Out of the long list of emulators I have installed on my pc, Dolphin has the largest list of my favorite vidya. Post about your experiences with the Gamecube and the best games you've played on it.
Tony hawk 4 was really nice just for the music alone
Connor Rogers
Sup Forums hates the GameCube. Yes, it was great.
Ethan Scott
Eternal darkness was the best thing to come out of there
Lucas Smith
Shoo shoo Completely forgot about how much I played those games as a kid, need to add them to my list of games to replay.
Easton Russell
>only good game in that list was made by a company on the verge of bankruptcy good god the gamecube was fucking pathetic
Eli Johnson
>tfw dolphin, Nintendon't, vWii, and now Wii U VC injection have completely obsoleted the original hardware >inb4 gayboy player
Juan Murphy
it's a very good console, but if anything it's overrated
its library is weaker than both the PS2 and the Xbox and it's slightly better than the library of the DC, a console that barely lasted 2 years
Jack Rodriguez
>a console that barely lasted 2 years it didnt even last that long in america lol
Leo Mitchell
>Sup Forums hates the GameCube. Yes, it was great. 2005 Sup Forums thought it was the best shit ever. What changed?
Brody Green
It was the best console ever, its games were the prduct of pure passion and talent, shame the Wii came along and ruined Nintendo forever
Ryan Ward
we grew up the wii was a result of the gamecube being a massive failure
Lincoln Adams
Lol retarded ass normie
Robert Harris
Nintendo is for kids
Jordan Hall
Nintendo is for everyone.
Carson Green
Fuck off you pseudo fucking normalfag
Colton Gutierrez
Only the handheld variant
Alexander Hughes
Normalfags are the reason why PS2 & 4 is a resounding success kek
Luke Howard
Never played it, going to try it now. Which game, user? Interested in which one you liked the best. These run amazingly on Dolphin, the only game I've had issues with was TTYD and they was just some minor graphical glitches. I don't get why people still pay so much for used copies. PS2 had some good games for sure and some of my favorite memories include playing Halo with my dad.
Juan Diaz
it's true that's why the good games sell 2 million on a console with 80 million sales
Justin Mitchell
>>Sunshine Sunshine was always crap. >>Luigi's Manshion See above. 2 hour long game only liked by nostalgia >>Wind Waker Worse than Twilight Princess and a mediocre Zelda >>Four Swords When Zelda began doing shovelware >>Double Dash Shitty gimmick
Brandon Cooper
Bad bait
Wyatt Taylor
Wasn't a big fan of the Wii either, I didn't really play any Nintendo games for a long time afterwards. So far, the Switch has impressed me and I've been enjoying their games again. I agree that Nintendo is kid friendly, but I don't think there's anything wrong with adults playing their games. I think it's cool that my nephew can enjoy mario 64, sunshine, and recently odyssey just the same as I can even though we play in different ways. Also, see Metroid.
Sebastian Jenkins
Bentley Martin
Adults playing Nintendo console is like boys playing Barbie dolls and thinking there’s nothing wrong with it.
Started collecting GameCube games like a few months ago then stop when I felt I got all the games you really needed for the console.
I got lucky and got some of these games cheap or free, hell no im getting any of those $200 buck games
Benjamin Davis
>the man with no taste .jpeg
Angel Lopez
>>Sunshine Mediocre >>Luigi's Manshion Okay >>Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Good but the shooting sucks >>Melee Shit >>Pikmin 1 & 2 Shit >>Paper Mario TTYD Very good >>Mario Golf Good >>Strikers Good >>Kirby's Air-ride Bad >>Wind Waker Good >>Four Swords Good >>Animal Crossing Good >>Soul Calibur Multiplat >>F-Zero GX Bad >>Double Dash Okay >>Monkey Ball 1 & 2 Multiplat but these were the best versions
Jordan Sullivan
I love the "deduct 5 points from everything" contrarian meme
Dominic Sullivan
What could happen if GC or dreamcast had dvd playback capabilities?
William Wood
GC was the most powerful console at the time and gave us REmake. God bless.
Logan Jones
>GX is bad Why?
Anthony Green
It also gave us Resident Evil 4. For those two games alone it's top tier.
Jaxon Rodriguez
No. 4 is the start of Call of Resident Evil and the down snydromification of the series.
Brandon Reyes
4 was the last good Resident Evil game until 7.
Juan Bell
>liking shit baby games is taste You must think Pikmin is a really deep RTS game. How is that contrarian? Sales figures would also indicate that the Gamecube was viewed poorly by most people.
Asher Torres
Even though the games were spectacular, shit like its design, yet another gimped media storage choice and "Gamers do not want to play online" shouldn't be forgotten.
Robert Young
On a technical level it was pretty amazing to be honest.
-Small and portable -Doesn't just stop functioning after throwing it like a madman at a wall -An actual cube, neatly built -Nicely shaped gamepad -Disc Read Errors? I could only manage that after modding it for piracy and using shitty DVDs -A soft reset was soft and smooth, and opening the lid wasn't unnatural -Did one job and it did it very fucking well -Can't remember a single title with a notorious slowdown or obvious, easy to trigger bug
>On a technical level it was pretty amazing to be honest. not really, weaker than the PS2 and far weaker than the xb
Brandon James
>weaker than the PS2 But it wasn't. The PS2 couldn't even handle multiplats properly as they all ran at sub 15 fps as opposed to the xbox and GC versions.
Nathaniel Hall
No. It was shit. Most of the games you listed are garbage.
Owen Hall
why aren't you in a thread discussing games you like
Wyatt Howard
>weaker than the ps2
No, not really. What it didn't have was media capable of storing as much data (I was honestly displeased at the low music quality in Skies of Arcadia Legends). Besides, the good looking games on PS2 (MGS3, Shadow of the Colossus) usually ran at fairly low framerates with slowdowns from time to time.
Jayden Gray
You forgot Baten Kaitos and Timesplitters 2 and 3. Zelda Twilight Princess is also available for the Gamecube.
Noah Taylor
The only thing that is garbage here is your taste.
Grayson Edwards
"I have to pretend to be an asshole because I'm on Sup Forums and I don't want everyone to know I have nothing interesting to say" the post.
Isaiah Nelson
>people never list Killer7 in GCN praise threads
Jonathan Cox
Its also the same reason the Wii was a success but you faggots only use normalfags when it fits your agenda.