Metal Gear Survive

Thread with less animal abuse.
People have beat the game, how do you get to the other skill trees?

Pay money

>People have beat the game
Why did Snake have textures? What is the Lord of Dust? Who is... Goodluck, was it? I've only read the pastebin.

>What is the Lord of Dust?
A monster made of nanomachines.

>Metal Gear Fallout thread

Real questions: How do I find a fucking potato so I don't starve? Where do animals spawn so I don't starve? I think I've had more Game Overs from hunger and thirst than oxygen or straight up damage.

There were potatoes by the ambulance. Animals respawn every three hours or so I hear..

>time traveller

Nanomachines son
Chris is Goodluck

how many multiplayer maps are there? is it the same as the fucking beta or what?

Theres the 2 from the beta, an airport, a forest map and I forgot the last one

Owning a PC is for losers.

The multiplayer is more strictly gated than it was in beta. "Easy" is now level 20 and the game starts you at level 1, so it'll be a while before you're relevant.
Also I don't think you can start a map until you complete the defense in SP.

dumb phoneposter

Hmm, so you have to built up resources and levels before hitting multiplayer instead of just diving in at the deep end?

Asked in the other thread but them cunts are talking about animals. probs furries. anyways, any idea when this releases in Australia? PAL is feb 22nd but any clue whether that's midnight release or?
trying to figure out whether i should have a late one tonight to play it or early night and play tomorrow

Some Jap dude streaming on Youtube just finished the game. Fight against Lord of Dust was lame.
>build lasers that shoot into the ground and create giant stone spikes like Sahalethrepus could make
>use the spikes to trap Lord of Dust in place
>fight off big waves of zombies from destroying laser machines
>finally use Sahelathrepus' railgun to shoot Lord of Dust
>it heals itself and breaks free
>Ai system sacrifices itself and flies into Lord of Dusts mouth
>you shoot it again with the railgun and kill Lord of Dust
>AI unit isnt really dead, flies out of Lord of Dusts carcass
>typical MGS post-credit conversation about something, i dont speak Japanese so who knows

Seen it a few hours ago. AI comes back after the credits

Around 10am tomorrow

releases in 20 hours for everybody I believe.

You should, but you'll still quickmatch into games with people levels 0-5 and probably have to end it early to avoid a total loss. But eh. D grade is still a win.

>no cameos from Venom, Big Boss or anyone
>not even a non-speaking one
Wasted opporitunity

Was there a reason as to why Diamond Dog's Mother Base was in the game or did they really blatantly just try to pass it off as MSF Mother Base?

Yes there is a reason. It's a pretty late game/ending spoiler.

What is?

>how do you get to the other skill trees?
they're microtransactions

Yeah Steam says the approximate release is 19-20 hours from now. Are they usually accurate though? I'm not good with these release things, i usually just buy shit when i hear about it and my last experience of some fucken "Day 1 launch" purchase bullshit i got Dawn of War 3 then couldn't play for like 2-3 days and after the 3 days got a shit game. really sucked.

I mean i'm just being overly hopeful if I'm expecting a midnight launch for this right? i'm pretty hyped to play cause i love the tower defence elements of it but I should probably just fuck off to bed early lol.

bros i can't decide between this or monster hunter. I've never played a MH game before, but I love me some mgs. Anybody played retail MG:S and MH like either over the other?

>pic related my experience so far
Never enough animals to keep from starving

hows singleplayer?
does the game ever give you a chance to just fuck around and build stuff without a timer (outside of the pre mission room)?
can you customize d-walker at all?

Fucking figures. Details? Screenshots? Timestamp on a stream?

so how is it actually? no kojimbodrones please, I'm talking about
>survival aspects
40€ seems a bit much, played the beta for 2 hours and liked it

Steam's been known to fuck up timers before, but this one's confirmed by an official post. 19 hours from here.

I love Tower defense games so I prefer MG:S. not much of a help for you though lol.

I guess if you prefer dark souls kind games go MonHun. (before an autist rages at how easy MonHun is yeah it is, but a lot of it is very similar to souls in sense it casualized and more normie friendly)

If you liked MGSV or ground zeroes, get this, just keep in mind it's focus is on co-op defense for the most part

what? I'm looking at the store right now and I don't see skill trees only boosters and something for your exploration team

Cheers for the info. Damn kinda sucks. gotta kill time today so i can wake up and play tomorrrow

I appreciate it user. More info than I had prior.

The gameplays is fun, but the story is pretty shitty. Aside from reused assets and mentions here and there its not even a Metal Gear title.
Moderate. Can be challenging if you dont prepare and collect resources.
>survival aspects
Just what you would expect in a survival game. They work well, but get tedious.
Pretty pointless. Not much to it aside from making new crafting stations and such at you base and popping up fences during tower deffense times.
No real replay value after 1 playthrough aside from co-op.

Survive doesn't take place in an alternate dimension, it takes place in a post apocalypse future (in the year 2100 or so range) where at some point the Earth was destroyed by nanomachines going out of control. The crystal zombie things were humans.

The DD Mother Base and things you encounter that seemed from the 'future' weren't randomly pulled through wormholes, they're wreckage from the past.

At the end of the game you change the past so that the wormhole that formed above the MSF Mother Base never happened, which averts the apocalypse and creates the 'real' Metal Gear timeline as seen in Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain onwards. This is also how Diamond Dogs obtained Wormhole Technology.

The only thing they say in post-credits is the black dude saying he's going to get the guys out of there.

SP seems okay. There's dozens of twitch streams right now if you want to get a look.
There's no timers per se outside of specific missions, but no "creative mode" where you don't spend resources either.
No. You find D-walker in the wild rather than having your own garage full of 'em, and they break fast.

>Thread with less animal abuse
Thank fuckin god

how long has the average play threw been


so where the fuck are the other classes? I have yet to see anyone else use any other class besides survivor

sounds alright, played the beta a bit, i'd give it a pirate if i could

It has its moments but certainly not better than Metal Gear, the story for one is terrible.

Seems like 10-20 hours is a fair estimate. All the points of data so far are from twitch streamers though so they're alternately rushing things and sitting with their dick in their hands praising people for subscribing.


How do you get clean water? How do you stop starvation? Why does it seem like they ramped up the difficulty compared to the beta? It's like the reverse of niohs beta. They got rid of the durability in the full game and made things easier. But this game just got harder.

prove it. I'm ready to believe, but without proof, it could just as easily be rolled out in that promised March update.

If you haven't seen the Grabbers yet, you really don't know what terrifying is.

Those guys alone push my recommendation from "Don't Bother" to "Check it out"

shitposting or real?

After chapter 7 you get a campfire with pot that converts dirty water to clean water.
Hunt moar. Eventually you get farms I guess?
Because the beta was on easy mode so everyone would have fun and goof off.


you think a game that is this short and only has mini games as the multiplayer instead of a Survival mode with 4 people would not have classes on dlc?

can you post proof since I'm still debating if I should preorder

on xbox, the achievement to unlock more classes has an unlock rate of 0.00%, meaning nobody has it. i'm actually starting to think they aren't even in the game

Where's the pastebin?

so, no proof then.

Holy fuck i just walked out of a building after scavenging and the Lord Of Dust was just strolling by, nearly shit myself because i came out looking away wondering why the fuck the screen was shaking.
That boi is LONG, does he just randomly patrol the map?
I'm curious what happens if you piss him off, but i don't want to lose all this juicy loot.

Piss him off and find out. Don't be a little bitch.

>tfw lvl 14 and fighting lvl 20 zombies in co-op

everyone else was under 20 as well barely beat the mission had to go around swinging a bat just to keep them from swarming the drill
and finishing it off

fucking this, I have to keep saving and exiting just to get rid of the low hunger. I haven't been 100% full on hunger since I started the damn game. WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE ANIMALS KONAMI

General advice on finding more animals seems to be exploring the dust, finding the clean pockets. Animals will congregate there.

Max out your character

I still don't know how single player handles death, it makes it more intimidating than it probably should be.

when you die it'll ask if you want to use the revive pill. if you dont just send you back to the last save point.

what is max level? I reached 25 easy on beta but I'm barely 14 and I have been playing non-stop since it launched.

Corpse runs. You drop a "lost box" and if you don't go back to get it, it eventually disappears.

Carry a bow, vulture meat is worth 700. Make sure to fulton goats/sheep for more resources than just killing them. Keep your eye out for gerbils.
I just got the data core where i saved the nurse and i have a stockpile of 20+ food items, but fuck me clean water is impossible to find.

also revive pills restores all hunger and thirst and oxygen.

orly? Can you chow one down when alive?

there's no option to. wish that you could. the thing would be a senzu bean

Easy multiplayer missions start at level 20 so i would assume max is triple that to account for 3 difficulty levels? That is if medium is 40 and hard is 60, this is all conjecture.

>revive pills
are we supposed to have some of those already? I'm already at chapter 11 and I don't have any

I'm level 30 and I have easy and normal. Hard unlocks at 35

Check storehouse? You may have some waiting for you.

Can someone post the pic/vid of the fuckhuge monster that looks like the thing at the end of The Mist?


That's pretty good, much better than what I expected.

Do they evet say what the Lord of the Dust was/is? Or is it just a big scary monster?


no big boss or another cameo or reference by the end of the game?

Uhhhhh quick question how do I get a hanging pot for the uhhh campfire so I can make clean water.

Unlocks on chapter 7. You may need to find some bits for it too.

nice croosover of metal gear and bloodborne

That's not how it works. Later on you can build the advanced campfire that let's you make clean water. Also, watch out, food can spoil over time.

>always online bullshit

Why are people playing this shit?

Wait, is the singleplayer an open world survival game as opposed to the multiplayer's defense based missions?

Imagine Phantom Pain but with zombies, crafting, and a Mother Base you can customize.

Can anyone explain how to expand the base?
I reached the part of the story where I can't advance without doing it but nothing happens when I press the upgrade.

I tried building shit in order to max out the base development bar but it appears that was a "This is how much shit you can still add" bar, rather than a "Fill this to level up" bar.

Yes. But you unlock fast travel points in the world by doing little wave defenses for the teleporty thing.

I can see it now

Big Boss, Kaz, etc. never appear. The textures are just there because the opening cinematic where MSF gets BTFO has them in it

sounds really cool, but I'm sure all the in between isn't as cool as that sounds. Thanks for telling me user.

so take a brontosaurus, make the head a big ass crystal structure then human centipede 3 more behind it, add some tentacles and call the whole thing a construct made from dread dust which is really nanomachines son

where are the keys GMG?!

instant 180

ffffuuuuuck I should have made that connection

Nothing there is it a preorder bonus because I didn't even know this game was releasing till after it was released and I saw one of my ps4 friends playing it


Fuck, next thing you know there'll be regular threads defending the pachinko game