He actually died to this boss

>He actually died to this boss

Other urls found in this thread:


>beat this shitter
>think youre finally half way through the game
>lmao ur actually at the end
wtf were they thinking, the pacing of this game is so shit

>he actually played an entry in this shitty series rife with broken mechanics and clunky controls

Thats what happens when you skip half the areas and bosses because they are optional

Top 3 mistakes bloodborne made.
1) Pic related.
2) Lack of dedicated pvp arena.
3) Poor balancing of Bloodtinge.

The game still feels like it's half over even if you do the optional areas.
>Hemwik Carnel Lane
>Hypogean Gaol
>Nightmare Frontier
>Upper Cathedral Ward
>Castle Cainhurst
The optional zones aren't even that big.

I've only played Bloodborne, how short is it compared to Dark Souls games?

is this implication with this boss that she's invisible because you can't get enough insight to see her?

Its about as long as Dark Souls 3

I died to the witches of Hemwick first time. I went in blind and got shanked by one of the witches while fighting the adds.


It's a tad shorter than 3, which is the shortest in the trilogy.

No but it is now


chalice dungeons would be fine if their rewards were not pic related

only thing that can kill you in this fight is if you get caught in her whirlwind attack. It's one of the easiest fights in the game.

Now if you want to talk about an overrated boss, lets talk orphan, took me all of 1 death to learn its attacks and shit all over it, and everyone acts like its the hardest shit in the entire game. Meanwhile, the fight against laurence is a 50/50 shit fest, sometimes you roll over him or he insta kills you the second you step in the room with his autistic flailing.

laurence literally crawls around on the floor like a retard half the fight

>implying people only played those games once and then never again

exactly, and he can (and will) kill you as you walk in the room because his flailing covers a huge amount of the arena you fight him in. To succeed against him you gotta get in that awkward position that he can't hit you from, then its easy as shit, but you gotta actually make it to that point first, sometimes he lets you walk up to him, sometimes he starts attacking before you have truly even entered the zone

kino music tho youtube.com/watch?v=-k3XXGmu-dw&feature=youtu.be&t=7m50s

weird, for me it was
>laurence 0 deaths
>ludwig 2 deaths
>OoK ~12 deaths

>replaying the worst souls games

You got lucky and you probably have tank HP. Laurence just does more damage but he's much easier to dodge. Fight orphan again on NG+ and I bet anything he'll push your shit in harder than Laurence ever could.



>its one of the easiest fights in the game
Not a single fight is difficult,good, or memorable.
Ludwig aesthetically was kind of cool.
And i will say orphan was a little challenging as his nut sack hits you in the spot youre used to dodging and his voice is hard to listen to

wtf i love laurence now

The only bosses I remember beating on my first try were Father Gascoigne and Celestial Emissary

>B-Bloodborne was easy!!!

I enjoy most of the souls games, and they're not a breeze in the park, but they're not very hard either.

>as you walk in
He starts the fight a mile away from you. I know exactly what move is killing you - that triple horizontal sweep combo - because its the same move that kills every noob vs Laurence. Just stop panic dodging when he swipes+hits you once... Wait a second after you get hit, THEN dodge the next swipe (so it wont kill you on the tail end of your panic dodge like normal.)

Nigger that's the best thing it did. Das has no value after one ng+ but Bloodborne will love forever due to dungeons. Especially if you have autism like mine where you need to have something yet to complete to keep playing the game. Das just feels pointless.

It was though...
Ds3 had more difficulty
Seriously though
That first beast that reused as laurence.
The electric blood starved
One reborn
Moon prescene
Lady maria
The aliens 1 and 2.
The vagina monster
Skelly lord
Like once i finished it i tried to thibk of my favorite boss and realized they were all shit

Have 1000s of hours in all souls combined
Couldnt be brought to play another Bbrun... bb is honestly the worst of the series i enjoy ds2 more even

He's right. Bloodborne is my favorite soulsborne game but it certainly feels very short. I mean we all kept going on with ng+ and all, but it would still feel better if the actual game wasn't so short.

Shittaste incarnate, sasuga Sup Forums.

Yes Bloodborne isnt fucking DMC3
but its not assassins creed either. its a challange, and if someone says it isnt then slap them

with dlc

Why do you type like you have brain cancer?


It's because we never got another area like Yharnam. Almost every other location in the game is a few short rooms that are novel on the first play-through, but bland when you play through them again. I think it's partially due to aesthetics, since a lot of them are poorly lit and occasionally difficult to make things out (ex. Forbidden Woods), though it does come down to linearity in the end. The Central Yharnam lamp is great because you've got several directions with their own forks right at the start. However, Oedon's Chapel also has multiple paths, but I never find myself coming there to just knock around a few enemies for fun, and in this case the issue is enemy placement. Enemies in Bloodborne are paced somewhat sparsely, and hardly chase you at all, so most enemy encounters play out the same regardless of what weapon/build you have. The DLC actually handles this problem really well: That first area in particular filled to the brim with hunters is incredibly chaotic, and sometimes frustrating, but you're given so many choices in how you'd like to approach it that it never becomes stale. Isolate the hunters? Fight 2 or 3 at once? Lure them into a flaming boulder? That's fun. The Fishing Hamlet has this quality as well. It may be a pain in the ass at first, but so was Yharnam. Mastering these areas until I could toy around with them was easily the most enjoyable part of BB to me, and it's too bad that's all we got.

>That design
Jesus wept

Good. If there's a non-tutorial boss in the game that people aren't dying to, then the boss itself is too easy. I mean, let's say that the boss itself IS easy enough that people tend to avoid dying to it consistently, what does that say about Bloodborne as a whole? Certainly not that the difficulty is flawless.

So what is the most reddit weapon and why is it the beasthunter saif?

Not when the cane exists.

