I was very afraid of water until I played this. Now I'm fine with it. Why?

I was very afraid of water until I played this. Now I'm fine with it. Why?

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You have autism

You'd probably still be very afraid of irl water. It gets darker much, much quicker in real life.

It's not scary in game because you know what's below you. That's not the same in real life.

Who's the asshole that thought making a base in the Mushroom Tree biome was a good idea. Theres no resources there and it's so far away from the basic necessities.

Where is the optimal base location with options for a good view?

Because now you pee yourself constantly.

El Atrocidad...


There are not much resources there, i made a base near lifepod 12(i think) the one next to a small volcano.
I have cozy view of those electric worms and electric bushes, reaper is not that far either.

>he doesn't just grow his own resources


Make way for the true thread theme

Fuckin' nice.

29 hours in and still dont have cyclops

Hoe the fuck do you remove crabsquids? Do they respawn or can i just kill them

I stuck it on the West Grassy Plains biome just above the Mushroom Kingdom cave
Just built my Prawn suit with drill arm and grappling hook so with the scanner room I can lirterally get loadsa resources pretty quickly

Going to explore the shallow reef and grand reef's next. Need Kryonite and Sulphur Crystals

Cyclops sucks ass anyway

>Hoe the fuck do you remove crabsquids? Do they respawn or can i just kill them

Why would you do that ?
They are chill, just turn off your lights when you pass by them.

I made mine there and loved it. Only resource I thought was a bit sparse was copper. How many range upgrades do you have on your scanner? Are you koosh-adjacent like I was?

The fuck they are, demons with huge aggro radius who eat seamoths for dinner while shitting up my blood kelp. I want them all dead.

I don't have a scanner yet. I've just built the base and i'm stocking it up with resources. I'm not sure if i want to stay where I am next to the central huge stalactite tree or move it somewhere that is close to an intersection of multiple biomes.

you can stack range upgrades?

Get the scanner room and the HUD upgrade , its well worth it>
Yes all of mine have four

North of the tree is blood kelp zone, be watchful as crabsquids sometimes wander into the mushrooms
South of you is sandy plateau and kelp, west is dune borborder
i would suggest moving south for greater resource range

Yeah, you need a scanner. My mushroom base was my second base, and I didn't move there until I got the moon pool and scanning room.

You bet your sweet bippy. I usually did three range and one speed.

Osiris: New Dawn > Subnautica

The devs actually let you have guns.


What state is it in?

Looks fucking cheap

because the enemies in the game are lightweight and don't chase
if you had a gun to defend yourself there might be some tension
but because the devs are sociopaths, they placed a time-gun and now instead of shooting enemies you brutally maul them with a knife while they're helplessly paralyzed

this game advertises itself as non-violent but the devs are sick in the head, there's something wrong with them, maybe misplaced anger


Gun didn't help much there.

So does No Man's Fart and Ark, but you don't see me playing those cause the grinding is so mind-numbing.

Real thread theme.


Turd simulator 2018

Down inside the glowshroom cavern near your starting lifepod. Comfy cave view and good access to a variety of materials.

Just be sure to park your seamoth somewhere hidden while youre building, or get the pool built right away. I left mine parked outside while I was building internal stuff and heard an explosion outside. I looked out the window and thats when I learned unoccupied vehicles still draw aggro. RIP, seamoth 2.0.

Are there bluprints for a toilet of do i have to go oitside to shit forever?

Am I supposed to be able to do something here?

You get blueprints for a waste-recycling suit.

That's an inactive gate. You need to find the other side to activate it.

Stick a cube of the green shit in it

I tried to build there over the cliff and I already know I'm going to have to move.

Where the fuck do I get a blueprint for grow beds?


I was very afraid of minorities having sex with my wife until I played this. Now I'm fine with it. Why?

Floating island

Thanks. Growing stuff is depth dependent right?

Not that I noticed.

>when you're an unstoppable ocean explorer but you suddenly hit a fucking drop off and all you see in front of you is open ocean

>not building in the safe shallows where it's safe, and shallow

>First time playing this game 2 years ago completely blind
>Finally work up the courage to go deeper out of the shallows after several hours of swimming around and building a seamoth.
>End up at the drop off of what I later learned was the dunes biome
>Hear roaring in the distance and come close enough to see a massive sea creature in the distance deep below.

Very few horror games have given me such a primal fear.

It's too bad they seem to have tamed down the threats in this game.

You'll still shit your pants if you go in blind and play hardcore.

I suppose you're right.

I've been watching a few blind LP's though and it feels like you have to practically stumble right into reapers now before they'll attack you. Doesn't stop me from getting a cold sweat though when the oblivious LP'er keeps exploring with loud roars in the not so far distance.

>Need to build a base
>have a shit ton of different blueprints but can't find the basic fucking multipurpose blueprint ANYWHERE


The dunes are scary, but the Mountain biome is so much scarier. Pitch black depths with Reapers patrolling? Noooo fucking thanks. The last time I played this game was before the other Reaper types were implemented, so finally meeting them should be fun.

There's no way to get an actual functioning map in this game, right? I feel like I get lost so easily even after a full 24 hours of gameplay.

Download a picture of the map, put it in the games picture folder, put that picture in an in game picture frame.

Youll have a map but youll still have to orienteer manually.

So am I correct in thinking you can plant these in grow beds, wherever you wish?

The fuck it does! Its a portable base that means you never have to resurface.

I built my house in a dumb place lads

Check the proposed degassi habitat

Yes. Chop them up with your knife.

So there is nothing to stop you making a line of them all the way down to Lost River level? Has anyone tried this?

You might have a hard time finding all that titanium.

This game in VR was so fucken comfy before motion controllers came out

Why would you want to?

Apparently you can move them with the gravity gun and they still work.

You make a good point.

Why would you not want to?

for science ofc

Doesn't sound very fun

Exposure therapy. When you get used to virtual water it makes it a little easier to get used to real water.

It's not water that's the problem, it's the abyss.

The abyss would not be an issue if not for the water.

Guns work a lot better on land against non-train sized enemies

>reeee I wanna kill leviathans with a 9MM and a harpoon

Subnautica never made me scared, probably because I scuba dive irl. Couple of times I was startled by some asshole suddenly screaming in my ear.

Would you feel as scared if you could see to the bottom of the sea?

go snorkeling by yourself irl, in the ocean, then come back

Subnautica is the fucking shit though, I got it two days ago and love this game

>When you go off the edge of the abyss
Even before the ghost leviathans that shit made me piss my pants. It's like if you were walking down the street and walking straight into a void of nothingness. It's far scarier than any sea monster

I don't want to get hit by a boat

>guys this Disney ocean isn't scary

The real ocean has even fewer threats

But in the real ocean you die for real.

Says the shark.

>got space aids and visited the alien ruins with the anti-air gun
>visited all the areas of interest received through the radio
>repaired the aurora
>built myself a cyclops
>haven't received anything via radio in hours

Am I supposed to be working towards something here? I've just been building up my base in the mushroom forest.

go deeper...

the western grassy plateaus are situated pretty well, with a good amount of useful biomes or points of interest being nearby, as well as providing an at least decent view and reefbacks


I wish you could live on a reefback.

Where's the water?

Is it still playable with mouse and keyboard?