Is anyone buying this?
Is anyone buying this?
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Preordered it.
Shill it to me
Looks like a cross between a JRPG and MGSV. I hope it has a good story
Don't crucify me, mgsv is my first mg game and I don't know what else to compare it to
It's like Freedom Wars but you have an aimbot.
I hate Sword Art Online but im a sucker for cute character customization with guns. So yes. The shit weebs have to deal with.
Im honestly interested in this and Attack on Titan 2. Never read or watched any of em but the gameplay looks great
Are yall getting it for PC?
Yeah. Not that huge on SAO but I like the games, and I liked Freedom Wars so this being essentially FW2 but with an SAO skin slapped on isn't gonna deter me.
call me autistic, but if your character could do some quick hop (think bloodborne) or a standing cartwheel or something i'd buy this day 1. i wont be buying this game solely because of the clunky ass somersault
Yah, im not a fan of playing shooting games on console. Thank god you can turn off the autoaim fuction.
I liked freedom wars so I guess i'll get it
Game has probably no Denuvo, so you will get a "free demo" anyways.
I have preordered the game though.
>Japanese language
Just look at all those games from Japan. Most games don't have Japanese sub and dub at the same time. I'm training my Japanese with those games, so a game without full Japanese support is useless to me.
>cute waifus
I can't so no to this.
>Fun combat
I watched a video and this combat is like Borderlands, but without the shit writing and art style.
>HUGE preorder bonus
You get a full game for free at release that isn't available on PC so far.
Sword Art Online has a great story. Sure, the writing of the Anime had a lot of holes and bad parts, but I really like the core of the story.
But before your preorder the game just watch some gameplay on Youtube. If you already don't like the gameplay and SAO's story, then don't preorder, because this is a game based on the Anime and most "ports" from Anime to game are pretty bad.
>Sword Art Online has a great story
Sword users get special dashes after slashes but thats kind of it.
Theres also a skill that lets you slide and another that lets you dash but theyre on a CD.
>Buy Hollow Realization on Steam
>No controller support
>"Fine I'll do keyboa--"
>Controls make no fucking sense and are stiff as fuck
I can't even refund it since I got it from a reseller
has japan ever made a single good shooter?
>Sword Art Online has a great story
>or a standing cartwheel or something
>great story
I preordered it for the cute girls but even I'm not that delusional.
no thanks
>>>>>Sword Art Online has a great story.
>Sword Art Online has a great story.
and you revealed your bait, Sup Forums
I will probably pick it up, maybe not on release though. I started playing Hollow Realization recently, it's pretty fun so far.
The game is confirmed to have Denuvo
where the fuck is my boy kirito
>anime shooter
Dreams coming true. Too bad it's SAO, but I'll take it.
Your boyo is now a grill.
Can I cuck kirito in this game?
Kirito and Donut MC have separated harems. No NTR between harem bros.
Can you use shotguns in this game? Can you romance the girls if you play as a girl?
I hate SAO but I love Freedom Wars.
Maybe I'll try renting it.
>Sword Art Online has a great story
>great story
No (you) for you
Yes on the shotguns, but I don't know about the Yuri fantasy user I'm sorry
my nigga. It's been so long. I think the last anime shooter that I legitimately enjoyed was S4. This genre is slim pickings.
Yes. You can dual wield them too.
I don't think the pillow talks differentiate between male and female so maybe? You also get the gameverse half of Kirito's harem for yourself. At the very least, the new OCs all want your dick.
In other games you can play as as grill (Kirito) and still fuck your bitches, I'm sure it will be the same thing in this game.
I expect lobbies to be run 24/7 Sup Forums.
Speaking of Attack on Titan 2
How was gameplay of 1? Never played it so hopping 2 is just as good or better gameplay wise
>Can you use shotguns in this game?
>Can you romance the girls if you play as a girl?
ggo kirito is actually a trap though
>trap on girl
No one actually thinks that SAO has a good story, right?
bullet sponge: the game
Well, guess I'm fucking buying a SAO game, godfuckingdammit.
>tfw it's one of the only games that has the real price on the third world
Arbeit mach libre mi amigo
Gonna pirate it.
I'm debating on it, but probably will pick it up. I haven't been impressed with other SAO games. I only played one of them and thought it was shit, think it was Hallow Realization, not sure. Lost Song or whatever looked stupid as well. Fatal Frame seems a bit different in terms of gameplay so maybe it'll be more enjoyable.
I refer you to the age-old myth of "It's better in the manga/book/source material!".
I'd hope not but seems people are.
>Sword Art Online has a great story.
>Sure, the writing of the Anime had a lot of holes and bad parts
So it has a good story then you explain why the story is shit?
Sugu is the only good thing to come out of SAO
Just wait, he's gonna throw down Alfheim as a sacrifice for the sake of defending the rest of the show.
sao is garbage so no
>cool aloof mc meets girl is initially standoffish
>guy doesn't give much of an impression at first, until he shows his TRUE POWER
>"holy shit, the BLACK SWORDSMAN WHO'S SO FAST HE DUAL WIELDS is not only kind and powerful but also has a DARK PAST as well" ~swoons~
Repeat ad infinitum
EDF is fun. Lost Planet 1 and 2 were fun as well.
The premise is ok, it just lacks focus (outside of harem endgame). The author tried to work on various interesting plot points for the whole "prisoner of a death game for X years" thing, but they are all short stories that he eventually abandoned to give more spotlight to his bitches (since they are now the selling point of this series). The anime was a shitty mess because the novels are a bigger retarded mess.
Who am I kidding, the whole thing is fucking garbage and I just want to fuck Sugu. And Yui.
You can just play as a donut steel with your own donut harem, you know.
>and I just want to fuck Sugu
Mah nigga
LP2 never goes in sale?.
Why the fuck still uses GFWL.
I should probably preorder it to get the free game while I still can.
Don't lose sleep over it, I played the most recent one (I think it's the most recent anyway, don't exactly follow fucking sao games very closely) Hollow Realization and the controls were fucking ass on keyboard, had to go through such bullshit to get the controller to work that I just said fuck it and didn't bother. Keyboard keys were rebindable but some shit that should have been on the same button (like esc to cancel or open the menu when idle) couldn't because the default game had them as different commands to be bound to different keys. Not sure about how the game itself is but when you fuck up the controls like that you're making it a chore to deal with right off the bat.
Great, I loved it
How's the Kiritowank in the game? I'm interested because waifus and donut steel MC, but the fact that there is a whole separate route for Kirito and that you can't NTR his harem puts me off. Also, I loved Freedom Wars.
>and Yui
You can't fuck what doesn't exist.
Not that bad actually. Him and his group still play a role but the focus stays on MC and his crew. His story mode also unlocks near the very end of the game and isn't that long.
Yeah, I liked all the SAO games and it's an excuse for more Philia and Strea.
>Hollow realization
Hollow Fragment and Realization are the two good games. Lost Song and SAOvsAW are the bad ones.
HF takes a bit of getting into, but HR's combat was always fun to me.
>tfw re-watched the animu over the weekend for the good moments of worldbuilding and Sugu
I want to sugu Sugu's Sugus.
Dunno why but the pirated version is fucked up in regards to registering a controller. Someone gifted me the actual Steam version and it played fine after a bit of tinkering. Try adding it to steam as a non-steam game and utilizing the controller things from there.
On the other hand, DIMPS is doing the port for Fatal Bullet, so things should be great.
You can actually create your avatar and sleep with Kirito's girls
>you can't NTR his harem puts me off
You can but not everyone. Asuna and a few others.
Can I fug Sinon? This is important.
Even better. You can BE Sinon.
But I can't fug Sinon if I am Sinon, user.
Kirito can pillow talk Sinon in his mode but as the OC donut steel you cannot.
OC donut steel gets Philia, Strea, Rain, Premiere, the two new girls Kureha and Zeliska, and the bishounen tier dude Itsuki. Seeing as how Philia and Strea are fucking best girls, I'm ok with it.
I don't know. Can I be a guy named Death Gun wielding a gun that is also named Death Gun?
You can dress up as Death Gun.
His name wasen't Death Gun though, also the gun wasen't named death gun either.
Shut up. It's funnier that way.
Is there some kind of special deal for the free game that comes with it?
>tfw you name your avatar GUN DEATH and have two individual pistols, one named GUN and DEATH
>inb4 digibro dicksucking "waah worst anime" "waah A1 sucks"
if you pre-order Fatal Bullet you'll get Re: Hollow Fragment for free. I'm pretty sure it's a Tales of Symphonia type deal where it'll be released later since I didn't see it on the store page.
If not, it'll be available to purchase later, probably for like 20 bucks.
what do you even do in this games multiplayer?
is it like coop or pvp meme
Is it PC only? My only weeb friend is PS4 only.
Attack on Titan 2 looks fucking great. The problem with the first game was that the core gameplay was great but there was no variety in the content unlike the 3DS games, which in turn had tons of cool shit to do but the game was meh.
The latest game is bringing all the cool shit from the 3DS game like character creation/ customisation, guns and other equipment, and more while keeping the god-tier gameplay from the first Koei game.
The offer? Yeah, since the port of HF is new to PC. Otherwise everything's on PS4 too. I think you just missed a sale on all the games.
It has both.
PvE is 8 players, 4 actual players and their AIs, fighting a superboss. If you played Freedom Wars' multiplayer it's like that.
PvP is this 4v4vsuperboss where the teams compete to see who can do the most damage to the boss, but they can kill the other team to interrupt them from doing damage to it. The bosses can have some BS tools like 1 shot kill attacks to make things more gay.
PS4, Xbone and PC
Cool thanks for the info user
>Sword Art Online has a great story.
No problem, have a best girl.
I want to pull on Philia's hair wings.
>mfw Philia and Strea are finally free from being Kirito's onaholes and can finally be actual characters
>tfw I get those awkward wings when my hair gets too long
They're really bouncy. I dunno how she's so good, but I'm glad her game comes out in about two days from now.
Have a second best girl.
His outfit is in the game yes.
If I buy this, will Bamco announce a release date for Ace Combat 7 and Code Vein?
I really want Code Vein, fuck.
What a shitty fucking thread. WHERE IS ALL THE SINON BUTT!?