Night in the Woods

This game is cute.

Kill yourself.

porn when?

is this your first day on the internet?

no, i still didn't search porn of this game on e621 and i was just asking.

Kill yourself.

Touches on some interesting repercussions on small towns resulting from technological advances, but a bit too high on it's own 'alternative view' on reality. I'll give it a 7/10. Cute characters though.

Daily reminder that Mae is a pathetic and awful trash creature actively ruining the lives of everyone around her.

I wish it either had more gameplay to it and less walking around doing nothing or it was just an animated series.
It looks great and I like the characters but it has nothing else going for it.


yiff in hell furfag


And that's what makes her relatable

>or it was just an animated series
This. Maybe that way they could have made a better transition between the first and third acts.


>same thread at the same time with the same subject with the same text

>the game has cute animal characters
>"this means anybody who likes it must be a furry!"

yiff in hell furfags

normalfag in hell normalfag

i like punk furries but your game is gay scott
and so are you :3

mae porn is either on-model or ungodly thick, there's no in-between

this reminded me I still need to replay and do Bea's events


so, why is communists in the woods shilled so much despite the fact that it has been out for ages and the threads disappeared? is it because it is now on the Switch

Dogs are better

>ungodly thick
That's my kind of shit

Why do retard burgers call everything they don't like "communism"?

It got a content update, too.


It's okay to be gay

You seriously think they teach anything else in college?