

I just ran up and stun lock him with a greatsword.

No, it's pretty easy to consistently get past these guys just by running up to this one on the right so that he takes out his melee weapon and just blocking his attacks/parrying so he falls off the ledge. I figured the frustration was just a meme.

Literally all of DaS is shit game design, and not only from Anor Londo on. It's just a bad/mediocre game in general, overhyped by soy boys from NeoGAF.

Poor bait


>Game challenges you to leave your comfort zone and forces you to do something challenging
>you can even hide behind the pillar and shoot poison arrows at the knight on the right if you want easy mode
>b-bad game d-design
Git gud

Wow look at all those buzzwords
He must be right

>Arrows knock you in physically impossible directions
>You have no way of seeing it coming the first time

I don't get it, what's bad about this? I never got hit by them, you must be blind.

oh boy anor londo, had some fun memories from this place for sure

>you have no way of seeing it coming the first time
Not true at all. My first play through of dark souls I triggered the knight on the left first before I even got to the ledge where you approach both of them. You can also see both of them before you start walking up.
>arrows knock you in physically impossible directions
You mean off the thin edge you were walking on? There giant dragon arrows of course it’s going to launch you.

>Arrows hit you and launch you completely perpendicular to the angle they hit you at

if you just wait at the corners in the rafters these guys will try a diagonal jump attack and fall to their death, seemingly every time.

you're missing the part where the guy literally got spaghetti backstabbed while facing forwards

Anor Londo wasn’t meant to be traversed by nameless undead. It was the home to giants and Gods. It’s not meant to be conventional for your character.

He turned around and got backstabbed, what's not to get

wait what do you mean at launch? did they take this out?

People always complain about anor londo or blighttown but the catacombs and tomb of giants kicked my ass the most. Fuck those bone wheel skeletons

ive had it personally happen to myself and i did not turn backwards, its a bug. rare though i'll admit

Terrible shitpost my dude

Never has happened to me.

Source fucking any Google search, it's well known that the arrows knock you opposite of the way you're facing, not the way they hit you

Couldn't agree with you more, OP. Too bad the soulsbabies are in full force tonight.

I just did that. That’s why I responded so late. Found a bunch of examples of you being wrong, but not right. So fucking source your claims.

eat shit fanboy

How is this webm proof of bad game design? The knight clearly made contact.

posting webms of people playing badly doesnt help your case.

this knight isnt hard to kill, but failing a backstab and then rolling away from a thrust attack just shows this guy needs to git gud

lol shitter

I agree with the anor londo part, but this is just shitty decision making. You'd think after the knights you've fought before this, you would not want to aggro one in such a tiny area.

painted world wasn't designed for demons souls, it was the first level made by from for what would eventually become dark souls

it didn't fit anywhere in the world once they were balls deep into production so they had to make it a disconnected hidden world

>he turned around
>during the shield break animation
>an animation in which all control is lost
>an animation that can't be canceled
>an animation that wasn't allowed to complete because the enemy interrupted it with a 100% bullshit backstab
>he turned around

>enemy backstabs
working as intended


Is there a more delusional fanbase than Fromsoft fans? I don't see this level of blind defense for other games.

Yes you pedantic fuckface you can even see the character model turn around before the backstab is initiated.

if the guy was locked in before trying to do an instinctive backwards roll he would have still been facing the enemy

instead he
>gets staggered
>thinks oh shit and tries to roll away before a follow up hit
>not locked on so he turns around and does a forward roll
>gets back stabbed

anor londo rafters are some bullshit but this guy plain fucked up in his own

that doesn't change the fact that it's awful game design

Most fanbases aren't as besieged by legions of mouth breathing retards as From fans are.

>shits the bed
>consequently gets raped
I'm sorry, you're not a casual are you?

webm related

>game turns the character model around for the player when he has no control
>this is the same as input


You tell 'em, OP.

DS3 was a mistake

it would be awful if there wasn't a giant pillar blocking arrows from the archer behind you, essentially making it a one on one fight in a precarious environment

it's not the game's fault people suck at not sperging out

This is happening because the arrow is connecting with the front hit box of the player, shown by where the shield is facing. Since strong front hits can cause the player to slide back and the front is turned diagonally away from the cliff he is knocked back towards the cliff. It's visually clunky because limited visuals but the game is actually behaving consistently.

>he keeps trying
why are people so bad at games?

souls cucks literally SEETHING

As in before the backstab animation, which can't be initiated without the player. Dark Souls has no automated animations. It sounds like you've never actually played this game.

he did have control and he tried to roll away from the guardian after getting staggered, who then locked him in a backstab animation
how is this so hard to understand


Consistency is fine, but how about making it consistently knock you in the correct direction (the direction of the attack) instead of whichever way the player happens to be facing. Being consistently bad isn't a virtue.

are you actually defending

>I don’t know how hit boxes in dark souls work
How does one reach this point of the game without knowing how knockbacks work?
Far from a fanboy btw, DaS isn’t even my favorite out of the series.

He's either trying to make a point or just attempting to do one of the numerous glitchy jumps present in the series (perhaps he is unaware that this one is done from the tree). What's the problem?

careful, you might dislocate a shoulder reaching that much
The game ALWAYS repositions the player and the enemy for backstabs so that it makes visual sense. The only difference here is it decided to do so without the player being at fault, by virtue of their back not actually facing the enemy when the animation began

never heard of an aftershock before?

How? Painting guardians are a fucking joke and this is coming from a fucking casual

Well actually, it does that so that when you get hit on the shield side it gives you a block rather than hitting you rather than giving you a smaller hitbox that's less dependable. You're asking for the game to make the player more vulnerable and for shields to work less because of one peculiar scenario in which this setup does not work favorably, which isn't actually true because the solution is already to point your shield towards the archer or diagonally towards the cliff so that you'll be pushed along the ledge.

You're asking to cripple a player mechanic over a spergout of a particular scenario that looks strange. Dark Souls was never a simulator to begin with and always operated with "video gamey" rules. Rating a scenario based on how "realistic" it looks is pants shitting retarded.

watch the gif again bro you can see the player turn a couple frames before the backstab

Because there’s an wall on the right. You can’t get knocked back into a direction you can’t go. This isn’t really hard to wrap your head around.

>Would you like to connect online?
>Do you think games are silly things?
>Do you give up?
>Do you think there is no point?

>Would you like to give up all of your saves?

No you stupid fuck as in the player actually turned around before entering that animation state, which is actually visible with the naked eye in the very gif posted.

there are many flaws in this game, but this

is your fault

I ran through my first playthrough of this and I guess bugged out the knight. I got hit in the back into him, and he went to swap weapons and just walked off the edge, and I panic rolled into not falling off right behind him somehow. Every subsequent playthrough I had a nightmare getting through this until I figured out the bait trick on the other knight.

This part is there to teach you to take risks and not be a fucking pussy hiding behind a shield. If you hesitate they will knock you off. This part was well thought out, but the actual interior of Anor Londo wasn't great.

>dark souls is a g-

>Well actually, it does that so that when you get hit on the shield side it gives you a block rather than hitting you rather than giving you a smaller hitbox that's less dependable.
Here's a shocker for you: The direction you get knocked back doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with the hitbox. What are you smoking, man? Restate your argument in a way that makes sense.

>there's a wall, therefore he should not be knocked into and along the wall as expected given the direction of the attack but instead in the complete opposite direction.
You're even worse than the other guy.

>souls fanboys will defend this

>it's a shockwave idiot

daS2 is never defended by anyone

He has his shield up. The arrow pushes against it as it moves forward and grinds against the shield. Look at it from a birds eye view and think about the trajectory of the arrow. It makes perfect sense physically. You're just stupid.

>that much of a fucking pussy to not attack twice.

you don't run straight back into an AoE attack, you should've learned with quelaag that they last for a couple of seconds.

>enemy's hitbox is flat out broken
>"th-those are shockwaves!"

>DS1 PvP shitters can't see the advanced techs the NPC pulled on the player
Literal brainlets. Go back to your piss easy fighting games with baby mode autocombos, patrician know DS1 is the most mechanically deep fighting game to ever be released