Unpopular opinion thread

>Unpopular opinion thread

Super mario 64 is overrated

Nobody really said that and meant it though.

skyrim is shit

I like the nintendo switch

New Vegas is not God's gift to mankind.
Fallout 4 is a good game.

VTMB is trash and gives you little to no choice in how to act, despite being an RPG

This. Fallout 4 is a good game.

you are wrong

I enjoy video games
I am glad that others enjoy video games
It is okay that others enjoy video games that I do not like

Why do you say that? To be overrated, you have to find aspects of it underwhelming that many people praise. What do you find makes it overrated?

Danganronpa v3 did everything better than 2 and 1. Aside from a few plotholes, it is a perfect game.

Final Fantasy XV isn't that bad.

Not really an unpopular opinion unless your outside Sup Forums. Most people here will tell you the base game is shit and mod the hell out of it or use it as a glorified sex simulator.

Ocarina of Time hasn't age well.

Mario 64 and OoT’s wildly successful debuts in 3D are basically the biggest reason Mario and Zelda survived as Nintendo’s 2 biggest IP’s.

Not a great game, but yeah its pretty ok

undertale is bad

MHW is casualized trash with no end game content like i suspected. Getting less than 200 hours off of a MH game is unacceptable.

Branching paths, in dungeons, dialogues, or plots, aren't objectively better than linearity

That’s not exactly unpopular. The general consensus is that either 2 or 3 is the best game.

The least popular game is the 1st one.

Live a Live is better than Chrono Trigger and CT is a 7/10 game

>Cuphead's soundtrack is overrated trash that all blends together and only has about 2 good songs
>Cities: Skylines is a boring dull mess that feels like i'm playing a iphone game due to all the waiting i have to do just to play the damn game
>BOTW constantly shoots itself in the foot and the only reason it's considered GOTY is because it's a pretty open world game
>Morrowind is absolute dogshit that aged horribly and the only reason people say it's better is because Sup Forums is a hivemind
>Monika is a total cunt who deserves to be run over by a steamroller covered in tacks

Hey user, we have that medal with 'You were right' on it, should we go ahead and just mail it normally, or would you prefer express? We know how important it is to acknowledge that one thing you said that turned out to be kind of correct if you're absolutely determined to see it that way.

Pixel graphics at their absolute worst are boring but not a detriment to the game. It's actually the opposite since any other other type of artstyle would just be really unclear in the hands of devs that don't have actual artists available, so it improves the gameplay in most cases thanks to things like clear hitboxes and animations.