The great debate
The great debate
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I liked both 1 and 2 for different reasons, but 3 was goddamn trash
All three Pikmin games are fantastic.
Couldn't play 3 because I had no Wii U. Pikmin 2 is pretty good although it lacks a bit of the charm 1 had.
Two by far. 3improved a lot of things, but unnecessarily removed a shit ton of things in return.
>anything close to trash
Really? If anything, 2 ADDS charm to the series. To each their own I guess.
Pikmin 2 is not only my favorite pikmin game but easily one of my all time favorite games of all time. trying to beat the game using the least amount of in-game days and pikmin was really addicting and everything felt exactly like an exploration into a foreign world with the treasures often being Easter Eggs to boot. soundtrack also god tier.
haven't played 3 or know anything about it myself. what did they fuck up?
3. 2's slower pace may have made a more engaging first run but I have no desire to replay it again and again to get faster like I do for one and 3.
>Pikmin 2
Dungeons become too repetitive after a while
Purples are way overpowered
The design of some caves are nice and the high number of different enemies/items and the piklopedia is amazing.
>Pikmin 3
Environment is gorgeous
The boss fights all feel really different and great.
Limited food supplies were a great idea but you fall too quickly into overabundance of fruits.
Way too short.
The gamepad and path-tracking make the game great if you like to speedrun or just try to organize your days efficiently.
I'd say I prefer 3 just for the beautiful scenery and the rock pikmin being a funnier, less overpowered version of purple.
Comparing 3 to 2 is like comparing a fucking bag of garbage to an ice cream sundae. How the fuck is 3 even remotely close to 2? 3 is such a fucking atrocious game with barebones controls, un-inspired graphics and the lack of interesting bosses and features along with a shitty and boring co-op mode ruined it.
For all the talk of how annoying the ship in 2 is as an expository character, 3 was fucking unbearable in how much tutorial handholding bullshit there was. I wish Nintendo would have an "expert mode" in these games or something so that after beating it the first time you don't have to sit through that shit again if you don't want to.
something i found really annoying is that they removed the two stick control scheme the other games had. In 1 and 2 you could use the c stick to move your squad around, you can't in 3.
I think it comes down to whether you like time management or you like taking your time. Since I'm in the former crop, I greatly prefer 3 and have replayed it about 5 times. I don't often replay games.
This post is bait, ignore it.
Wii U doesn't have a C-Stick, so any functionality related to that was removed in favor of a button command to just charge your Pikmin forward. It FEELS shittier not being able to manually maneuver your Pikmin around obstacles, without being able to kill like 7 smaller enemies at once in a big horde.
>use the c stick to move your squad around, you can't in 3.
Fuck,that saved my ass a lot in the other pikmin games. that sounds like a huge downgrade in controls.
>haven't played 3 or know anything about it myself. what did they fuck up?
3 removed a lot of great enemies and bosses from 2. As well as removing caves, which seems like a hasty "solution" to how repetitive they got in 2, instead of fixing them. Also 3 was MUCH shorter than 2. Like almost Pikmin 1 in length.
3 is still a great game though.
>Wii U doesn't have a C-Stick,
Why can't you use the second analog stick or the touch controls then? Haven't played.
Is this a pikmin thread?
So who here loves dweevils?
>wiiu doesn't have a C-stick
Doesn't the gamepad and pro controller have c-sticks?
I'm gonna sound like a fucking autist for complaining about the story of all things, but it really bothered me the way they treated all the returning characters from Pikmin 2, made me unable to enjoy it that much by the time I was at the end of the game.
>lol oopsie, Hocotate Freight is back in debt, even though in the last game they got rich enough to coat the Ship with fucking gold
>President didn't hesitate to come to the planet himself last time and was eager to find lots of treasure singlehandedly, now he's too busy "on vacation"
>Hocotatians in general are flanderized into greedy treasure seeking space jews - in the last game they HAD to find treasure to repay their debt, after that Olimar was only doing it because his President was greedy and forcing him to, and it couldn't hurt since they were already searching for Louie
>Olimar was upset that the Dolphin was sold off, but ultimately accepted it quickly - he is now obsessed with acquiring funds to buy it back
>Olimar completely neglects Louie and the Pikmin despite all the shit he previously went through with them, very OOC considering all those logs and journal entries in the first two games describing his relationship with them
>Louie, a resourceful individual seen in Pikmin 2's post-game to be able to survive abandoned on the planet eating the wildlife until Olimar and the President find him, is now completely helpless and doomed to starve until he is assisted by the new protags
>the Ship, a valued companion in Pikmin 2 despite his snooty personality, fucking dies and Olimar and Louie don't bat an eye
>old characters in general are portrayed as dumb shits - Olimar gets himself kidnapped like an incompetent, Louie acts like a wild autist instead of explaining his plight, etc.
Titan Dweevil was a fucking spectacular boss fight. really showed off the Gamecube's graphical capabilities too imo.
We all agree Sedentary Bois > Jumping Zaps > Tumblr Nosies > Thicc Fellas > Aquatic Extinctions > Sicc Fellas > Flyin' Pride Parades right?
>still no news on Pikmin 4
Hope it's at this year's E3
This. 2's bosses in general were GOAT
It probably will honestly
I actually have the same problems with those characters in 3.
3 added better bosses, but took out too many great things like Caves and better controls
What one is it that just ends as soon as you get your goal?
Annoyed the fuck out of me when I played it.
>We all agree
Uh, no.
Blue > White > Flying > Bulbmin > Purple > Red > Yellow > Rock
The third one ends when you get Olimar even if you still haven't found every fruit.
In the first one the game only ends once you have every treasure (or wasted your 30 days.
Nah, here's the REAL list:
I never understood why bulbmin could resist all elements.. or why the large bulbmin they'd usually follow would eat them the moment you called them over.
Pikmin 2 (Wii)> Pikmin 3> Pikmin 2(GCN)
what made 2 Wii better than 2 GC? the fact that they didn't give you the option to use gamecube controller even though the wii could easily support it seemed dumb but i only had GC version.
Controls. GC pales in comparison.
played 1 and 2, i liked 1 more even though i know 2 is better.
1 felt more alive with those logs at the end of the day, also the sense of hurry at having a timer made me feel like i needed to make me most out of the day, while in 2 i could fuck around as much as i wanted and that made me lose interest, i ended up droping the game for a few months and then came back and finished it, i must say, the challenge missions on 2 are so fun
Motion controls for the pointer are godlike.
>Big nosed Olimar abusing the Pikmin as literal slaves and even sacrificing their lives for nothing but money and profit in 2
>game blatantly says how greedy those Hocotatians are
Its such a blatant jew allegory I'm shocked Nintendi never got in trouble the the press
I'm the first one to call out Nintendo and their ports, but man do I want Pikmin 3 on the Switch.
This. Pikmin Trilogy when?
You could only control the small ones once you killed the large one. You could say the other large bulbmin didn't recognize the bulbmin you control as their offspring so they attacked them.
People are only angry that they removed Piklopedia.
Best Pikmin
i'm interested, sell me this game
More like cuckmin
i'd buy that
I have no idea if it runs well on modern systems, but basically it's Pikmin through the lens of Dungeon Keeper if Olimar had an axe.
What do you mean by this? You're a total chad who rules an army of minions, kills all the the "heroes" picks your own bitch, and rule with an iron fist.
Nobody is more chad than Chadimar.
The power of nostalgia
Not much of a debate when 2 is better in nearly every single way. I'd even go as far to say that 1 is better than 3.
>70% is randomly generated caves, with no time limit going against the entire purpose of the game
>people actually think this is better
I personally don't see how the lack of time limit makes a difference. i still played it using my time as efficiently as possible to try and beat my records or if i wanted to just dick around i could do that and explore. some natural phenomenons in certain environment only happen after you've waited a few days. the way i see it 2 just gave you more options as to how you wanted to play the game.
Don't tell me I'm the only one.
This. Just because the time limit is gone in the caves doesn't mean any kind of management goes out the window.
Entering caves now changes to managing your group of pikmin and making sure you have enough of each to go through each floor, as well as making sure none of them die while you're still down there, because that's all that you have. It's simply a different type of management.
I hope you like that handholding and constant dialouge user
3 was too short, and only picking up fruit and not real world objects made me sad. Also, Brittany is a bitch and I would take the President any day.
Pikmin 2, no question.
I just couldn't find myself enjoying pikmin 3 and when olimar showed up in the end i was just pissed.
I was already mad in the first place that you dont play as olimar/ louie and then they pull this shit?
Not to mention i find collecting fruits lame as FUCK the best part of pikmin 2 was collecting the random shit and seeing the ship name it/
If anything i wish that they could have made a combination of pikmin 2 and 3.
Pikmin 3 just felt short and out of place. I loved rock and flying pikmin though, just wish they were called grey / pink pikmin but whatever.
I just really hate sequels to games that force you to play as some random character you dont give a FUCK about only to dangle the actual character you like infront of your face like a fucking carot for them only to matter in a cutscene. This reason is why i refuse to play ace attourney past the 3rd game.
Like i wouldn't be mad if the characters were good but pikmin 3 provides not one single new character that is in any way interesting or just not completely fucking annoying and stupid
I agree with most of that, but Louie has always been a gluttonous asshole. The whole reason you have a debt in Pikmin 2 is because he eats all of the golden pikpik carrots, and the treasure log implies that Louie might've been in control of the Titan Dweevil when you fight it. I wouldn't put it past him to steal food or become primal if given enough time alone in the wilderness.
The vibe I got from the Koppaites painting the Hocotatians as greedy jews was that they were just stereotyping them, like how Sup Forums describes all Aussies as shitposting cunts or all Indians as dirty fucks that shit in the streets. I'm sure the Hocotatians view the Koppaites as hippie vegetarian pansies, even though there's more to it than that.
Pikmin 4 when?
E3. I can feel it in my bones
3 > 1 > 2 desu
Nintendo would be very dumb if they didn't try this, specially since you can point with the joycons.
They could do two player mode with the individual joycons
I'm not sure the individual joycons have enough buttons for that...
>having Pikmin 1 and 2 in 3's engine
Please give.
2 is a poor man's dungeon crawler, I'd rather have the time management of 1.
If they made that It might make no longer regret buying this "game console".
pray for this, my fellow pikmin loving enthusiasts
imagine pikmin 4 releases as the quintessential pikmin game worth playing and its sales fly through the roof
a lad can dream
>imagine pikmin 4 releases as the quintessential pikmin game worth playing and its sales fly through the roof
Miyamoto has the same idea, it seems:
Am I the only one who really liked the KopPad in 3? Looking down at it to view the map, just like the characters in the game felt immersive as fuck.
2 is my absolute favorite game of all time. 3 was great but I liked how much content 2 had, even if a lot of it was just the caves.
This 100%
>All 3 games together
More like they port 3 and then release a port of 2 with a code to download 1 from the store.
Pikmin >> Pikmin 3 > Pikmin 2
Fight me.
Gameplay: 1>2>3
Controls: 2>3>Atmosphere (we all know this is what you're here for): each special in their own way
I'm biased towards 2 because I got it for Christmas and therefore, have more pleasant memories associated with it.
1 and 3 are still great, though.
Holy shit please Nintendo
Why the huge difference in controls for 2 and 1, with 3 in the middle?
This, sadly. We'll get pik related at most, honestly.
though a Pikmin Trilogy would be Kino
3 because the underground caves were a slog
Pik2's controls are better than one's because they:
>throw pikmin faster
>have Pikmin IMEDIATELY come to you when you whistle them
>give the ability to change pikmin type while one is grabbed and ready to be thrown
These were all things missing from Pikmin 1. 3's are almost the same, but replace swarming with charging, which was an inferior change.
2 because the underground caves were AWESOME
I too had many of these concerns, but here are some thoughts I had the more I thought about it.
>Prez has a horrid buisness acumen. This is obvious when he admits he took out his loan in 2 from a ruthless loan shark because he got the names of businesses mixed up. As well as immediatley coming out of the hole the ship immediately gets gold plated. Hocotate Freight getting in trouble again is not surprising.
>He came, recall, because he wanted to keep digging on PNF404 but Louie went missing. He just rose to the occasion, albeit for greed over Louie's well-being
>stereotype. To be fair, recall how the ship was trying to invent sales pitches for the artifacts in 2- it may be stereotype, but it also could be a little true. Knowing Nintendo's shtick to parody human society, this also wouldn't be surprising
>Olimar actually spent money on the Dolphin. The logs in 2 said Olimar always hated the ship's CPU. If a dinky freight company like Hocotate Freight had a fully cognizant AI supercomputer, they cannot be rare in their society. Couple that with contrasting Mario Sunshine, where such AI isn't common at all, yet Mario mourned for FLUDD.
>Olimar is a middle aged man who accepts casualties will come about. Pikmin deaths have become desensitized to him. Even the Koppai don't mourn them much and they're newly exposed to them
>Louie is autistic. No joke, no meme, he has Autism. Louie does not understand social cues, does not like interacting with people, has a ridiculously one track mind, and recall had no friends growing up because of it. He was surviving well until he was attacked after each of his transmissions
>Recall in 1 and 3 everytime Olimar and Louie crash land they are in a safe place- the Valley of Repose and the Crash Sight had them safe until they woke up from the crash. Again, Olimar has been in many uphill battles fighting the environment of PNF 404, it's a miracle he hadn't been eaten or killed before 3.
>literal in game advertisements made Pikmin 2 better
The absolute madmen
they really aren't
How would 3 work at full control capabilities without the touch screen? Delegating all 3 crewmembers is how you get the most shit done.
All 2 really has going for it over the others is amount of content, but most of that content is caves, which:
- don't have time management, and thus no pressure to play efficiently
- save every floor, encouraging extreme save scumming
- have procedurally generated layouts which lead to bland and unmemorable level design
- lots of filler floors that don't feel like they offer anything unique or interesting
And the game as a whole just demands far less skill or strategy due to:
- overpowered purple pikmin
- overpowered sprays
- no limit on the amount of days you have to complete the game (so you can farm spays and purples, and again, no pressure to play well)
- some of the upgrades like the one that lets you beat up smaller enemies single-handedly without risking pikmin
- enemies being less large or aggressive than in the original (though you have to deal with combinations of enemies in close proximity a bit more often)
I really don't understand the appeal. I mean it's still a great game, but fuck.
Also Pikmin tend to miss or ignore commands in 1, requiring you to tap or hold the whistle on Pikmin from time to time.
This would be nice but with all the remasters coming out lately I'm really just hoping Pikmin 4 will get announced for Switch and that it's good
2 > 1 > Hey > 3