Tiered weapons

>Tiered weapons
>Shields for some but not or all

What is this shit? 50% of the time you get completely shafted because the game didn't want to give you decent loot.

At least with pubg you can kill someone with the "shitty" guns in the right situations

oh hi, PlayerUnknown.
Shouldn't you be making more slop garbage for chinese bots to eat?

If you are good you can beat any t1 weapon with a white version you fucking SH IT ER

Literally impossible. The other play would have to be AFK to get a kill with those POS white guns, even the greens

One of my main gripes. There's dozens of
games where I don't come across potions or blue+ guns, but everyone I bump into is fully decked out

Tried Fortnite for the first time since Launch week yesterday.

Theres so many items and weapons and cosmetic shit now I dont even want to play it. I was completely fine with pistol/revolver/smg/burst/fullautorifle/rpg/nadelauncher/sniper

Now theres silenced shit, bushes, new types of nades, people running around in bright pink bunny outfits, etc.

Way to kill interest.

People who say fortnite is better than pubg are the same people who think saints row is better than gta.

Why do devs love putting randomized bullshit in their games so much?

I say let the shitters starve and get kills the old fashioned way. Get gud

autistic contrarians whose parents bought them the wrong game for christmas and told them they wouldn't get another game until their birthday?

>go into chink servers, fly out with the AFKs and get 7 kills.
I only died because I had a phonecall. Just grind and resell shit in PUBG and you can make money. Hell, I bought Metal Gear Survive with the shit I've been reselling.

what's the $/hr rate on that kind of thing, honestly asking not trying to meme

building in this game has gotten out of control

until they add a non-building (or some variant) i can't see myself ever playing this more than a few times a week

Just for the record, PUBG is shit. Fortnite was great when it first came out. Now everything looks too wacky.

Yeah it already was cartoony but now theres different shades of grass everywhere, different trees, barely any open fields because they added so many new areas, and Knights in armor walking around.

Vanilla Fortnite > Current Fortnite = PUBG (any version)

Very annoying trying to kill some building prodigy who has been practicing since he was playing minecraft at age 3

Not great, a lot of crates don't give you good shit, but if you play for a solid day, you can get 3 crates per week and hope you get a $150+ item. I get about 2 per month, and I then put about $20 of that back into cheap crates to grind out.

>we want the lolsorandumb xD audience

what was that shit people were talking about with this game sending info on all the data on your HDD? Any legitimacy to it?

Meant for

it's not even that, it just slows the game down to a crawl towards the end

i'm not using that as an excuse because i fully admit i suck at building shit, but even watching good players on twitch they always bitch about the end because it's literally tower vs. tower and waiting for whoever got shafted by the circle rng

if you don't have an RPG or anything towards the end you're fucked
m8yroo you might as well get an actual part-time job or something that does not seem time-efficient at all

Hey, I still have fun with the game, and I do this when I'm not at work.

oh i thought you were playing it just to earn small money to pay for other games and shit

Gun color only slightly changes damage dumbass.

Gonna have to disagree. Fortnite has always been begging for the kiddy redditor audience. The dance emotes, the umbrellas, cartoon artstyle, bouncy tires, etc. It has gotten worse though.

I still prefer pubg for a number of reason, but fortnite used to be a nice alternative. No its like Tumblr:Battle Royale

Great now try to go kill a gun with your shitty white gun while the rng has given him shields and a blue

good luck, cuck

More like you a buzzword spouting retard.

Only shit decisions they dev's are making is to nerf double pump because retards can't cope.

>paying money for pubg to play a laggy unoptimized boring game that looks like a ps3 game and runs like a ps1 game
why anyone would play pubg when fortnite is free is beyond me

Sometimes it doesn't even change damage, just easier to control.

I find it pretty fitting. It rewards player who risk going into areas packed with potential gear. (where others players will go as well) and generally pushes everyone to keep exploring throughout most of the game.

Shotguns do 150 damage on headshot with white. Machine pistols do 60 and have an insanely high firing rate.


Sorry you can't get a win senpai but don't act like that means you know how to play the game.

>more like you a buzzword spouting retard
Fuck off poorfag contrarian.

>retard plays retarded game, doesnt like it because hes retarded

I mean, I bank the cash it makes over time, before the sale, I had about $200.

Shields are everywhere now,you can always get some.Tiered guns?Think about 'em as separate weapons.Only dmg increases and maybe reload speed(0.1 more sec wow).Pubg also has kevlars and rng weapon spawns.

No, it only changes DPS by either changing firing rate or damage or headshot damage.

Git gud

Sorry you have shit taste but Fortnite is just by far a better game and you are still a meme spouting retard.

>kiddy redditor audience
way to invalidate your argument, feel free to give me a (you) with a picture of a wojack attached