>win a game
>everyone on the team celebrates shouting "LET'S GO"
This never happens anymore, everyone is so silent and cynical. Maybe if you win you'll see a "gg" in chat. Nobody is excited or enjoys video games now..
>win a game
>everyone on the team celebrates shouting "LET'S GO"
This never happens anymore, everyone is so silent and cynical. Maybe if you win you'll see a "gg" in chat. Nobody is excited or enjoys video games now..
vidoe agmes suck...
Because nowadays everyone expects to win or thinks they deserve to win by default. There is also no camaraderie playing with matchmade teammates so people get frustrated instead of excited.
because you're playing with pugs
It’s just PUGs dumbass
I used to watch the NLSS for a couple months like half a decade ago when he was streaming DaS1 regularly, was pretty good
I recently caught an NLSS again and holy fuck has it went to shit, all of these new guys seem are giant faggots and all they talk about is retarded shit
What the fuck happened
I mostly just watch his single player vods on youtube I dont really like his friends either
back when i was a teen and played online games a lot, almost everyone chatted through text and voice. now nobody ever says anything. lol y'all kids socially retarded
Rob and Austin becoming regulars has killed the NLSS. These days I don't even bother.
Rob is a pseudo intellectual who just parrots shit he read on reddit.
Austin is a furry who is a try hard, he's not been entertaining once.
I still like mondays, it's NL/Nick/Josh and Hafu (nl's wife)
nl and josh are the powercouple
I don't find nick at all pleasant
>Hafu (nl's wife)
If only
kate is cute but she's annoying, she must fug good
Austin went down at least two tiers the last two weeks tbqh
>muh anime
Not really. He was just his usual annoying self.
i just want to play FPS games with someone else like i use to...
Thank the direction that devs and publishers have pushed MP games. All this esport bullshit has given every tryhard sweater a venue to catalyze their degeneracy and it's spread like fucking cholera through and through permeating every dimension of gaming. MM only stands to make it worse.
Nick has his role of being the complete opposite of NL, a crazy guy pretending to be normal.
He is pretty annoying when he makes jokes and tries to repeat or explain them which ruins them most of the time.
He's also the worst when they start talking about politics but not as bad as justin
Last night I was screaming during a game, telling my team mates I want to fuck them, that I respect them, that I admire their hustle and there's nobody else I'd rather play with. I also screamed at the enemy team, taunted them, told them to come at me pussies, and I'll kill them over and over and over again nonstop, and that nothing brings me greater joy than putting them in their place and making sure they can't play the game.
I also was blackout drunk and spent the entire night sick on my couch so yeah maybe that's the secret.
I think I just hate Austin
Sorry try hard without actually being good
Convinced he's never wrong even when he is
Hafu is surprisingly working out well on the show.
She brings nothing to the table.
Where the fuck has winner of Big Brother Season 10 Dan Gheesling been?
at least austin is an easy target
pubg videos were sometimes enjoyable when gheesling was giving him shit for being furry scum
What's a furry?
>the anime questions in the episode were all basic fucking anime knowledge
Seriously, one was a lucky star/haruhi question, entry level anime.
Rob complaining that anime is very niche was fucking retarded, he plays video games online, watching anime and playing video games have a HUGE overlap. Anime is massive online.
It's literally just whining because they don't know the answers. the dude worships game of thrones like it's art, but dismisses an entire medium.
I gave up on the NLSS or any other content where Austin is present. Can't stand anything about him, his voice disgusts me, and he never shuts up trying to sing. Also for whatever reason he tries to hide the fact that he lives with his sister, always referring to her as his housemate, it's just weird.
I've also noticed that they tend to get political a lot more compared to before.
But I congratulate people for nice kills and comment about the game if it was close or a very good game.
I think people don't talk because they fear people will tell them to shut up or make fun of them.
inb4 people tell me to shut up and make fun of me
I've been playing online since Tiberian Sun and Starcraft.
I've never seen or heard of LET'S GO.
It was always GG.
Are you surprised they get political?
They're all hugely leftwing except Ryan and Dan, Dan is never on and Ryan wants to keep it apolitical. The 2016 election has made politics rear it's ugly head everywhere.
let's go is a nu-esports thing. OP is a kid that's just mad videogames aren't all like Rainbow Six Siege pro games.
He plays 14 hours of videogames a day and is somehow trash. It's incredible. He has thousands of hours on dota and is still god awful.
God Tier:
High Tier:
Mid Tier:
Low tier:
All of NL's friends are faggots.
Place rob in mid tier and it's perfect, add k8 to low tier and justin to mid
This is a pretty good list.
Do you want to know why everything changed? BECAUSE OF FUCKING YOUTUBE AND TWITCH.
Everything you say will get recorded. If people can identify you, everything your say can and will... HAHAHAH... who am I kidding... Everything you say will only and literally only used against you by some retarded strangers on the internet.
You play an online game with your real name? Enjoy getting a letter from your employer for insulting him and his wife the next day and a letter from the court because he had sued you.
Today there are only two ways of communicating in games:
>being a streamer
you shout and do everything to get attention. Your goad is not to have fun. Your goal is to get money.
>being a gamer
You stay silent. Everything you say gets recorded illegally. Just look at streams of online games. Streamers are recording your name and what you are writing. This is illegal, but suing the streamer isn't worth it either. Sure, you will probably win, but the time it takes to sue takes so long and pretty much only gets you flamed by the retarded fans (or fake fans which only want to insult others and just implying they were fans) of the streamer. Sure, you can sue the streamer again for motivating his viewers to insult you and the viewers, but you would waste so many time with this shit that you would be better of just don't write anything in chat and name yourself some random shit to not be traceable.
And that's the reason why I love Sup Forums. You can write your ideas, have fun, and the next day you don't have to get some fuckers write on your twitter about your post because it wasn't 100 % sjw friendly.
What would you rate TotalBiscuit when hes on the show?
Probably mid tier, high on a good day.
>All anime sucks
>I've never seen an anime except ghibli and ghibli isnt anime
t. Austin "can't even eat 20 chicken nuggets" gaywolf
Best Northernlion playthrough is New Vegas you cant argue with this
>shouting "LET'S GO"
what kind of ass-fucking dick-munching fruity-fuck smegma-sniffing cum-guzzling faglords were you playing with?
>you can sue but the fans will hate you
i love these bizarre glimpses into the world through the eyes of a preteen
fallout 4 was funny because of how much he fucking hated the game and preferred new vegas.
The killphrase for autists, utter it and their brains go into meltdown.
Rob should be lower consider how much of a fucking pleb he is in both video games and films. Other than that I agree.
>everyone on the team celebrates shouting "LET'S GO"
Are you European?
Nah happens all the time in Dota 2. Everythings fine, the moment you lose everyone wants to kill each other. But if they win they're all oh yea wp guys!!!
Pretty good.
why would anyone say "Let's go" after a win? That doesn't even make sense.
>win a game
>everyone on the team celebrates shouting "LET'S GO"
>This never happens anymore, everyone is so silent and cynical.
Try team sports user. Getting juiced up when you're in striking distance or trying to hang on to a lead is still an incredible feeling.
>Anime autist
You are the problem.
I try and get hyped when playing games in person.
Dumb damage
Malf need to be in his own tier between high and god, he's way better than Rob and Baer but he isn't as good as anyone in god tier
I still do this. I hoot, I holler, I shit talk in chat. Why the fuck aren't the rest of you having fun?