There will be a Nintendo Direct on 2/22. We’ll probably get an announcement tomorrow, if my info is correct. If not, I guess I’ve been fooled too, but I’ve gotten correct info from this person in the past. This is info compiled from our conversations, they didn’t just send me a big list.
This directs big hitter will be Fire Emblem Switch which will release Holiday, although Animal Crossing will likely share a lot of the spotlight for its release in Fall. There will be a minor focus on the new Yoshi game, with a release date for Summer. Luigi’s Mansion 3, set for Fall. Mario Tennis Aces will get a set release for April. My source assures me there will be nothing on Pokemon, but that’s not too unexpected seeing Gamefreak does their own thing most of the time. “Nintendo is saving some bigger announcements for E3”
Third party games that will be touched on will be Wolfenstein 2, South Park Fractured Whole, Shovel Knight King Knight DLC, GTA V, Dark Souls Remastered, Octopath Traveler, BlazBlue CrossTag Battle, Terraria and apparently one other thing he won’t risk talking about because he’s one of the few people who knows about the project and it’d be easy to track. “It’s unexpected, like DOOM unexpected.”
Either way, this guy previously hinted at Labo, and let me know beforehand about Hyrule Warriors port, Mario Tennis and Dark Souls among others. So let’s hope round 2 is correct as well.
Benjamin Reyes
LABO was the direct, see you at E3!
Liam Bennett
Get him drunk, what's the secret game
Wyatt Smith
>“It’s unexpected, like DOOM unexpected.”
Let's just play this. What would it be?
Jackson Murphy
Why would Yoshi get minor focus if its the most recent release.
Lincoln Gray
But it wasn't called a direct tho
Austin Diaz
What are your hopes faggots?
John Harris
It's not, Kirby is.
Carson Jones
>Octopath >Animal Crossing
Everything else is a bonus
Joseph Fisher
Carson Clark
The direct is happening on the anniversary of the Switch's release, end this charade
Josiah Sanders
Ugh fuck off. I'm extremely well aware these are fake but stop giving me false hope.
Gavin Morales
No it won't because the mario update isn't out yet, that that was confirmed February, so it's probably getting released during a direct this month.
Gabriel Perry
It was listed under the Direct tab of Euro Nintendo's site the day it launched.
Jace Gonzalez
David Roberts
What did he mean by this?
Joseph Martinez
Actual insider here. There is nothing going on behind the scenes and nothing on the agenda until E3. OP is full of it.
Oh, and just a reminder; LABO was the Direct.
See you at E3!
Brody Jenkins
>actual insider here, i'm a falseflagging console war faggot what did he mean by this
Jason Morris
@407455013 Dude, you get maybe one or two fucking (You)s everytime you post this, why even bother spamming this over and over?
Chase White
>implying that matters as much as first year sales bragging
Carter Parker
I mean, it matters a lot, Nintendo wants to look good by releasing their games when they say they do, so we know that the update is probably out this month, and it's weird that they'd leave it so late if they weren't going to time it with something special, like a direct.
Ryan Price
Insider here. I can confirm this leak. See you tomorrow! :)
Samuel Hill
dudee DUDEEEEE see u at e3! xD i hope i get (you) lmaooo fucking CARDBOARD BABIEEESSS Xd lmfaooooooooo *whirrrrrrrrrr* *dab* xd