What are some games I can play on my GNU + Liinux machine?

What are some games I can play on my GNU + Liinux machine?

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day of infamy
Total war

Wow vanilla/tnc and warcraft 3 via wine.

Soon all games

Why cripple yourself like that? Just dual boot Win7.


After some virtualbox distrohopping, I'm purging Windows next weekend and going with linux full time. Wish me luck.


a lot of games work* under wine. If you're more settings about games than running linux than dual boot.

If you still want to play games I really recommend dual-booting. If you don't care that much about many games then go ahead. Windows is bloody useless for anything else. Get good at Linux and boot to an OS that uses less than 150 megs of ram on a fresh boot. Feels Goodman.


I have so much stuff on my list that I'm sure I'll find enough games that work on linux. I don't want to dual boot because then I'd be habitually drawn to windows.

switched a year ago and get into gpu passthrough
no fucking regrets

>we want the Tux Racer audience

shame about the file picker and garbage file managers

Firefox file picker is fixed on arch and openSUSE :)

gl user
If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask community for help.
Go ask Sup Forums and they will surely provide some relevant high quality memes.

I don't see any problem?

To be fair, it does kind of suck that you're confined to KDE if you want this fixed. It's like a 10 year old bug, good god.

>wants to leave microsoft for linshit
>One of the biggest donators for linux development is microsoft

get back to me in a few months when you've either switched back to windows or dual boot

SOMA's been on sale recently, it's a pretty decent game.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Its free (as in freedom)

Should also work on LXQt and soon Budgie

are there Linux ports of classic Looking Glass Games like Ultima Underworld, System Shock, and Thief?

what's virtualbox? is it when you instal an OS to a flash drive?

It's a program that lets you launch a whole another OS in a window, in a safe testing environment. Super easy, to use, give it a spin.

Good luck and have fun
What distro did you choose?

I'm drawn to Tumbleweed. For now at least, I'll see how it goes. Already got the USB stick with it, but I want to finish this week's work before I fuck around with the PC.

I just use my laptop for distrohopping
Virtualbox can be a little sluggish and I prefer to test stuff on real hardware. And it has a 2TB HDD, so I might as well make use of it.

openSUSE Tumbleweed is a solid choice
Pretty stable, up to date packages and everything just works out of the box
And choose KDE as your desktop