Whats your favorite porn game?

Whats your favorite porn game?

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Imagine the amount of back problems she would have.

Very little as she seems to be in good shape otherwise and wouldn't ever have to do any manual labor due to coasting through life with her beauty.

>Tfw Playhome is better than Honey Select but Playhome is fucking dead.

Fucking japs.

I've been trying not to jerk off recently

I always come back to the old zone flashes

it infuriates me how they treated it. Almost sabotage. I don't know when the next game of this style will release either. It's gonna be cartoon style now, no thanks.

The Sims, 2 or 3

Tons of sex mods sure, but mainly it makes me feel sexually powerful to play as an alpha bitch and fuck every chick in town, especially the married ones.

Obviously, I haven't touched a real woman in eight years.

Recently started with CM3D2. It's nice, but the character creation is lacking.

this is a christian board this thread has to go

My nigga

I still like corruption of champions a lot just for the variety and different ways you can build your character, even if there are too many furry dickgirls in the game

Sometimes I load up sections of starless

Downloaded rondo duo but haven't played much of it

why do these threads keep getting deleted OR moved to /aco/ and then get everyone banned for jap on west shit? these threads are the most calm the board have and everyone respect each other to a certain degree

that one because of the studio

Because Sup Forums's design is flawed in that if you want to discuss something that doesn't fit into one of the boards SFW/NSFW topic structure, you eat shit

If only there was a website similar to this where you can create your own 'boards', as many as you want, oh wait there is it's called reddit

Because of dumdum jannies not realizing that there's also hentai games in /vg/, and discussion about pornographic games have a place in blueboards, as long as there's no actual porn posted.

>tfw you take other anons cards and make them into tanned, pierced-bimbo whores and then let two niggers fuck them.
I need help

Fuck off plebbitor. There's a thread on /vg/ for exactly this.

Holy shit i was fucking afraid you were going to shill 4+4 chan and i was about to shit on you for shilling it.

Yes, lets talk about e celebs and the same 4 threads full of shitposts again, whoo hoo. I've been here for awhile, and I appreciate the SFW discussion of NSFW subjects. VIDEO GAMES btw

AA2. That new games scares me because without the ability to create males (distractions), everything will be off-balance. Any possible yuri relationships will be that much stronger.

>I've been here for awhile, and I appreciate the SFW discussion of NSFW subjects

But the mods don't, so this thread will probably get deleted.

Back to Sup Forums proudboy

The problem is that there's always that ONE moron on Sup Forums (or sometimes more) who is constantly posting shit that's over the line, which causes the dumdum Sup Forums jannies to inexplicably move the thread to the wrong board, where the actually competent jannies there delete the thread for being off topic. Literally no one talks about western porn games on Sup Forums, why are they always moving the thread to /aco/? Move it to /h/. Move it to /e/. Move it to /u/. Move it to /d/. But not fucking /aco/.

This, my mom has really nice big tits, and doesn't have back problems.

I dream of my son(s) saying this about me one day

Made this in koikatsu


Raita Aesthetics.

I could be your son

>But not fucking /aco/
Talking on /h/ used to be a warning ban. Now you rarely see pictures in some threads.

sims i guess

A few of the "x Trainer" style games are pretty good for a fap

I really like Blue Guardian Margaret, but it's more of an /e/ game.
I wish the english version would get cracked.

>Open up the thread
>ctrl+f MGQ
>0 (zero) results
You disgust me today Sup Forums.

>my dad is a fat fuck with massive man boobs
Doesn't really have the same effect as the other one.

nigga is fucking weird how the best jannies are the ones dedicated to porn sites they banned a poster that uploaded western art that looks exactly like a jap on /h/

me too but i generally only last 6 or so hours

Supposedly (Sup Forums hype) there is more roles now. We'll see if that is actually true or if everyone acts the same way.

>Deleted it
>Want to play again
>The complete version linked on /h/ was removed

well part 2 is not translated so what do you wanna talk?

Really? You need to work on that. I can last two months. And that's while looking at several different porn threads daily.

It's an overhyped visual novel. Sengoku Rance would be a more solid choice.


Under what rock are you living, user? All three parts are already out and translated years ago.

Rance is great too.


Where can I download Honey Select?

MGQ isn't a porn game. It's a beautiful wholesome adventure story about the power of love overcoming an ancient tyrannical evil.

>All three parts are already out and translated years ago.
user, do you know? theres a new monster girl quest game called paradox right?

I want a game where you play as an adventurer in a open world RPG but you make most of your money as a prostitute and work on leveling up your various sex skill trees.


I do. But I wrote MGQ, not MGQ Paradox, didn't I?

>last rance will come out in a couple of days maybe friday
>it will be the last rance game and alicesoft is going all out with the continent domination and WAR
>mix of sengoku and mix of 6 with every character that is not killed
>all of rance kids will show up and do an important role

Who is hype here? i am.

The only mega links I see in the pastebin seem to be updates and patches. When clicking on the main game link it sends me to a pastebin with no downloads.

That's why you have like 100gigs of mods and shit.

Hold up. How's the translation going? I stopped playing because it was a broken and barely completed mess and the machine translations were awful

MGQ isn't even the best doujin ero rpg

Found the download link sorry for being retarded

>This, my mom has really nice big tits, and doesn't have back problems

Then wich one is it?

Go to /t/ you fucking faggot

It is still shit.

Damn. I just want to turn my head maid into a virgin cuckquean with good translations

Everytime I see this games its just people editing the character with sliders. Is there more to it? Can you interact with the character and do things?

You can fuck them, but it's really barebones.

Nigga she doesn't have any fucking muscles, she's just not fat. Skinny girls with big tits still have back problems.
>All attractive girls don't have to work because they're pretty
>Sup Forums actually believes this

>is there more to it

Nope. It's just a glorified poser.


The translations heavenly depends on what kind of maid you build. Some have ok translation and others complete garbage.


Rondo Duo. I generally don't like those games since gameplay feels like a chore and the scenes aren't that interesting.

They are great for edging sessions. When I have down time at work I like to jerk it to these.

Is it based on their class? The base maid classes being translated are good enough for me, i accept that the newer ones probably aren't done. Is the translation still in progress or have the majority moved onto other games?

Yes you can have sex with them and affect how they feel about you and corrupt or break them and pose them with many backgrounds, and I hear there's a fighting game you can play with them too. Not a fighting game like street fighter, but I mean you fight with the characters in some way, don't know the exact gameplay details for that. I think it's like an easier porn poser version of Daz3D.

>big tits cause back problems
>implying you won't build muscle to compensate
>implying a marginal bit of exercise every other day won't keep any of that from happening

Women just enjoy complaining.

I really enjoyed love death. you could punch, and hurt the girls till they die and then fuck them, or drug them and shit, make them pregnant, etc.

I wonder why they didn't continue with the series after 3.

What happened to Playhome?

I like corruption. Fortunately, there's a lot of games that cater to me. I'm really glad I got the VenusBlood collection.

My favorite porn game though, that's probably Inma ka Sugoroku. I mean, I injured my dick while playing it.

You've just opened a whole new world to me

>Whats your favorite porn game?
virgin goddess island or the mucchi ignorance series.
HS poser is bretty good though

Is it worth waiting for the rumored english release of COM3D2? I really enjoy the artstyle but this game has many barriers to entry including the install process, poor translation and multitude of mods required let alone the massive installation size, I always keep putting it off

You mean Love Death Final? Probably because that was the last Teatime game before they were absorbed by Illusion.

Artist name?

AA2 just for the sheer amount of memorable shit happening in it since students could have relationships with others.

Does HS gave good boob physics and shapes? The pseudo-DOA style it has always turned me off from it.


Going by hours played, probably AA2.

Evil characters were a literal game changer once I knew how it worked.

> started Sengoku Rance
> play
> fap
> like the gameplay
> keep playing
> skip the porn scenes

What "memorable shit"? There's basically three interactions in the game; converse, fuck or fight.

>start sengoku rance
>trying to figure out the gameplay, not really into it
>H scene starts
>feel really awkward because the female character clearly isn't into it
>stop playing

I started to appreciate RPG maker games

How did people with Down's get a computer

>the female character clearly isn't into it
but she always is, when it's with Rance anyway.

It was a rape game and they got rid of the outfit selection. The graphics were better, and there were more positions, and there were multi-partner scenes, but not everyone was into the rape. Also no subtitles so no translations of in-game dialog.

tbqh I recently made a reddit account to see what the fuss is about and it's not that bad. /vg/ is the best comparison, but it's much better from a technical perspective. It's very fair to call it "/vg/ but much better to use."

why bother my dude, i like to jizz

Well that sucks, here I was thinking HS was about to be obsolete and I stopped playing, waiting for PH, well so at least HS will still be relevant and get mods and shit for now. But that sucks about PH, removing outfit selection, what are they thinking.

Woah son you need to back the fuck off

Dreams of desire now that you fucked the mom

But why