Tfw an asscreed game is STILL the best pirate game released

>tfw an asscreed game is STILL the best pirate game released

>any asscreed game
>best anything

Completely agree with you OP. Building up the ship was really fun. The battles were great and the shanties were amazing.

Brotherhood > Black Flag > 2 > Origins > Unity > Revelations > 3 > 1 > Syndicate

Agreed in terms of assassin gameplay but over all I spent the most time in BlackFlag.

I probably spent most time in Black Flag as well, I am going to admit even the ending felt more emotional than I thought.

Is this worth trying? How edgy is it?

not edgy at all.
In terms of character developments, its easily the best.
You go from a low level pirate who just wants to get rich by any means to prove hes something, and prove to those around him hes not just some nobody whos fun to hang around with, into realizing that every thing you do has consequences, and it comes organically.

I like that the story is more focused on Edward and his friends and less on "templars vs assassins" bullshit.

The abstergo first person parts it's kinda boring though.

The only assass games i've played are those with naval combat
no regrets

I'm playing origins now and it's really not bad at all. I'm having fun with it.

>we will never see a remaster of this

It's pretty fucking solid most of people who dismiss it barely played it.

>In a world without gold, we would have been heroes

>2 isn't at the top of that list
>brotherhood is before 2
>unity is on the list
Fuck you man
Fuck you

>unlock the blowpipe
>lose all interest in playing the game
is there a way to remove the little wiggly stick glued to my character's back? it fucking ruins the design

I can't believe modders never cracked the game. Could have had a base for the best single player pirate game ever
>expanded ocean size
>scarcer ships
>crew mechanics such as morale and food
>realistic combat timers on cannons
>letting someone else take the helm while you do comfy things on-deck like play checkers with the crew
I'm still happy with what we got though. Being able to dock at an island and run through the jungle was so comfy.

A spinoff of a game is rated higher than the game it's based off of?

>dislikes unity
>the most atmospheric and challenging game in series

Aren’t Ubisoft making an entire multiplayer game based on ship combat? The E3 footage looked so much like Black Flag but with online.

It's set in the Indian ocean with overdesigned ships

That is the remaster. The original was made in the early 90s. You want a re-remaster.

>remaster of a remake

Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.

>we will never see a remaster of this

fuck you, answer the question. The blowpipe glued to my back is the shittiest decision I have ever seen a designer make, it looks absurd

God damn this part choked me up. I wasn't expecting ass creed to have such a nice emotional payoff

Origins is good if you like Witcher

i see
cause it was fun?

Yeah it looked pretty shitty.


same, black flag is the only AC i finished for 3 times

Fuck you OP for beign so fucking right


What's good about it? I never played the game, but from the video footage I've seen it seems more similar to driving a car than anything remotely resembling naval combat.

Man Freedom Cry would have been a perfect 10-12 hour experience, but they had to take out shanties, which literally made it unplayable. Sailing in Ass4 never got dull or boring cause you always had your crew singing, literally the best part of that game. I can't believe they thought taking them out was a good idea.

D, d fp s.

>it's good if you like good games


morrigan vs jackdaw with their respective captains, who would win?

No what I'm saying is that Origins alot closer to witcher in it's mechanics and structure than other Asscreeds, with semi soulsy combat.


I thought it was pic related.

The only thing you can do is reload a save from before the blowpipe. Maybe some outfits make it less apparent?

What about Rogue?

ramming shit never gets old

I enjoyed the Asscreed series until revelations but never bothered to do side quests

I 100%’d blackflag, so god damn comfy

Wtf is rogue even, I have never heard of anyone that actually played that

W1 or W3?


Because it's only competition was Risen.
Because Disney fucked off the PotC game that actually seemed alright.

I just found it fun exploring the ocean, upgrading the ship, blowing up baddies, and chasing the legendary ships. You could go hunting for sharks and whales and a bunch of other neat stuff.
The actual “Assassin’s Creedy” stuff like tailing missions and bam ham combat was as boring as ever and stood in the way of the fun. The setting was nice though.

I thought Rogue had a few large issues that hurt it for me.
>tropical AC4 engine New York without horses and seasons despite NY having god-tier ambience and snow sounds in tomahawk creed
>completely unrealistic riverlands with a mountain in a distance and kitbashed level design, again lacking the forest ambience of tomahawk creed or any realistic weather. Strange large rivers and pine islands. Just weird
>north sea and riverlands combined made for a world much too large for its story length which felt more like standalone DLC
Ironically Black Flag was the first AC to actually have functioning stealth mechanics.

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow, and it's time for us to leave her.

i don't know how to explain but it's so damn satisfying to ram a man o' war, climbing it's mast, jump kill and then shoot the enemies with 4 flintlocks.

Shorter version of Black Flag with a mix of Brotherhood too.
It was alright to be a Templar but it wasn't anything special since he played exactly like every other character.

Which games in the series are worth playing and why?

It's tie in between AC Black Flag and AC 3

I want to like this game and I love the pirate parts but it has so many assassins creed parts that it's hard to enjoy.

I heard a lot about BF and how amazing it was, so got around to playing it a few weeks ago and completed it.
What is the hype with this game? I played AC,AC2,ACI2BH,AC2:R, AC3,Unity and then this, and this unfortunately has to be the worst AC I played - even worse than AC3.
You dont feel like an assassin at all ( I know, you arent - so why call it AC?), you can somehow scale buildings and use hidden blades. The sailing was the best part of AC3 but here it just feels so repetitive. The islands all look like shit with no interesting landmarks and the story had me wondering wtf was even going on. Kenway's huge reason for doing all this shit is just 'for da money xdd'

Idk but this game just feels like it doesnt belong.

Oh and this has to be the easiest AC game ever

>Leave her Johnny leave her, o-oh leave her Johnny, leave her! For the ships too cold (?) and the blum blumb told and it's time, for us, to leave her.
I'm watching Black Sails for the first time while replaying assflag and it's so damn comfy. Seeing Nassau in the show was great.

>implying Seadogs\Age of Pirates series isn't the best

I did
it actually told how retarded the Assassins and Achilles are

AC2+Brotherhood and Black Flag. The rest is garbage

Who are you quoting? Trying to fit in by parroting this retard meme will not work, start by thinking by yourself brainlet.

Black Sails any good? I remember watching the first few episodes but then giving up.

I've only watched the first two episodes but enjoying it so far. Apparently season 2 is great.

The rogue remaster won't have a PC version?



why remaster the least known game?


yes. brotherood is better than 2. its still the best AC game ever

Are you people so underage that you never experienced the TRUE pinnacle of pirates games?

>pirates of the carribean

fuck off lol disney shill the only underage here is you

I can relate to this so much.

Why the fuck does he have a sword out
Promotional shots tend to be so fucking dumb

The only AC games really worth playing are
Ezio trilogy and Black Flag

Rogue too is ok, if you really liked Black Flag.

Thats it

In terms of gameplay
Rogue > Black Flag > Brotherhood > Revelations > 3 > 2 > 1 > Origins > Syndicate > Unity

In terms of story
1 >>>>> Everything else > Unity

t. probably a Jordan Peterson fan or something

Do you want to know how can I tell you never bothered to play newer games?

S1 is from a time when they tried to ape GoT and shoved nudity every 5 minutes to get the dumb fucks. Towards the end of S1 and then all the way through it becomes the best series produced for TV. There is a logical issue in S4 with Blackbeard, that is the only complaint I have about it. Amazing series, good characters and really great music.
Vane did nothing wrong.

Here's my time on Origins - it was enough. I beat Syndicate on PS4 and pirated Unity. Unity is godawful and Unityfags are fucking delusional if they think their game isn't the worst in the entire series by every metric except aesthetics.

Black Flag>2>Rev>Brohood>Rogue>3>1>the vita shit
Haven't played the newer ones.
If only we got to play Haytham in 3.

If that's your playtime why is that filename of saved Sup Forums image?


The lyrics you are looking for are:
>Leave her Johnny leave her, o-oh leave her Johnny, leave her! For the voyage is long and the winds don’t blow and it's time, for us, to leave her.

I have 4chanX scramble my filenames because I don't want people to know what silly names I have on my reaction images because I'm afraid they'll mock me.

this seems like an AI response

Black Flag 2.0 Templar edition. It's just black flag in the North Atlantic it's alright you'd like it if you liked black flag

Is Rogue better than Black Flag? Never played it.

No. Black Flag is superior but Rogue is ok if you want more of the same but in winter

Yes. Rogue has more upgrades for building your ship, there's more combat options when seafighting, enemies can counter-board YOUR ship, and the weapons for Shay are finally balanced cost-wise compared to BF where you could buy the best sword right at the beginning of the game if you did all the side missions and it would last you the entire game. Rogue has less story missions but that means it has no filler and - BEST OF ALL - there are no fucking tailing missions! Shay also isn't as big as an idiot as Edward is although it should have been obvious to him that the Templars are love bombing him to get him to join and stay.

>best sword right at the beginning of the game if you did all the side missions
>beginning of the game
>did all the side missions

It technically is. But the setting and characters are far superior in BF. Dirty pirates in the Caribbean is just too good.

>tfw I bought the Edward Kenway statue just because I liked how the promo sword looked and the only way to get it was through a code with the statue
No regrets. Played all game with that sword.

The side missions in the first city, you know, like the assassinations and whatnot - not the entire game. My bad.


I love Black Flag but as usual it was buggy as fuck.

Poor Rackham.