>It's fun with friends!
It's fun with friends!
Play vermintide with randoms then green text this again you lil shit
Play Lethal League against the CPU then green text this again you lil shit
>its fun!
Anything can be fun with friends. It's pointless to say.
Then get some friends you anime loving piece of shit.
The sad part is that you are not troling and you actually believe this. You are actually so fucking dumb that you think "it's fun with friends" is a valid support for anything.
>games are better than manga
I have a friend who eats lots of curry and eggs. If I decide "it's fun to fart with friends" and we meet up for a fart-fest, that is NOT more fun with friends. I prefer to fart solo.
I never said that, I'm just saying not everything can be fun with friends.
>it gets good 46 hours in!
some games are more fun with friends than other
I generally use this as the sort of lowest possible compliment I can give a game. As in, "you should only play this game if you see yourself fucking around in it with some friends until you burn out on it, otherwise it's not worth your time". I think that's how most people use it, too.
I want to have sex with Android 18
I played vermintide with my friends and the game is still awful
What did he mean by this
>dude just get friends lmaooo
That's because you're a vermin you dirty shit rat
>Mario party
>Mario kart
>Fightan games
But this is true, just because it's obvious doesn't lessen the impact.
Show me any games that aren't better with friends, I'll wait.
>Anything can be fun with friends. It's pointless to say.
You have no idea. Probably have no friends either.
>Show me any games that aren't better with friends, I'll wait.
This is my point. It's not worth saying.
Aliens: Colonial Marines.
>Show me any games that aren't better with friends
Is this girl fun with friends?
I actually had some fun playing that game with coop. We cheesed a lot of game, we were yelling at each other, I triggered a glitch with those "self destructing aliens you have to sneak past" where they were practically frozen in place and we just started bashing them with our guns.
It was worth the redbox rental
This is exactly why you can't get any friends.
t. person with no friends