WHO declares people who play video games as mentally ill

This is bad. Like really fucked. Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?

can I get SSI for playing vidya?

People who play video games are completely normal ok

Bump for exposure

Sup Forums thinks everyone who isn't a clone of them is mentally ill.

Reminder that people who take 100 selfies a day will never be regarded as suffering from a disorder because girls do it

Video games are a thing that boys do instead of paying attention to girls so it must be stopped

Anyone who posts here is mentally ill.

>literally who
nobody cares

Sounds about right

>Vanity is a mental illness

Get this retarded shit out of here you dumb nigger, shame on you if you actually believe this nonsense

Because it’s true

>Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
It was already talked about actually.

Cool, more potential NEET bucks.


fuck yeah boi

>Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
We've only had threads about it for the past fucking month.

>lost the battle to control the minds of "gamers"
>now given a disorder that will warrant being put in a padded room in retaliation, as well as even more drugs being put down kids gullets

odd, is there one for extreme physical sports? they only break down their entire body to compete over a small ball and what position it goes to on the ground


>implying normlalfags are mentally ill
Being retard is not same as mentally ill.

Why are australians shitposting so much lately?, what the fuck.


Is not a mental illness

Friendly reminder that if a neurologist wants to diagnose a brain problem, he takes a spinal core tap, or does some form of neuroimaging.
And if a psychologist wants to diagnose a brain problem, he interviews you.

Neurologists can even identify people genetically predisposed to PTSD, psychologists don't even know what PTSD even is.
Trust science, not """social""" science.

>turn the entire childhood experience into a non-physical, sterile, boring and overprotected one
>why are they competing in video games so much? are they insane?


Isn't the modern definition of mentally ill just any behavior that isn't conducted by the majority?

Who cares about fake news?

>hobbies are mental illness
>instead you should do literally nothing all day
What the fuck. I would die of boredom.

go get disability bux

Where's the lie though?
The fact that they'll use it to prescribe more soma and stigmatize large swathes of the population doesn't mean that playing vidya all day every day is healthy.

>ebola will kill us all
>nothing happens

>vidya causes violence
>nothing happens

just when I wonder what if the 'patriots' are right then they spout this shit

any psychologist with an ounce of self awareness will admit a lot of it is in the air and it's not an exact true science

Not necessarily the same thing as being vain; many narcissists are vain, but not all vain people are narcissistic.

>narcissistic personality disorder

Materialists are fags but psychologists are Jews so whatever.

>people not actually reading into this and just kneejerk reacting

it basically states that when playing games get so bad that it majorly get in the way of life/job/hobbies it becomes a negative addiction that needs help. you twats.

neet bucks here I come

Help being defined as talk therapy and pills.

>my addiction that I label as a "hobby" is now identified as the mental illness it should be
>I-I dont have a problem, I can quit whenever I want!

exhibit a

>quoted multiple times
>don't even play games anymore



" Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
Take advantage of others to get what they want
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Be envious of others and believe others envy them
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office"

The second point, requiring excessive admiration, is the only real indication that selfies might be connected to NPD.

Why would I want to quit something that I enjoy doing?

So can we admit phone games like candy crush and Farmville are games, and label people who play those as mentally I'll?

Wew lad, butthurt psychologist detected.
Can't even explain the biological cause of ADHD.
What a joke.

If I quit playing video games I'll probably kill myself. There will be nothing distracting me from the dystopian hellscape that is life in 2018

>Why would I want to quit something that I enjoy doing?

thats what the japs have been dealing with (hikos) and is totally not what they are implying. and is already a seperate illness called fucking AGORAPHOBIA

And you think this makes you not mentally unwell?

That's because ADHD is made up to justify prescribing speed to children. Kind of like depression.

its a mental illness

>This is bad. Like really fucked.
i don't think it is, unless you're a child and your parents mindlessly buys into this shit. if you're an adult and you believe you have a mental illness you have to seek help voluntarily unless you're batshit and you hurt people.
i don't think it will change anything.

however i strongly believe they're onto something important when they say excessive gaming is harmful. i know i've become completely socially retarded since i finished school and human interaction wasn't a big part of my daily schedule anymore, and have since become depressed and anxious - but that's the times we live in, considering depression is the leading cause of disability world wide now.

>Hey thats a cute fi-

There are no negative impacts to my life. If I did quit video games I would just get another hobby. are you going to label that as mental illness as well?

wanting to die because you are so bored you could die is normal.

If you're well adjusted to clownworld then you're the one with a problem desu

But that's wrong you little shit.
It's an abnormally high rate of dopamine reuptake, and depression is something fucky in the serotonin cycle, which in turn effects the mesolimbic pathway.
You can go see an actual doctor, with an actual scientific background in neurochemistry and ask him.

It's overdiagnosed as fuck because psychology is a fucking joke.

My dispute is the definition of mental illness. From where I'm standing it looks like the jews are simply trying to strike back at the folks who keep calling homosexuals a mental illness thus the phrase has lost its meaning

As someone who's legitimately mentally ill I accept this

Have you considered political extremism and/or religion?

>everyone itt

Seems you got some paranoia mixed with your autism and obligatory depression.

what do you hate so much about your life outside of vidyia my friend?

>video starts playing at top of article
>pause it and try to read article
>scroll down to text
>video re-appears in corner and starts playing anyway

>hey video games are an illness, guess ill just kill myself
>have you considered joining a cult?
what the fuck did I just read?

>I'm not crazy, its the jews who are making me crazy

but what if you're a girl that plays vidya?

Is it paranoia if its true?
Only when I'm playing RPGs
Not at all. I just accept that the world is shit and I dont want to be part of it.

There is no freedom. You exist as a slave in every avenue of life.

>everybody else watches TV for 5 hours a day and there's nothing wrong with that
>play video games instead and it's a problem
Nice try, TV lobby

It can be but in your case you are way off so it doesn't matter.

If you're worried that vidya will get you sent to an insane asylum, then maybe you actually are mentally ill for reasons you don't want to admit.

be patient. i'm a gamer.

You're just describing the physical mechanism of an emotional state, not telling me why it happens.
Maybe if something like one-sixth of the American population needs to be on happy pills there's a more serious problem.


can i get neetbux for playing video games?

not him but the normalization of mutilating penises and the absolute destruction of the human rectum by people who pretend to care, through socialization, is not healthy and to say that it is, is evil

Great I just need to get a job with the WHO and classify both movies and chess as mental illnesses.

well, are they wrong? Just look at this place

>playing video games obsessively

Read the article faggots. Playing video games is normal. Playing them to the point where it afters your life negatively

He's saying instead of killing yourself to kill other people

>something that could potentially allow me to claim disability, insurance and all kinds of additional support because I enjoy video games is bad
The world is ending, oh no, employers might need to give me preferential treatment in the future or courts lessen the punishment on my murder-spree because I was under the influence of an addictive hobby that helped develop a mental illness. What ever shall I do.


You would get rehab.

I can't have an outrage if I actually read the article

>video games are my only escape from the meaningless hellscape that is modern life
>have you considered finding some kind of meaning by becoming politically active or finding God
>whoaaaa I'm not looking to join a cult guy
Then just kill yourself, faglord. You're already dead anyway.

I know what you mean. My "depression" is a totally rational response to my circumstances. It would be insanity for me to be satisfied with life.

Just the fact that you're tumbling over yourself to make this unrelated topic about the imaginary war between you and transexuals shows how far gone you are.

Oh nevermind, I can see this thread is just a free (you) factory for a few special little boys


Could it be that your perception of reality is the problem? Is it really likely that everyone is dumb except you? These questions... It's almost as if... Could it be... Wait... Yes... aaaaahhh

heres yours

Take one of mine friend

thanks cool guy. Have a chill day

>holy shit everything is fucking terrible
>no it's not take your soma


Why do you care? It doesn't matter; none of this matters

why would it matter, you don't reveal your powerlevel in public right user?
>he goes out with "us gamers" shirts

that's pretty vague. can you give one example in wich you have no freedom?

do you think these mentally ill freaks know how to dress themselves or act in public

cults are way more fucking mental illness related than video games onifam.


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