>too many games coming out
>cant stick with one
Too many games coming out
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dumb frogposter
>too many games coming out
Please tell me where
>haha im a jaded faggot who doesnt like games anymore and think everything is shit arent i so cool
Ebin, my dude. Truly freakin ebin
>not liking pee pee the frog my favorite meme character
stick to reddit kiddo
>new games left and right
>still playing MH
God of War
Nintendo Labo
Far Cry 5
What halfway decent games have come out this year other than KCD and MonHun?
you cannot convince me you are not all bots
not him but im also interested in what games are coming out that are so good you have to play them. im not jaded at all, i just value gameplay
>too many games coming out
>denuvo games are taking months to be cracked
>too many games coming out
>can't find the good ones buried in all the shit
200 hrs of mhw. Feels good famalam
>haven't finished BotW
>barely started Mario Odyssey
>parents just sent me Xenoblade 2 collector's edition for my birthday
And that's just Nintendo Switch games.
>parents buying video games for birthday
eternal manchild confirmed
they got me Nier Automata for christmas
>3 games in 4 months
ohhh ohh so muich gaemz i cant hendle xDDd all these gaemuz r so guuuud i need to buy dem all hahaha
how old are you
did you have a stroke
>tons of games out on multiple platforms
>haven't had a decent PC or console in years
Just fucking kill me I can't go on.
>play game A
>quit because it's so easy it's boring
>play game B
>quit because it's too hard and frustrating
Why can't games strike that perfect balance like in Dark Souls?
>bought kingdom come deliverance
>30 hours in tales of berseria that i got on sale and refuse to start a new game till it is done
>all major plot points have been revealed now i'm slogging through the end
this is hell i just want to be a filthy peasant in europe
What games are so hard theyve made you quit?
>Far Cry 5
you are why ubisoft refuses to innovate anything nowadays and rehash the same shitty ideas
Dragon ball fighters Z
Monster hunter world
Final fantasy Dissidia NT
Secret of Mana remake
Devil may cry HD collection
Senran splatoon boogaloo
Gang beasts
Etc. That's not even all the games that recently came out.
>You will never finish your backlog because of new games.
Someone kill me. This isn't even all my games on my PC.
not him but the last (and only) far cry ive played was 3. even if the gameplay is identical it wasnt bad and its been some years. plus its an interesting setting. why the fuck not cunt
Playstation 2 isn't a game and you have a bunch of games on there twice you scrub
That's the emulator fuckwad. The Games/Iso are in a separate almost full 2TB Harddrive. Of course I have games on there twice. Some games are not JUST 1 Genre.
>putting non-steam games in your library
I never understood this autism
Some people like have all their games in one place. This is why you have fags that install Launch box and shit.
>be march
>granblue fantasy
>ni no kuni 2
its pretty good over here
My backlog just keeps on growing.
Whoa hold up there where do you think you're going