Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

Defend what exactly?

>Sup Forums will defend this

for 30 minutes


Is this what DOTA1 looked like?


OP can't invest 30 minutes in to a mission. Probably most he can handle is 10 min CoD match

Okay I laughed

Hearthglen, finally! I could use some rest.

Easy as fuck mission though.
On the other hand, THIS horseshit:

>humans are nearing the pass
>humans are nearing the pass
>humans are nearing the pass
>humans are nearing the pass
>humans are nearing the pass

That's the campaign mode but yeah, it pretty much looked like that since the game was built on W3 assets

Whoops. Meant for

When are we getting Warcraft 4?

Hopefully never ever

We're getting WC3 remaster this year

I've never tried it on hard but it's really simple on normal.

you're wrong, its going to be new maps and legendary skins for overwatch


I'm blind, not dead

Wc3 is one of these 'normal is easy, hard is breaking balls' games. Even AI behaves differently on hard.

if you're really hardcore you can wipe out the enemy base in less time, but it's really difficult since they have unlimited resources

holy kek

>he don't know

God I love WC3
What are your favorite units? I like harassing people with a squad of gyrocopters

Lol bullshit. The AI can’t micro which effectively makes them useless.

You can school any difficulty with the most basic of knowledge of WC3 minmaxing.

Warcraft 3 is my favorite rts of all time. It had the best maps (before Dota took over the custom game list) really great pvp with a decent ranked system, a really good story with a solid expansion pack that shook up the multi meta. It just did so many things right, sure it wasn't revolutionary but it was a really solidand long lasting game for me.

That installer came out last April, nothing new.

*sends 1 batrider*

Nobody is talking about melee maps, tuff guy. Also, there are micro custom maps that will tear your boipuss in two.


Is this a meme


I thought that was the joke OP was trying to make.

I didn't even know that people speedrun Warcraft 3, it's neat that the mission could be finished early

Announcement this month, what are you guys hoping for?

If I means bringing ladder back from the dead I'm fine with the destruction of the unique Wc3 artstyle.

Who else here plays LTF & related
A pity the "community" that plays these maps is so cancerous


>undead are the most interesting race with shit like sacrificing units, mass summons and a pseudo-creep
>basic items are all the enemy needs to make them useless

All of the races are equally interesting
Its really amazing they managed to achieve this, and it contributed to the game's longevity

>All of the races are equally interesting

Orcs are basic as hell.

Warcraft IIII better have Sylvanas.

>AoE2 HD will never have an official fantasy expansion


What do you mean? Mass summons are a dumb strat that deservingly sucks ass.

>RTS mission that makes you survive harder and harder waves of enemies while you defend a certain spot

One of my favorite mission types in vidya.

>Mass summons are a dumb strat

I'm going to reinstall this and the expansion and play all of it.

In one sitting.

Thanks moot

>MY BURAYDE CAN CUT THROUGH ARMOR, and still cut a tomato.
Good times.

BM alone makes orcs fun as fuck, no other hero feels so powerful and capable on taking on entire armies alone. Orcs are also great at disables, with hex+ensnare+trap wards.There are some cool cheeses too
>BM solocreeping specific spots on the map
>grunt bodyblocks (grunts have double-sized collision box)
>mass kodo+speed scroll cheese
>pillage hit-n-run with wolf riders

Because the game has over 9000 ways to dispel shit, most of it AOE. Your opponent will thank you for free XP (wait do skellies still give xp? The game kinda went back and forth on it with various patches)

>terran are fuck as fun to turtle as in single player
>the only turtle mission in SC1 is so early you don't even have siege tank

You're a good person.
Rest of this thread, I don't know.

No shit you can dispel them, that's what I'm bitching about. I thought you were saying that it sucked because you just didn't like it.

>those late game TvT matches in literally every version of starcraft that ends with two terrans camped out on ridges with tanks trying to fight for every single iota of ground

I love that shit.

>game devolves into tank lines and fleets of battlecruisers probing and feinting
>the dam eventually bursts and shit happens

TvT is just so beautiful


you dont have to defend for 30 minutes you retard, if you get enough footmen with mortar teams you can squash the enemy base with like 10 minutes to go

here's someone actually doing it


Objectively wrong.

Orc is one of the most micro-intensive races to play. The only race which compares to orc, in terms of micro demands, is human. But once human gets tier 2 with casters, it becomes auto-cast hell, and then human can just 1a 2a 3a from there.

It was. Sup Forumseddit is just retarded beyond belief.

>0 micro going on in that gigantic clusterfuck
This is why WC3 is a superior game. Every unit matters.

it will have her new voice rather than her amazing original

necromancers are commonly known to be the worst casters in the game. There is a small window of opportunity to be able to use skellies, but skellies do shit dmg unless massed, they are slow as fuck, and weak to mass dispel. Once races start to hit tier 2, they get mass dispel, and necro becomes virtually useless. their other spells also become useless as well.

their unholy frenzy dmgs ur units for 150 spell dmg. and cripple costs so much mana, but is so easily removable with a dispel. necros suck.

>zero micro

SC1 didn't have smart cast. Each of those yamato shots was micro

>12 ads
Jesus christ

>doing the same simplistic action x10 quickly is amazing!
Starkeks in a nutshell

That mission is easy when you realise the cheese that is goblin land mines

>Also, there are micro custom maps that will tear your boipuss in two

link? I want to play these

>>doing the same simplistic action x10 quickly is amazing!

Welcome to competitive RTS. Being faster than your opponent is a skill

That skill applies to wide variety of situations that goes way beyond vidyagayms.
You niggers would go to lengths just to try to demean shit would you?

Only in basic bitch games like Starcraft. In Wc3 faster players don't come on top with speed alone, the combat is far more cerebral and demanding. Thats why koreans never dominated the game.

>have ranged run towards and shoot
>have them run away a bit
>have them stop running for a bit so they can shoot again
>have them run away a bit

Ohhh shit.

I get it now.

>Sup Forums will steal this idea

Again, thats just Starcraft shit, you don't know what you're talking about. Animation cancelling isn't even a thing in Wc3 apart from a few heroes.

Spellbreakers really appeal to me.

I like having them in front and using flamestrike and blizzard on the opposing armies.
Sometimes I even have a Pit Lord casting rain of fire for 3 big AoEs, but usually a paladin to make the spellbreakers sturdier.

Didn't you play during reign of chaos?
mass skeletons was cancer.
A few maps didn't even have goblin alchemist so it was basically an instant loss for night elves and orcs.

ah fuck I missed that run, one of the few games I wanted to see but it didn't add up with my schedule and I forgot it.

You can also finish the final undead mission early.
Saw a recording of it and the guy just destroyed all of the human bases and won way earlier.

I suppose that would explain why the first and only time I saw it was in a sc2 wc3 mod