How is it? Worth a pirate?
How is it? Worth a pirate?
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yes just update your drivers
worth a buy tbqh
Shill detected
The combat is rapey and lockpicking is unintuitive. The quest system is unforgiving but besides all that it's alright. Too bad you can't play the game without putting up with the combat system or breaking locks.
it most definitely is not skyrim. Attack an enemies arm and they can't use it very well or at all. Attack their legs and they move worse. Stab them in the face they are dead. Horses are actually useful and move at a good clip. You can fall off the horse from colliding into things, being drunk, or yoru horse getting spooked. Types of armor actually matter. If your well layered wooden weapons and fists do nothing at all. enemies actually have to hit your weak spots to damage well. Litterally, if they hit your plate with a slashing attack it does nothing in terms of damage. skyrim does have any of this what so ever.
There is a good battering system, what you wear determines how people treat you. Your skill at reading also determines the way you speak and how well you do at things.
Increasing stats really shows improvement in skills. Its not that the addition of 1 strength point means you deal more damage, your swings become smoother and it is easier to link attacks together. Drawing a bow becomes easier and your hand stays steadier when drawing and holding. You can aim longer with higher strength too.
This game is leaps and bounds better than nay game of its genre, although buggy and with poor animations it still has less problems than any of the tes games or fallout games.
since the last thread closed before I could post my semi salt about fuck tards comparing this game to skyrim and saying skyrim is better...
even if you do pirate it, you should buy it eventually. Any decent pirate generally buys the things they truly like which they've pirated.
Pirating is trying before you buy
Not with how buggy it is.
>How is it?
It's good
>Worth a pirate?
Yeah sure
Too many bugs right now. Wait six months.
it's a beta with a $60 price tag
works on my machine ;)
people saying it's buggy are piratefags
Whats the bug here?
Fun game. SLOW as FUCK... A few bugs nothing game breaking. Go get some nexus mods to help get the kinks out. If able? wait a week or two for a patch for optimization.
they made it ALL look like shit.
dont you fags know the console version is a few patches behind PC and bugged to all hell?
Two 2d planes for flowers is what you call a bug?
yes, and the PC version is a shit as well.
that was fixed in the day 1 patch you shill
nah, im 25 hours in and havent encountered a single bug
no, it's what one would call lol.
I really want to check this game out, but I don't want to waste the time pirating/playing if it ends up being mount and blade + Skyrim.
let it stew a bit. it is a shit right now.
unless you don't mind beta testing.
that's what it is. and the story is really good
Alright I have to stop you right there, WAB actually made a really good point and pathetic that "Journalists" called the game boring.
If anyone's a jew here its probably you.
The game feels unfinished, so I would wait before bothering to pirate.
except that if you knew what was going on, you'd know it's not a bug.
game's mainly for the rpg+story tbqh
combat's okay, but i'd prefer m&b
here stats plays a huge role compared to the actual mouseplaying and it's pretty easy to have stats high enough to make the limited amount of combat trivial
20 hours in, 1 bug so far, had to reload
runs alright on my 5 year old PC, pup-in in cities is the only thing that's annoying
I personally was actually really close to buying it, but I did more research and decide that 60 dollars for a buggy half finished game isn't worth it. My time is valuable and I don't wanna risk losing a save or dealing with some jank. Also the voice acting is terrible, and I'm not the kind of person who would try it in a different language.
>half finished
wrong, faggot
it's a three part story. so lol.
they even cut polearms to release game.
yep, im having a blast
Surprisingly this, also a huge patch will be released within two weeks.
Just pirate.
No, digitally distributed games should never be paid for.
Now that's some serious white-knighting
Not even DRM free ones?
>huge patch
you're not lying though casue with cryengine you'll be downloading gigabytes for a few mbs lol.
>be chilling in Sasau tavern
>sitting at the same table as the Bailiff
>drinking and talking to the innkeeper, having a boss time roleplaying
>suddenly bailiff starts demanding I light a torch, despite there being lights around and nobody else in the entire tavern using a torch
>I keep sitting at the table
>suddenly he tries to arrest me
This sort of shit is why I can't get fully into this game, the eurojank is real
same. not as many hours but still no bugs that are of note.
Daily reminder anyone who complains about the combat probably sucks shit from a straw at it or hasn't even bothered to get to the point of training
MS allows a one time, no questions asked refund. Looks like he spent his here.
Interested in the game but the bugs and glitches ( some of them are funny as fuck ) i will wait until atleast version 1.5 or something like this
I'm not going to defend this because that situation does sound pretty retarded, but I remember on one of the main quests when you're meant to work with the town guard, he mentions at night everyone is required to carry a torch after dark. I assumed it was to keep sneaky people in the light as much as possible, and you can call them out if they don't have a torch.
how is that not realistic, i bet there were powertripping faggot bailiffs all over the place
Dunno about the size (pretty sure it will be several GBs), but if you take a peek at the official forums you'll notice that those "many quest related bug fixes" are almost 150.
Lockpicking isn't so hard with mouse and keyboard. It's useful to learn brewing the padfoot potion you get +5 on lockpicking more than enough for hard locks.
so they shipped a game not ready for release?
holy fuck.
It's amazing imo
I have no doubt they'll patch it to get rid of the small amount of bugs.
>I came across one so far, a quest sequence bug where you couldn't buy charcoal from a trader if you had done a quest in the incorrect order, but you still had the money
lol no
I pirated the game but might just buy it. I'm about 40 hours in and every few hours I have had to reload because of a bug. Unless pirate sites release patches its probably worth the buy because it's a great game.
>but if you take a peek at the official forums you'll notice that those "many quest related bug fixes" are almost 150
>Lockpicking isn't so hard with mouse and keyboard
Make sure to keep the mouse cursor with the golden ball BEHIND instead of ahead, much less chance of breaking and a lot more chance of succeeding.
?? I have 30 hours in it, worst bugs I have seen have been minor cosmetic ones.
Considering how fucking huge this game is, I am actually impressed they did this well without EA'ing it
Can you do a light armor saber build that’s not garbage?
It's a huge patch, no need to move the goalpost my dude.
CODEX are pretty good at releasing patches for their releases
pretty sure you have to dive in the deepweb to find their official forum
it's a casual's dream quality of life patch. goal posts are moved in closer for you. they didn't mention anything about cut content. putting in cut content from beta would be a huge patch. modders are already on it.
my first few hours in the game It was really hard, I think the steep learning curve will throw off a lot of people, but it would make the game worse to cater to the lower denominator like that.
Yeah and until you get the silent lockpicking perk it's best to do your stealing during the day when the NPCs are at work, if you do it at night when they're sleeping right next to the chest it will wake them up and they'll call the guards.
>100 reputation in all cities but they don't know I'm actually stealing from them.
>disable lock on and spam stabs
Not really. Issue with light armor is that there's no way to dodge arrows, so you get turned into kebab by Big Cuman Shafts if you try to fuck with them.
Same, but I overtrained at the combat arena and now I kill everyone with 2 hits.
redpill me on combos
full of bugs
did they mention the patch that you won't need an SSD?
Is there any point to romance options in the game? After initial buff I haven't seen any benefits
Same, I tried freeroaming a little without doing that and got CUMAN'D, so I spent 3 in-game days just training and learning the timing of attacks and now I'm unbeatable. Runt died in a single perfect counter. I deliberately use bad weapons to nerf myself.
avoid 4hits combos and stick to 3hits until you can spam them with ease
>Some quest to help a guy get his tooth pulled by the blacksmith
>Pickpocket it out instead
no, they didn't mention poorfags
>disable lock and do a 360 downward slash
Feels kind of cheap doing this since a good hit to the head will kill the enemy, but then again this is the only way to deal with more than 2 enemies at the same time.
Considering the game is on Xbox and PS4 they have to try and improve it.
>redpill tier:
any combo that hits the face if the foe has no helmet or an open face helm. rundown combos if they do
>deity tier:
unga bunga with the mace
>elder god secrets tier:
freecam combat
who doesn't have an ssd in 20 fucking 18
It's buggy shit
Don't listen to the shills, most do it for free.
>not having your velociraptors in raid0
>being this new
It's more like 1/3 finished actually.
I thought you could save by going to sleep, but for some reason sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Just lost around 2 hours of playthrough where I managed to kill a cuman ambush with 3 enemies and got tons of loot only to die to 2 forest bandits who comboed me to death, even though I made sure to save/go to sleep after selling my cuman loot.
Very devilish my liege.
it only saves in a bed you own i.e. one which you can see on the minimap
from hunters
>Using the torch unequips your shield
god this is annoying
Get the unlimited save mod. It makes it easier to put up with the game being a faggot
It's not pirated properly yet, the pirated version has tons of bugs in it.
Sometimes it doesn't save in owned bed as well. I think it has something to do with replenishing energy. If you try to spam it while rested it won't save.
I literally feel bad about pirating this game, it's so fucking good. I'm definitely buying it at a later date, when more patches come out and game goes on sale. Admittedly I got lucky with the bugs (or lack of thereof).
Also, skip the quest ROBBER BARON, this shit breaks your save after you finish it. You can take it, but don't finish it.
>inb4 shill
yes it's just the pirated version :^)
Also, dunno why, the critic-bugs list on PC it's 8 times bigger than the console version. Maybe it's hardware related
Fuck combos senpai.
>get clinch perk
>get into everyone's face and shove them
>the stagger
>as they stagger split their head open with overhead strike
>tfw you've activated headcracker perk
works every tiem
Hunters? Can you please explain more?
Where are they?