Dude religion is dumb lmao

>dude religion is dumb lmao


>dude white people dont deserve a home lmao

Are you retarded, OP, or are you just from Sup Forums? Which guarantees you are retarded?

The message of the game is to not give power to corporations that only exist to profit from war. Halliburton and various gun companies shouldn't even have representation in our government.

It is though

>various gun companies shouldn't even have representation in our government.

they dont

leftists not welcome on Sup Forums

back to reddlt

That reads as if it was written by a liberal arts female graduate.

horizon plays as if it was programmed by a liberal arts female graduate

Not a leftist, just because a viewpoint is anti religion doesn't make it non right or left. I bet you think Isis is a left wing movement because its not Christian. Fuckwit.

literally nobody thinks isis is a leftwing movement you retard fedorafag

>still unironically being religious in 2018
Why? Is it because you are afraid you will be labelled by the fedora?

shouldn't you be out molesting little boys, christcuck?

Halliburton has direct contracts with the government, while gun companies have representatives that meet with senators through the NRA.

No, but christfags do.

What is the prime mover? What is the cause of causes?

im australian


christ that's really, really poor writting.

Region is fucking dumb regardless how boring that game was.

Shouldnt you be sucking little boy cocks Mr.Rabbi, stay mad fedora-cuck.

Someone's been reading an introduction to philosophy heh? Makes you feel like a big boy right?

>using Aristotle's philosophy to justify your beliefs
>the guy who said you never have to test theories because you can figure out if they are right with thought alone
>being this retarded

>attacks the man instead of the argument

i bet you thought this was really profound huh

Nice arguement

None of what you said is an argument. It isn't even an answer to the question.

>you're a rabbi but also an atheist
the absolute fucking state of christcucks, literally contradicting themselves in their own insults

lol dude I don't think you understand Talmudism


... the arguement was attacked. There is no evidence for the prime mover or necessity for one. Stating there would naturally be no evidence is an unfounded postulate capitulating the prime mover only exists in a theoretical and non affective manner.

Calling you retarded because you are was just the cherry on top of the arguement itself.


i don't think you understand basic logic, christcuck
go back to worshipping your dead kike on a stick and let the adults have their discussion

No offense, but I do look down on religious people.
I understand religion is needed to control the masses, and give them a reason to behave as society expects.
But still, ultimately religion is for stupid people. For people who can't see past for what it is actually.

How is looking down on someone "not offensive" to them?
Are you 9, or a woman?

Scientific claims can only be evaluated on the basis of empirically testing the physical world. Testing the physical world allows you to reach conclusions about the physical world. The metaphysical is by definition "above" or "beyond" the physical world. Testing the physical world can not validate or invalidate metaphysical claims. Stating that there isn't physical evidence for something metaphysical, in this case the prime mover, is entirely irrelevant.

I don't mean as an offense, and I am not openly hostile to them.
I just feel pity for them.

>religion is needed to control the masses, and give them a reason to behave as society expects.
I think even that is giving religion too much credit

also would agree that religion is meant for stupid people but would add an addendum that even smart people can be brainwashed into it


>a retard tries to build a house
>the house falls apart

Oh gee, its like the origin of the arguement is a good representation of its quality.

T. Guy who sees vargposting and thinks its a concrete arguement.

Does shouting not an arguement at everything you are unable to counter make your dick bigger?

I feel the same way about atheists who go around preaching about it. The Big Bang is a theory and we don't know if its part of something bigger or if its the only one, so it seems weird that people happily accept it as the beginning of all things.

The only true path is being agnostic and saying "I don't fucking know."

Welcome to every JRPG ever.

you metaphysically suck dicks, prove me wrong

I thought the game handled religion pretty well, showed the retardness of random worshipping (the sun and the mountain) but also showed that some of the ubersmart scientists working on gaia and the other systems were also still religious.

Time moves. If something is moving it must have started to move. Something which can cause time to move must clearly sit outside of time, and anything which sits outside time must be eternally self-sufficient and self-sustaining. Categorally independent in every sense. What could possibly fit this description but God?

The problem with your point is that atheism isn't necessarily linked to the Big Bang. 2bh if you're a religious person you're mostly an atheist as well, you're just an atheist for 99.9% of the religions on Earth and arbitrarily picked the one you choose to believe in.


Okay so you're postulating any evidence of the absence of a prime mover is not evidence at all?

I know how science works dickface, defining methods doesn't improve your arguement. If the prime mover affects the real world, which it does by definition, there would be evidence for its movement or the movement of things toward it in the real world. There isn't, in fact the only evidence of anything moving toward anything else is everything moving away from everything else into gradual nothingness. If the prime mover exists, it therefore exists in contrary to the integrated laws of thermodynamics.

Metaphysical arguements are meaningless as they cannot be backed up by evidence or logic. Try again.

This tbqfh famalamas

>implying London wouldn't be underwater in that situation

Time doesn't move you fucking idiot. Objects simply move and we measure that movement with time. Time isn't some force.

Putting this into your terms; time isn't a rope the big guy pulls the cart toward him with, its the fucking air you are falling to your death in with your leaps of logic and faith.

>Stating that there isn't physical evidence for something metaphysical, in this case the prime mover, is entirely irrelevant.
Not that poster. It's completely relevant because you're asking people to believe something just because you said it exist.

The nature of our existence is such that there are causes and effects. The nature of causes and effects is such that they happen sequentially. Existence is evidence of a cause which preceded sequences. This is the evidence I cite, any "evidence within" existence is ontologically impossible given that the entirety of existence is being submitted as evidence.


>maybe if I reference reddit I will devalue the arguement

It doesn't move in the sense that it goes from here to there, it moves in the sense that there are points in time which are separated by distances of time.

I'm pretty sure humanity would have to unfuck itself and work together in a situation like that. We wouldn't have an entire workforce sitting in a shelter for a decade.

Ah so you're asking everyone to take an ontological a priori arguement as law because it cannot be postulated against because the evidence of its claim is the claim itself?
Please see

>Which guarantees you are retarded?
Learn how to use question marks.

>points in time which are separated by distances in time

Isn't that an argument against the society we live in?

Are you a fucking communist?

no. we're just going to remove unethical and degenerate groups.

>reddit tier image

disgusting kys

Such a common theme in games.

If I was in charge at the Vatican I would be looking for studios to fund games that would inspire awe and religious reverence. Much like commissioned art in the renaissance

Theres literally a statistical correlation between low iqs and being religious. Almost as if adults who believe in goatfucker myths about wizards arent bright

>"reddit tier"

go back

Kill yourself, dumb phoneposter.

These are the premises:
Effects have causes.
Causes and effects occur sequentially.
A cause must have preceded the entirety of existence, time included.
This is the argument:
The only conceptual "cause" capable of preceding time is God. (Alternatively, the concept of God closely resembles the "cause" described, either way the point is that it's a prime mover)

And yet you and most of the population would quickly dismiss the statistical correlation between low iqs and being black

why are christcucks so fucking insecure? they bring up religion 100% of the time and if someone disagrees they start sperging out and throwing shit everywhere.

>FairChance-UK party.
My fucking sides.


That was when religion actually had intelligent individuals though, da vinci, Michelangelo, all men of art as well as science, which at the time was young and evidence for space wizards was simply faith, which then was considered evidence enough.

The church is now fragmented so no one can come up with a concise plan and everyone is too scared to offend their globalist overlords. Add to that the fact that religion is now full of and led by retards, as the renaissance men have moved to science, medicine, architecture, and away from art and literature. Video games are made by equally retarded individuals who couldn't quite make it into hard computer science.

>mods damage controlling for the biggest videogame disaster of the decade

So, is religion smart?

the church is the globalist overlord, it always has been

And who's going to get all that money when the jews are kicked out of this unfair system?

>no. we're just going to remove the Bourgeois and redistributing their ill-gotten wealth.

Okay Marx, keep pretending it's the jews and not you lashing out against capitalism.

>1800 years of Christianity, Europe doesn't flood with shitskins
>200 years of nihilism and shitskins everywhere

I live in aus, with the abbos. I don't need stats to tell me they're fucking low iq mate

Look here folks, we have a woke centrist who doesn't care about facts, evidence or burden of proof. He would rather meet in the middle of an objectively wrong and objectively right position.

worried af

Guess you missed Al-Andalus and the Ottomans owning half of Europe for a thousand years

Do Sup Forumstards have any argument outside mspaint strawmen comics? You sure showed them

it entirely exposes the double standards that the mental illness known as leftism induces in the mindset of unwitting people

If you can only talk in Sup Forums memes only other retards who talk in Sup Forums memes will take you seriously.

>Ottomans owning half of Europe
On average, far less half. At peak, less than half.
>Al-Andalus owning half of Europe
Once again, not half. And did you forget that Christians beat the shit out of them and sent them back?

If you want to discuss philosophy with me I kindly ask you read beyond Plato and Aristotle. Even Nietzsche if you must, but variety is good, Hume, Hobbes, Russel, Stewart, mills, Locke, Kant.

You may then understand that postulating that 1 add 1 yields 2 is as true as we have constructed a system to say it is. Look up kants thoughts on the phenomenal and nouminal realms. Right now you are nominating a reality. Not only that but you are making a huge assumption that the only thing that precedes time is God, not only because its a huge jump in assumptions (again your proof of God is only that God can exist before time therefore he must have existed before time, completely ignoring the possibility that he may notor ever have existed); but also because you're assuming time is a tangible object of reality which can have something existing next to it.

Found the low IQ.

>A cause must have preceded the entirety of existence, time included.
Well, not exactly.
I remember hearing about one theory that resolves that paradox through some weird ass logic involving quantum bullshit.
Something like, "Nothing spontaneously became Something, which then collapsed into Everything."
Cant remember where i read it and google is failing me, hopefully someone else knows what this is and i didnt just imagine it.

I guess you missed the part where the enlightenment happened, the church lost a ton of institutional power and europe basically conquered most of the globe.

Get some reading comprehension you dumb ESL. Also stop being semantic. If you really want to play you're retarded game, truth is there have been less muslims in Europe than ever over the last 100 years or so.


You might think it, a lot of people also think it, but no officials will ever go and outright state the obvious, instead they just play make believe that every race is equal.

Haha, some random dude from the internet. Sure showed me!

I also want officials to outright state that religious people are lower iq.


>making a scientific argument for god
Pointless. But I'm actually interested in the Jungian perspective -the image of God.


you're not really disproving his point about Sup Forumstards being unable to make a point without strawman comics


This is what we should discuss when talking about God. Not his reality but his image and consequence.