Now: OoT
Later: Final Fantasy
Other urls found in this thread:
>user! So glad you invited us to ESA! Are you having fun so far?
>no dilation breaks
Pretty boring.
Don't bully Euro accents. They're better than 20something-year-old-male-pretending-to-be-female accents.
>100% OoT
If I hear one more yump...
Here's your one dose of trannies, no more after this point.
...I'm not used to watching actual speedruns without any grating distractions like trans people or giggle squee power tripping donation readers.
I only ever watched AGDQ for the ceaseless shitposting.
I actually really enjoy this category more than the others.
Are they though?
what happened Sup Forums I thought since this had no trannies it was going to be better and everyone will watch it?
Soyboy gets you banned in chat lol
Don't worry. they are doing a 5 hour """"speed""""run right now, so you'll feel right at home.
this is pretty chill
Give me the scoop on Bigfoot.
>mcdonalds meal set
>fancy well done steak with broccoli
Good, glad to see they're banning sperg memes on sight
Oh no!
They don't use twitch bots to swell number of viewers.
Watch Bigfoot vs DB Cooper, it'll tell you everything you need to know.
Incoming soyboys defending censorship
>wanting everyone to watch
Wanting everyone to watch it is what killed GDQ. Keep this shit on the down low.
>dobson analogies
Anyone got the source on OP's pic? Video looks like it could be funny.
oh GDQ uses viewbots? Mind posting proof of that?
Hey stow that stuff. By far my most favorite ""speedrun"" from GDQ was last years 8 hour long Final Fantasy run.
Maybe ESA shouldn't have sent their girl to GDQ advertise themselves then. ESA wants money.
what did I miss
>not knowing reviewbrah
I search for wudewose often in my local woods, and see trace of them often. Look for stick structures and listen out for wood knocks to see their habitat.
Just keep your nose to the ground and you'll find them
If they're illegible, why are they accepting hand-written cards?
otherwise Twitch will ban them
Mods deleted some posts relating to it though. They're watching these threads closely for some reason.
Who is the best zelda girl?
What does Jannu have to do with Zelda?
>game needs 100 hours to finished
>someone makes it in 5
>not speedy
Are you retarded?
>not allowed to say girl(male)
>allowed to call Link a chosenite and use (((brackets)))
How does this make sense?
I had a girlfriend sit on my lap while playing Majora's Mask, so she'll always have my vote.
and then almost 4 hours of FF1
Some guy got confirmed to be an underageb& posting Sup Forums memes in the twitch chat, now he's heated and calling everyone SJWs.
>hitler joke in donation
>no one cares
wtf i love esa
donation readers were based last year, nothing could top marals "i fucking love cum" moment
This shit is so dead
You can't say something like that and not provide video evidence of it
>first run is a 5 hour Oot run
wait a minute..
What joke?
>just had an FF1 race last esa
>Based Phone Guy actually waved at the chat
Is this what they call the Twitch Interactive Chat Experience™?
Usual Sup Forumsyp shitposting because he spammed his unfunny memes in the chat and got banned. Now he's gone into his usual "everyone is against me, everyone is out for me, everyone is SJWs, Sup Forums is just cuck soyboy sjws! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" defense.
Naturally he will now shit up this thread for hours at a time instead of just fucking off.
oh I thought they did something actually bad and not just Sup Forums getting pissed
The joke we did Nazi coming.
past the first run a speedrunning event without any mentally ill trannies to laugh at can be a bad thing
This isn't the first run.
arent OoT speedruns supposed to be like 10 minutes now?
>ESA lines up exactly with when I get two weeks off work
Time to get
absolutely comfy
Don't think I'll make it brehs, zelda always puts me to sleep
Not 100%, nigger.
there was a tranny runner at the last ESA but it was fine iirc
For you.
i misremembered, it was "cum is so fucking good"
clips twitch tv/SpoopyMiniatureGiraffeVoteNay
maybe it was the other girl instead of maral too, idk, still one of the best moments
It's 100%
>speedrunning the slowest possible speedrun
why do they call it speedrunning??
We had Pikmin 3 already.
>100% oot run
>in 10 (ten) minutes
Shut up and save the children already
the fuck
What has aid ever done for anyone?
>wanting it to be popular
Anything that becomes popular gets ruined by normalfags. It applies to events, vidya, movies, this own fucking board and site and all the other shit.
well when she's right, she's right.
I hope we have a tranny moment like at NASA last year
>tranny shows up
>no one talks to it
>tranny does run
>no one shows up, everyone is playing Mafia and whatever other games
>they make tranny jokes
>tranny starts crying on Twitter about how "unsafe" it feels
Because this is far faster than an average 100% playthrough retard.
Do you even have to ask?
Ladaur - "Cum is Sofa King good" was the donation
are we even saving children this speedrun? I thought ESA was refugees
Why do they call a marathon a race? Why have anything but the 100 meter dash?
>they make tranny jokes
>tranny starts crying on Twitter about how "unsafe" it feels
who was it?
Why are euros so fucking boring
I don't remember the name but it looked like a green haired ogre
thats doctors without borders, which is GDQ.
Reminder that this is a comfy and bully free thread!
delet this, maral is not a slut
Only two genders.
Not this year
What in the flying fuck is this
The future (and it's beautiful).
>doesn't recognize the league of extraordinary gentlemen
*bullies you*