>that kid who’s parents owned a big screen tv
Sitting in front of these things was the comfiest way to play video games.
That kid who’s parents owned a big screen tv
Only if you were sitting in a pair of these bad boys
Ive still got the giant magnifying lenses from the old big screen projector we had when I was a kid. My dad and I demolished it when we got a new tv, good times.
>don't sit at exactly the right position at the exact distance away
>half the screen is too dark
I fucking HATED these TVS. My grandmother had one, and the colours were all wrong. All those large rear projection TVS seemed to have similar issues.
It's always been about CRT monitors.
And then moving one of those bitches was the LEAST comfy thing in the fucking planet.
One of my friends in elementary school had a big front projection TV. This was back in the early 80s. I'd go over to his house and they would always have all this high tech shit they had a VCR, camcorders, had a swimming pool then I would have to go back to my house which was a trailer where no one was ever home and we didn't even have food because my mom ran out on us and my dad was always working. It was fun times.
>mfw my parents friends upgraded to an HDTV and they gave us one of these for free
>rear projections TV's
>Anything less than 480p results in hideous input lag
no thanks, worst way to vidya
>not going to your grandma's and playing on one of these bad boys
The picture of these is really shitty, they had nothing going for them except for the big screen.
My dog got his foot crushed by one of these and he bit me.
mine had one but I couldn't play games on it and had to use a 13" crt
>that kid who told his mom shes a bitch and got into a fight with his parents while you were visiting
I still want one of these, even if I know they're fucking awful.
This user has it right Projection TVs were ass.
>"I bet you user doesn't talk to his parents like that!"
A friend had something like that, but 4:3. Was fucking awesome for co-op Halo.
Miss those times.
I would have taken a 36" direct view over a 60" rear projector any day. Especially for shit like PS2.
Had one of these and loved it at the time. Sub-woofer in the back made for some great gaming memories. Fucking Fatal Frame blasting through the speakers of one of these is just amazing.
I still use one of those. A 65" 2006 samsung dlp. It works fine.
That is literally the only issue. And it's not an issue if you put your chair in that location.
Colors are fine bruv.
The last gen ones like I have aren't that bad. Only like 100lbs. That's less then the weight of a CRT half the size.
They are the best kind of projection tvs.
Why would you play something with 480p resolution.
Only if it's a shitty brand.
They aren't awful, they are good.
>that kid who got physically beaten by his parents when you were visiting
>They aren't awful, they are good.
I have a 4k TV. It'd be a downgrade.
The only thing impressive about those TVs were the size, rear projector TVs has got to be the shittiest fucking screen technology ever conceived except maybe the early LCDs.
CRTs however even the shitty ones had great image quality.
>user stop playing your video games they will break the TV!
>Friday night
>invite 3 best friends over for sleep over
>play Timesplitters 2 on the big ass tv downstairs.
>Talk and bullshit about school while playing other kinds of game they brought over
>mom brings down pizza rolls for us
>tfw dad used the excuse that video games give computers viruses to cover for the fact he was watching porn and downloaded a virus
>that kids who called his mom a cunt to her face and she smashed the TV with a hammer
My friend's dad used to threaten him by saying if he doesn't shape up, he'll "put a fuckin' hammer through the ps2". Good times
Well yeah, if you have a 4k. Shit was only 1080p when they stopped making DLPs.
>that kid whose mom liked you more than him
a tri crt projector ?!
those were neat on their time some pro stuff could even get 1080p without problems.
>4 player split screen Ghost Recon on a 60inch TFT
>Slam door because I was a dumb kid and was mad about dumb things
>Dad calmly walks upstairs and takes door off hinges
>Don't get it back for a whole year
I still feel guilty when a door slams even if it's by accident.
>that kid whose mom gave you a handjob
lol ur dad cucked u i bet u sucked his dick too faggot ahhahahaha
that grammar OP. KEK
Played TTYD on one of these and Quake Hammer felt so fucking satisfying.
Those TVs were awful for games due to their burn in problems. My parents had one and they made me stop playing games on it after the they had to use the warranty to replace the tube, because me and my brother burned the Phantasy Star Online status bar into it. Kids today will never know the pain of wanting a big TV in the 90s and early 2000s.
my best friend's mom used to call me stud muffin and honey bunny, and she'd always grab my arm when talking to me.
did she touch your ding dong user?
Happened to me once when trying to play some Final Fantasy. Dudes dad beat the shit out of him in the living room. Never got to play FF.
>mom ran out on us
jesus, being a single dad in the 80s had to have been brutal
That was me in the 90s and every kid in the neighborhood came over and gay wrestled with me at night.
>tfw my family had one of these
>had it for years and kept it in my room when it got replaced by flatscreens in the livingroom to keep my parents from throwing it out
>One day cousin needs a TV since his got broken by pets or something
>Lend him this until he buys a new one
>Not even a full 24 hours has passed and he calls me that he fried it
Some fucking people. Pic related, my cousin.
All wrestling is gay wrestling, all boys like to wrestle. You do the math.