What are some games where the protagonist has their worldview challenged?
What are some games where the protagonist has their worldview challenged?
Nier, not that it stops him
Deus Ex
Tales of the Abyss
The deus ex series is a fistful of redpills
But really only the first one.
I thought a red pill was where someone told you what you already thought
Diablo III
uh what?
Watch the Matrix you loser.
Modern Sup Forums is too young to remember Matrix
Those are blue pills bucko. Go clean your room and slay dragons metaphorically instead of digitally.
you've never seen the matrix?
I'm talking about the contemporary usage
How is this off-topic?
the matrix is the dadrock of movies
Shitposting aside. Dark Souls 2
>implying dadrock ain't rad as hell
a few of the far cry games
Dadrock is shit.
And you are full of shit.
The Matrix is great.
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Dragon's Dogma?
Not the protagonist per se, but you convince Issac in Golden Sun the Lost Age to do the exact opposite of what he was told to do in the first game.
>no one gets the joke.
Dont worry bro I get it.
Xenoblade 1
>implying arisen actually had a worldview in the first place
Pretty much all of them since 2, with the exception of Primal. The guy in 3 goes WAY down the rabbit hole, possibly never returning depending on your ending.
fuck off, tumblrfag, this is on topic
Tales of Symphonia
Golden sun
Kingdom Hearts
Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017), although I wish they'd taken the time to explain it and make it a but more believable.
how is this on topic?
Halo 2
>My worldview is changed because I think people of darker skin color are worst than Hitler
You need to be older than 18 to post here.
Still trying to divide and conquer, eh Shlomo?