>buying remasters when BC is a thing
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God, Brave was fucking garbage. Can't imagine how bad the game is
Oh shit vanquish.
Fuck yes.
Fuck no.
I don't have an Xbox or knowledge of their backwards compatability thing. Does that mean if you have the 360 disc, you can play it on your xbone with an update? Or do you have to repurchase the 360 game online?
you can indeed use the discs.
>Play game at 720p30 with drops
>Play game at 1800p60
Tough call.
Yes. All you need to do is put the disk in and have the BC update for it download
Ps4 literally cannot emulate ps3.
Ps5 will be able to emulate ps4 games and the whole remaster age will be over.
>Then Bayonetta and Vanquish PS4 remaster happens
Vanquish is already on PC, literally no reason to ever touch a console version again.
Wasn't the console version an unlocked framerate that just rarely made it above 30 consistently? The native res is still 720p locked though even with upscaling either way and I'd rather have mouse aiming.
>PS4 owners have to buy the game again
>Xbox 360 owners can just play it on their Xbone
>Play game at 720p30 with drops
Maybe the ps3 version
And if you don't own a PC?
Get a job and move out of your parent's house?
Where do you think we are?
Who doesn't own at minimum a laptop in 2018?
I'm a poorfag college student and even I have a WiiU, a PS4, a gayman PC, and a decent laptop.
Is Brave better than the movie? I mean it's not exactly a high bar.
That's real brave of them.
PS4 can emulate PS2 games but Sony decided to be jews and make you have to rebuy them again
fucking carlos
The best combo is Switch+X1X+Laptop. Switch for comfy bedtime gaming, Xbox for 4K and or superior supersampling for non 4K TV users and the Laptop for all the indie games that are on PC.
>not having a PC in 2011+10-3
> playing indie games
just kys
Nah, best combo is PC+Switch+PS4.
Switch for comfy and Nintendo games, PS4 for Jap exclusives, PC for everything else.
I think that was actually supposed to happen
I don't think they ever came out though
The only good thing about brave was La Luna
No argument, just memes
It's the only thing the PC offers
You can play those weeb games on a laptop or PS3
>buying overpriced kike pc parts when cryptocucks are buying up said parts and driving prices to retarded levels
>You can play those weeb games on a laptop or PS3
You can't play most modern Yakuza games on PC and I don't know Jap so I have no reason to get the PS3 versions which are Jap only.
>dont own a pc.
Says the user posting on the internet
Probably they just found that their emulator could play it without them having to make any more changes. So they just put out the update
it better be Decent or at least Interesting in concept(Like Rush and Disneyland)
MFW PCfats will NEVER EVER get Brave
That's how it was on 360 as well, don't kid yourself.
Vanquish is the greatest shooter of all time
eh, i rather rebuy the game as a remaster because of the games higher resolution and higher fps.
Why would you play any game on xbone over pc though
If you don't own a PC capable of playing those games at the same standard, it's an easy choice.
Xbox One X improves the framerate. Although yeah if it's locked at 30 it'll remain so
>if you buy a $500 current-gen refresh that has been out for 3 months
Ah, so you're just pretending the past 4 years didn't happen. Don't buy remasters user, buy a remastered console!
>mfw Vanquish last year with my 144Hz monitor/mouse aiming
Completed it twice on PS3 before that but fuck there's just no going back once you've experience this
get one?