Is there any game you cannot beat?
This is the only game I cannot beat for the life of me
Is there any game you cannot beat?
I love this game but i also really fucking hate it
The only hard part is the fucking camera
game was hard at times but the real bullshit part was the final boss
>have to hit all the marks to get your powered up slash
>dipshit boss is 50 feet away from the arena half the time and blocks your attacks the other half
OP here, I was taking out the disc and putting it back in my case, but then I realized that there is literal fucking bird shit in my game case
Batman and Robin on the Mega Drive
I wanted to like this game, but it was a shit ninja game compared to the first Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox. While both games were difficult, I felt Ninja Gaiden was more rewarding once you picked up the combat. Shinobi was just frustrating.
Arcade Shinobi is the only game in the series that gave me trouble. How do I git gud?
Really never got what people found so hard about Shinobi. The only level that gave me a hard time is where the one hit kill water gradually moved up but otherwise it was way easier than most Javanese action games I've played. Do you guys just never chain your kills or something?
This and call of cthulhu dark corners of the earth are a case of "game is so buggy and clunky is conspiring against me to stop me from playing it"
>finally get too last boss
>get frustrated
>stopped playing for a while
>all my skill is gone
I'm with you Op. I would have to play the whole game again to get good one more time.
>fantastic Ninja Gaiden 3D character action reboot titled "Ninja Gaiden" exclusive to the Xbox
>fantastic Shinobi 3D character action reboot titled "Shinobi" exclusive to the PS2
>no Strider 3D character action reboot titled "Strider" exclusive to the GameCube
Fuck this gay Earth.
I barely managed to beat the rooftop stage. Fuck those ogres.
I one shotted the final boss entirely on accident.
>haha you can kill the final boss in like two hits bro just do it it's p ez ;^)
I'm not talking about just the final boss retard the whole game is built around chaining kills if you're not doing that then no shit you're gonna have a bad time.
>try out a demo
>hey, this looks and feels cool as fuck
>never bought it
>softmod PS2 recently
>download it
>play the first few levels
>it's actually cool
>near the end of a level
>do one jump wrong and fall
>respawn really far back in the level
>well ok.jpg
>keep playing, jump right this time
>get raped by a bunch of enemies right after due to number of enemies rather than being a hard fight
>lets try again.png
>fail again
>and again
>play a few more level
>similar fails occur again every few levels
it's not hard, it's frustrating.
i eventually bea it, but it took me a while because all this made me take weeks long breaks playing other games, and i wont hide that i passed some sections out of luck rather than skill.
overall the game is not bad at all and is not even hard, it just punishes you too hard for cheap deaths that occur too often.
No one ever said they didn't understand how to tate.
If you know how to tate then like 90% of what makes Shinobi hard is gone. The worst you gotta deal with are those annoying dogs and maybe the camera screwing up a platforming segment.
The best part is the psssh nothin personell animations after every room clear
>haha you can kill any enemy in like two hits bro just do it it's p ez ;^)