scp thread
servers (NA) (EU) (NA)
scp thread
servers (NA) (EU) (NA)
Other urls found in this thread:
>finally get into the 914 room
>instantly larry'd
reminder absolutely no video game discussion on Sup Forums, Sup Forums is purely for Sup Forumslite discussion
>IP's in OP
aaaand thread moved. fuck you jannies
Do mods even browse their own board?
We have flavour of the week/month games regularly and they die in the ass long before sustaining /vg/-level traffic, or die instantly the moment forces to migrate there.
Buddy, just keep it to general info in the OP. Call people who don't play the game faggots and otherwise act like a retard so mods don't delete the thread or move it to /vg/
>mods keep moving threads
whoops, can't actually talk about video games on Sup Forums! this thread is taking up valuable resources for the millionth thread about e-celebs and SJWs we could be having instead
Why does Sup Forums hate video games?
I just want to discuses games and SCP.
BUT OP, didn't you know we HAD to be moved to VG to make room for such amazing threads about video games, such as these
SCP:SL > your favorite game
Of course not, who the hell talks about video games on Sup Forums. Rather have the five millionth new vegas thread than a recent actively played shooter game to get a few threads a week.
every thread about Kingdom come deliverance also derives into a Sup Forums discussion and the mods don't do shit
make a general
>mods allow 4 threads about kingdom come
>but not one about scp game
Anons what SCPs do you want to see in the game?
And better question, if some of them are good SCPs, who should they be with? D-class? or MTF?
I sexually identify as SCP-096. If you look at my dick or see a picture of it, I rape your skull until you choke and die.
make a general for that kingdom shit too then
>few threads a week
There's been at least 10 or even 15 full SCP threads this past weekend, it's been crazy active but at least it's only being kept to one thread at a time.
I agree, /vg/ should have a new pc game general like sony general
Mods are shills, whats new
Why is he such a cry baby?
that one that shows up in photos on your phone
you know
the one the furries all want to fuck
I'd like to see that cake that multiplies exponentially put in place. You'd have to escape an expanding wall of cake.
There already is a kingdom general
And ther's nothing wrong with that, we have one thread taken up the board every few hours, why do mods hate this?
Has it really? I've had my nose stuffed into all these bloody betas recently.
female D-boyz when?
>be nerd
>get a o5, grab the lightning gun and run out of the lower levels with a herd of dboys
>as soon as we get out of gate a i figured that i had to use my gun for something
>run infront of everyone so i can charge up the gun
>as everyone is cheering that they successfully escaped, the gun is fully charged
>five dboys die while the others split up in panic
beta uprising
can i play this game without a mic?
>Double D-Class.
>d-class are laughing at me again
>go down elevator
>look across room
>3 dbois running into elevator
>Intercom cracks up
>it ain't me starts playing
>why do mods hate this?
Because the structure of these threads follows the exact structure of /vg/ threads. It's one thread full of people playing in the same server(s) and talking about it with eachother and then when the thread hits bump limit a new one is instantly made to continue the discussion. It's not about taking up space on the board, it's the fact there's no reason this needs to be on Sup Forums when /vg/ is literally a more suited board for it because it's aimed at long lasting (750 bump limit) recurring threads on one particular game that benefit from having a bunch of info in one place e.g. the server IPs in the OP.
here mods let me do your jobs for you seeing as you're fucking retarded
this is a thread about a video game. it's fine on Sup Forums. here are threads that aren't
Sup Forums
not vidya
not vidya
not vidya
not vidya
not vidya
porn bait thread
Sup Forums meme thread
not vidya
not vidya
not vidya
Sup Forums thread
fuck off retard
>CHAOS>>>>>>Every other fag
Which one's that?
Retarded half the threads are people talking about player experiences, and how to improve the game, and what they want to see.
By this logic, almost every god damn muitplayer game should be sent to /vg/
>Almost got out as D bois
>NTF kill us by being metagaming fucks
Fuck off
So fucking close yet so far away
you can but can't participate as much as someone who has a mic
T. guy with out a mic
going to buy a mic soon because of this game/spoiler]
Any server online atm?
every time
also rate
The structure is irrelevant, this style of game will not survive in /vg/.
>Requires constant stream of new-ish players to stay alive
>Will become stale and die within a week when played over and over by the same people
>Discussion over new possible entities/mechanics will run out the same way as players will
>Not enough content to generate discussion of its own
>Needs more than one person interested enough to maintain server(s)
>Honestly pretty FotM, will die soon regardless
>Insert stream of arguments involving non-vidya/multiple repeat threads about other current games
Very nice user.
>dedicated ERP class
So are you just ignoring the fact that these threads bring in new players and moving it to /vg/ essentially kills the game because nobody fucking browses vg?
I'm going to fuck you peanut
*Coms end*
He a cutie tbf
And once it's moved this FOTM game is condemned to only ever be talked about on /vg/ with future discussion being kiboshed on Sup Forums which effectively kills the game. Fuck you.
10/10 as always
6 slots open
God damn it! how has no one made a game about 610? it's perfect for a game! and it's the best SCP ever made.
Yes, some servers might kick you and it won't be as fun as using one but you can play without
>either he or she
Stop sexualizing the SCP you fucking degenerates
>take elevator
>suddenly in larry's dimension
>start playing SCP for the first time yesterday
>get hooked
>at work for the next 8 hours instead of playing SCP
Fuck, it's going to be a long day
I'm really busy this week, so I hope that the game is still alive by friday
>mfw all these threads are still up but this videogame thread will probably be deleted any second now
fucking new jannies
try and stop me
Or just
Fuck off I just want a best friend like Capone down
rip serb
>"you are a spectator"
>can't spectate
Should I host an EU server again? just crashed.
>half the threads are people talking about player experiences, and how to improve the game, and what they want to see.
Has nothing to do with the structure, plenty of that happens in /vg/ threads.
>By this logic, almost every god damn muitplayer game should be sent to /vg/
If the multiplayer threads are literally just a bunch of people posting server IPs and playing together and making a new thread every single time the old one hits bump limit, yeah, that's a /vg/ thread.
You all bitch and moan but you aren't paying attention to the fact this is a literal general. Most threads of popular games don't go "Okay guys we hit bump limit, here's the new thread for us all to migrate to and continue our conversations" every single time a thread dies.
I'm not complaining about this being on Sup Forums, I'm telling you the most likely reason why the mods are moving your threads. I doubt the Sup Forums moderation team cares about how active your playerbase is because you need new people from browsing Sup Forums to play with you.
reminder that this shit was moved to /vg/ once already even thought its perfectly fine for Sup Forums
dont let the mods be niggers
also what servers are popular currently?
is there a text chat
>. Most threads of popular games don't go "Okay guys we hit bump limit, here's the new thread for us all to migrate to and continue our conversations" every single time a thread dies.
no get a mic they're cheap as shit
yes, this thread
I really want this one. I guess they could make it so you have to escape when playing this scp. You use the earrape music to stun MTF trying to capture you(or you can just fuck with people if you want to). The scp will also randomly say "Eric?" and make other noises so it becomes a bit harder to hide from MTF.
Does it matter? you are just gonna copy and paste the link anyway. is full, just crashed,
and none of the euro servers seem to work (timed out).
Please get working again.
Please do.
thanks mate
You don't even need to buy a mic if you have any basic smartphone made in like the last 5+ years is going on EU
only three players in atm tho
its not working
no love 4u
don't go to this one it creates mustard gas
>Most threads of popular games don't go "Okay guys we hit bump limit, here's the new thread for us all to migrate to and continue our conversations" every single time a thread dies.
what is every smash, subnautica, darkest dungeon thread? also /vg/ was a mistake every since it got created you faggots have been mad about actual gaming discussion
I joined this one, any other leftovers from the shitty crash come on in.
get in here boys
if anyone knows of a US host that's renting out servers for SCP post it here i'll buy one up ASAP.
>Gary being a cock huffing nigger
>Game crashes after the round ends
>Server full
>come up with a plan to lock SCPs in the nuke detonation room
>everything goes according to plan
>except the part where I was the last man alive
>mfw the Doc kills me after I've been taunting him and Larry for the last 5 mins