Multiple vac bans on record

>multiple vac bans on record

>I never cheated! I got banned for no reason!!
Every time.

>le Valve can do no wrong meme

Good goy here

not one ban or warning in 10 years of gaming

>it was just trolling bro xDD

Post bullshit stories from VACcinated kiddies
>I had cheatengine open for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES and it banned me even though I didn't cheat!!



I only ever cheated in diablo 1

>playing game with random
>he’s actually pretty good and seems cool
>he shoots me a friend request and accept
>look at his profile afterwards
>multiple VAC bans on record

I don’t know how to feel since he still seems cool.

I only ever cheated in an online game in Dead by Daylight, and even then the only thing I did was give myself so many points I could skip the 100+ hour grind for all the teachables and just gave them all to myself. It's sad that all it takes is "Delete easy anti cheat folder, block the internet connection to and from the game, open cheat engine and go to town"

it was probably some shitty cod game he got bored with and decided to cheat on

>that one kid who blamed his entire family

>when that kid becomes an adult

>sincerely the father

actually how likely is someone innocent to get vac banned?

Lower than low

Virtually impossible.

lower than your chances of getting killed in a car accident in the next 10 minutes

VAC is ten times more forgiving than it should be.

but i am actually now crossing the stre

>It actually worked and the ban was lifted

Honestly, if someone has a vac ban from MW2 where they get vac without cheating then it's really not their fault. Now if they actually have multiple VAC bans then obviously they're not just accidents so yes the person is scum.

I don't play many online games. How common is cheating?

Depends on the type of game, and the type of people attracted to said game.

I personally haven't seen a cheat in over 6 years, though shitters do love to call legit players cheats because they can't into skill.

Depends entirely on the game.
In some games (CSGO for example) you will probably run into a hacker every hour or at least once per day.
Some games are fucking unplayable because of the hackers. I'm still fucking salty I was never able to experience proper Minecraft multiplayer because everyone and their fucking mother had xray with no way to prevent it. Every goddamn completely hidden base I've ever had a perfect 90 degree tunnel into it.

>friend goes up multiple ranks in CSGO in a weekend and brags about it.
>he gets Vac'd
>"I don't know what happened. My PC rebooted half way through my game and I was banned. It's bullshit. Vac is broken! Too many shitters must have reported me!"
>a year later
>"Oh I was bored so I installed wallhacks to fuck around. I was just joking around, you know? Ahah

Fucking cheater jabronis

I had Cheat Engine attached to a playstation emulator when I got bored and played a round of TF2. The result: My account is one of those rare instances of a VAC unbanning.

Never cheat in games, because as soon as you do you can't play the game normally ever again without being tempted to cheat in order to win

nah, sounds like you're an underage with no selfcontrol
i've cheated back when every game had cheats (sims, AoE etc) and still managed normal playthroughs
i've cheated in my little brother's account in minecraft
no desire to cheat again

I used a public sms website with one of those disposable phone numbers to activate prime matchmaking back when it first came out. Turns out if one person using that specific phone number gets a VAC, all accounts using that number get a VAC.
I would never have cheated on that account because it had items worth money, so yeah, they do ban innocents.

But you're not innocent, you provided falsified info despite the many warning boxes saying "HEY IF YOU GIVE FALSIFIED INFO YOU MIGHT GET VAC'D".

Jokes on you, I did it on purpose...That's right, I WANTED THIS

>despite the many warning boxes
I don't remember there being any, maybe I'm just retarded, still feels like a fairly trivial mistake that they could have just warned users about rather than cucking them out of their inventories
I stopped using steam then and haven't looked back

>they could have just warned users about
They literally had a giant warning box
You broke the EULA btw

I have a 1500 days old vac ban because i cheated myself some xp boosters in modern warfare 3 (which was almost a dead game at that point). So much regret


>tfw never been banned from a game or service ever
kind of amazing. i talk shit almost non-stop

that may be so, still doesn't justify a *cheating* ban

>The big excuse is "my sibling got on my account."
>That is literally what happened to me.

INTENTIONALLY threw away more than twenty thousand dollars, joke's on you guys!

fuck him for taking those houwars out of the market

Why is your sibling a cheating retard?

>he's still in a golden frying pan group with 1 member
impressively sad

i think the only vac enabled game i have is half life

He got super butthurt because he reached his skill ceiling in CS 1.6. So instead of trying to improve he started cheating on non-VAC servers.
Then for some reason he got brave? I dunno but he started cheating on VAC servers.
This was back in 2005-ish. It just means I cant play Goldsource games multiplayer. I already had a bunch of games on the account so I didn't want to make a new one.

You have to understand, cheaters are the easily annoyed kind.

People like that lack the ability to practice and get better, yet take every defeat personally. I remember when I beat some guy on xenoverse 2 so badly (he was using a hacked QQ bang) he started smacking his desk and growing at me like a dog. While he was actively cheating. I think I have the video somewhere.

Don't be friends with people like that.

>I got banned on purpose

Not VAC but I got really good at CODWAW and kiddies would ask me to help them cheat, thinking I was a hacker. I'd wait for them to send me a message about cheating, then report them.

I was playing a mmo with a trainer , similar to .
Forgot about the trainer and hopped on to tf2

luckily I only had three games at the time as opposed to over 3 hundred now but still pissed me off

>its another Sup Forums screaming nigger on the microphone episode

Always the non baritone voiced as well

>Don't like cheaters online
>Don't like people who play 1 game 24/7 just to constantly brag about: A. How awesome they are, B. How much "DUDE U SUKK".

Guess the world's full of assholes, that's why I don't play a lot of comp MP anymore.

Kind of BS when steam hands out vacs or false positives for fucking single player mods until that is patched out or at least reviewed, VAC bans are pretty shit

I'm B, but I don't brag about it or insult others. Honestly, I more or less like to train newer players and watch them progress, that shit is really fun for me.