
>Monster Hunter World
I have never played a MH game, but this one looks neat.
>Metal Gear Survive
I'm a big MGS fan, but the idea of a crafting, zombie, multiplayer MGS game is kind of stupid to me. I'm willing to give it a shot though.
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
I like old school RPG's, but I've heard this game has a slow start and it's really glitchy. This game still looks alright though.
>Demon's Souls
It's one of those games I've never finished, but I had a really good time with it. I also want to finish it before Dark Souls Remastered comes out in May.

Hair Transplants

Start with Demon Souls, finish that shit.
Leave Kingdom Come until last to allow it to be patched.
Both Monster Hunter and Survive are great, Survive has a higher skill ceiling, Monster Hunter is better polished. Go with whatever you have friends to play with. Survive is better if you have no friends.

Who is this Handsome Jack attack?

She never did anal, meh.


yes she did

When and with whom.

Gianna Michaels

Instead of being a faggot beggar, try using any search engine like adults do.



So fucking overrated Jesus Christ


also stop typing like a faggot. "MEH. XD" fuck you

gianna's a fuckin nasty white girl. entry lvl shit
receding hairline and has the same face as my friend who is a man

I'm not such a porn fan that i could tell you who it was with, but you could definitely google "gianna michaels anal" and get both images and videos. have fun user, I don't remember it being anything special.

That's ok, there are plenty of gay men out there for you.

Post more Gianna

Dragon Dogma

Angela White does what Gianna doesn't

While that is true, I watch Gianna for her ferocity not her body.

>white pornstars


She's for submissive cucks with self-esteem issues which is why she's so popular here I guess

Gianna has always been special for her enthusiasm. She is objectively one of the most unattractive porn stars.

fair and respected point, user

What does cuck mean this week?

I remember masturbating to her when I was 12. Fun to see that she's still only 34 and I'm 24. Fucking her would fulfill a childhood dream for a lot of guys I think.

Either MH World or Kingdom Come.

"People who like Gianna"

was she the logical conclusion to porn?

no one has even come close since.

>was she the logical conclusion to porn?
A woman who enjoys sex? I guess? What the fuck were you trying to say?

>no one has even come close since.
Lana Rhoades is the pinnacle of porn perfection