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>Accordion instead of flute

Secret of Mana thread?
I just beat shade. Cheesed it with some early gold city armor. Going back cause I have enough for the armor now. Gonna go cheese whatever the fat bird wants next.

>there are people defending this

Playing it right now.
I don't want to be mean to it - you can see at least some of the people that worked on this loved the series. But I really don't see that it's worth bothering with when you can just play the original rom in higan and have a better experience.


who is defending the shitty graphics downgrade

For some reason thise time I decided to max level every magic as soon as I got them (or the seed to upgrade levels). By the time I reached the Pure Land I could 6 shot every boss with Poppoi.
Wasn't a good idea.

a ton of people last time I saw this image posted

While I'm at it, was pretty disappointed by the level max version of the spells. I really loved some of the effects devised on some of the original's, and the transition to 3D wasn't kind to those (especially Shade's spells).

The whole thing sounds like a mess. It's like they tried to have too much going on at a time and all of the sounds are the same volume.


The mastering is weird. Even going with "original" soundtrack. Sounds like everything has gone through a compressor used without restrain, with all nuance is gone between tracks.
At first I thought it was me, them pulling the original OST, and comparing side to side, you really notice the difference.

That's some MvC3 horseshit.

>implying The Oracle (Alternative Version) isn't hype as fuck

Some of the tracks remind me of Metallica's Death Magnetic. Listening to it would make feel like having a headache even on low volume. Thank god for that Guitar Hero 3 version.


I'm glad I returned this game

this song is only an improvement because the original version was one of the few actual bad songs

I'm just sad. It's not *shit* - at least I don't think so (if anything it's a good example of howmediocre is often worse than genuinely bad for critical reception), but it's nothing to be enthused about either. If I want to reminisce or introduce the game to someone, I still find the original better. And it doesn't stand on its own strongly enough to attract new audience, people that haven't played the original, nor would they play it as is.



this is what the game was known for. The 16bit was done so cleanly. Can't believe they went for boring, soulless 3D

Music and multiplayer too.

holy fucking christ what in God's name have they done

I loved the music too. SoM requires a lot of grinding to max out so having places with nice music to do it in made a huge difference.

Yet everyone praised Adventure of Mana and asked them to remake Secret in the same style

Fucking shit man. Fucking shit

Define "everyone".
"Most of the people that bought it on iOS/Vita"?

What the fuck, I thought I was listening to death grips for a second there.

Oracle would not sound bad if it didn't have niggers chanting.

Fucking this. What the fuck were they thinking?

To expend: as a remake for cellphones and portable consoles of what was a game originally released on Game Boy, Adventures of Mana is pretty honorable. I don't think it looks great, but hell. it's not as if the original was a looker.
As a remake sold (40$, no less) on PS4/PC of a game that was beloved for its presentation, the Secret of Mana remake, on the same engine, is a MUCH harder sale.

I don't know who's trolling who anymore.


I don't dare imagine a Legend of Mana remake in that engine. My heart couldn't take it.


Does the remake at least have better Co-op mechanics?

It's supposed to be chanting


But for some reason the remix fucking gutted it


No. It's basically untouched from a gameplay standpoint for better and worse. So no online either for those people who value that.
Has weird results too - the enemy paralysis after being hit, so to speak, being tied to frames in the original, feels more natural than the same exact thing thing in animated 3D. Not being an expert, I don't know how best to describe it, but play both side by side and you'll see how the remake *feels* slower, even when it has exactly the same pace.

Why the fuck didn't they use this version as the actual "new" version? The fuck were they thinking? Even the alternate "The Oracle" isn't 100% shit like the one they used (it's still lacking, but not -as- bad).

Silvagunner is potentially going to have a fucking field day with these tracks (both the "new" and "alt" versions).

Fuck no, just play Crystal Chronicles.

Actually, now that I think of it, one thing they changed: you can create two shortcuts to item/spells of your choice, that way you don't have to go through the full ring every time.
Not much, but that's a change. Mostly useful for spamming spells to reach 8:99.

Remakes/remasters were a mistake. What are some actually worthwhile remakes that aren't Ys OiF, REmake or Kirby SSU?


that was an old ama years ago
not about the remake

Okay, my bad.

so, does that mean the game keeps the glitches, and gameplay mistakes like missing a punch orb that need to be farmed in the last level? Or the whip jump areas allow lots of oob if you hit htem while another player moves around?

>the very first notes already sound wrong
>suddenly the musics starts
oh jesus, it's like in the early emulators days and having the MIDI drivers picking the wrong set of instruments

Or, you know, he just doesn't have the same relationship to his music as his audience. A lot of artists do (Tchaikovsky didn't much like The Nutcracker, I hear).
As a fan of old synths, I much prefer the original OST to any re-orchestration. It is likely that, for Kikuta the SNES sound was just a compromise, though (I mean just listen to the Soukaiji OST as soon as he's given full control). Chances are we might not have liked what he would have pulled had been granted today's freedom in means for Secret of Mana. I mean just listen to his own 1993 re-orchestration posted here Also, he might just be trying to be nice and not spit on people trying to pay tribute to his work, even he's not fan of their treatment. Weird concept, I know.

Look at Randi suck Popoi's pizza like a cheap whore.

What a gooey mess.

I just got to the mana fortress and I'm missing a glove orb, so maybe

Well, I4m not done with the game, and aren't using a guide, but so far, right before the last level, it does seem so.
You might want another user that finished the game to confirm that.

Never gets old.
Bagpipe disco wub, seriously wtf were they smoking and how much of it when they made this?

It's so bad I can't even fathom how it happened. Was everyone tone-deaf when this shit was run through QA? Oracle is just baffling. What the fuck is that instrument that's making that weird puffing sound? It sounds like some cheap, plastic toy.

Certain weapons needing enemy drops to reach level 8 isn't a glitch

>you will never find out which one of the 14 people working on the soundtrack made this one and shake his hand


No, there were normal instruments back in the days, and they made multiple "remake" CD over the years, the original songs still remained great in those.
This shit is a disaster. If it has the original people aproval, then it's time to admit they should retire. Like Miyamoto, or street fighter main artist.

>Pedo swirl symbol in the background
They aren't even hiding it anymore

doo dee doo doo
doo dee doo doo
doo dee doo doo
doo dee doo doo
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

>pedo swirl
The fuck?

>Letting koreans touch your japanese music


>change all the good music
>leave all the shit music the same
Fuck these ass holes, what the FUCK did they do to Matango's theme

Maybe the music budget was so low they couldn't ask for retakes?
Allowing remixes that sound alright by themselves but don't fit the game is understandable to an extent, but there's some real amateurish shit in there as well and I find it hard to believe no one said anything.


I don't understand
The pixelart wasn't that good either

i never played the original, i was going to pick it up when it went on sale on steam. judging by all the negativity should i just watch an lp of the original or go through with my plans of buying an on sale copy some time?

Beat shade as well, at Gold City now sleeping in this jew inn