What outfits and armor does Sup Forums recommend to make my pawn more sexier in order to get more people to use her?
Dragon's Dogma
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>in order to get more people to use her
That's not how it works. What matters more is your characters build the higher up you go
look at that brapper
This was my pawn. He got used constantly, and without being a slut, a female or even attractive.
you gay for old wrinkly dicks user?
>female pawn
>someone has rented your pawn
>5 stars appearance
>You received a gift
>Large nut
>without being a slut, a female or even attractive
Maybe you would've gotten straight 5 stars if you did become a slut.
Nobody gets 5 stars because if a pawn dies you automatically get 3 stars. Pawns dying is extremely common on Bitterblack where you have Death oneshotting idiot pawns and pits they can fall in.
>Loli mage
>the wizard robe that opens up at the front
>some kind of panty leg armour
Give me those sliders senpai
A pawn is supposed to be a good and helpful companion. Not an expression of your everlasting virginity frustrations.
I'm fairly certain the automatic death ratings don't actually count towards your pawn's overall rating. you just see the rating when they come back from a rental
Tell me how much sex u hav this year faggit
this, be nice if more people posted theirs as well
you gotta make weirdos if you want people to download them, everyone makes waifus.
yo just started, I caught on a thread to remember to do lost and found before the abyss quest.
Is there any huge questlines i can easily miss like that?
So I beat the game and got that huge fucking hole in the town but quit without exploring it much. I'm over mhw now but is dd's endgame worth it to go back to?
If you guys know of a way to access the slider information, then I would post it. But I already used Art of Metamorphosis to make her look like that and I haven't beaten the game to get Secret of Metamorphosis.
She looks like Down's Syndrome.
fun game
Your little brother is my son.
>implying everything isn't an expression of my everlasting virginal frustrations
I have my own pawn to cater to my sexual needs, I'll only hire other people's pawns if they look badass or have decent pawn inclinations
that's the only big one
also it's not that big of a deal if you missed it since once you complete the real final mission you can do new game plus which starts you back at the beginning of the game but with all your items and levels and shit still in tact. and most importantly portcrystals stay where they were at so you can easily fly through the story again
the everfall is worth doing a bit. it's pretty easy to get really good (and still fashionable) gear there. you should also definitely face the ur-dragon once
I haven't done it yet, but a lot of people swear that bitterblack isle is the best content in the game and I often see level 50+ as a good time to check it out
if you're on pc you can install this and have unlimited character changes nexusmods.com
or you can load up your save into this nexusmods.com
or manually unpack the save data and copy the values from there
if I want my main pawn to shoot good arrows, whats a good specialization to level as and what are some good inclinations for that?
I like it.
Do you get him back if you do that or is he just dead?
He dies and is removed from your party.
>Lvl 163
>With that armor
Into the brine with it.
So like is he permanently dead? Can you at least use a wakestone?
Those textures are nice. What mods do you have running here
You have to go to the rift to get dead pawns back.
Oh thats too bad. I have old pawns like rook still hanging out in my rift even though I've far outleveled them and was looking for a disposal method.
remove from favorites
Could I make it more final? First remove from favorites, then toss them? That way I can be sure.
I never tried, I always get rid of him as soon as I can.
I think that during this run I was only using black armor recolors and nude mods, havent tried the other retextures yet.
most optimal would be ranger, no daggers equipped and only tenfold arrow set. clout and vehemence like every other physical class. morbidity if you plan on giving it a rusted bow so it'll inflict torpor more frequently. people often go sinew and leg-strength. I'd probably go with impact
the average player might see that, assume you forgot to set skills and just ignore your pawn though
also you could level it as a warrior to level 100 for a slight attack increase over ranger, but you do lose out on a fuck ton of stamina
most people go challenger as primary inclination. then it's a tossup between utilitarian and mitigator
laughed way too hard at this
I'm guilty of doing this. also unspeakable meat if they helped me kill an ogre
at that level its about looks bro, unlock you doing bitterblack runs
Sequal/Expansion when?
Divine Surcoat with some skin showing for just the right amount of lewdness.
Never ever, and also never ever Dragon's Dogma Online coming to the west
fucking turd cutter on that.
is the river made out of plasma or is capcom really that lazy?
there's a weird monster that just makes water travel impossible and spits you up
Be original and use the Mummer's Wear, I've only ever seen one Pawn use it.
Storyline reason is the dragon brought about a shit ton of monsters including the brine, which are kind of monsters that live in deep water.
by the way, there's a limping general on /vg/
Only flea ridden pawns wear that.
>tfw make drow pawn
>comes back with millions of rift crystals
>tfw make a Pawn associated with fleas and being very unoptimized
>hundreds of millions of rift crystals
This is actually a good point that got buried. When 90% of the pawns are just cookie cutter waifus, they all kind of blend into a massive blob of uninteresting nothingness, none standing out from the other. They're kinda like normies in that respect. Anything outside the norm will always be eye-catching. In this case, that's anything that's not a waifu.
I was there was body texture mods for DD like Skyrim.
Those PS3 textures got old fast.
She has to be both actually useful AND slutted out.
My dark elf slut gets rents out the ass etc because she's good at her job and trained. And her slutgear is all maximum ultra bbi forged for the minmaxiest of sluts
Water/aquatic enemies were planned, but it was scrapped together with 80% of the game and we got what we have now. Brine replaced that.
>making waifus
>Making fatties
oh hey, I use mummer's wear on my pawn
>name is incoherent yiddish sounds by Paul Rugg
do you not watch the simpsons?
Not in the last 20 years. Though for what it's worth, all the cartoon characters doing this shit back in the mid-90s kind of blur together.
tfw yall need a good teaching about making hot pawns
unfortunately i was on ps3 at the time
drow are free RC
Put them in the titty jacket.
its kinda bullshit how criminally underrated this game is compared to forever constant boss rush mode Monster Hunter. I rather have a new Dragons Dogma than MHW
You sure you don't have an ENB running?
shooo user, let us men here in Sup Forums talk about real matters.
do I need to mod this game to get an ass like that or is that possible in vanilla game?
What is the name of this titty jacket?
I made her without any mods.
that's a cute young dutch boy.
forever regurgitated into Korean MMO trash.
Its time to let go
Its possible in vanilla
thank you
Nice does this also allow for multiple save files yet?
I can't really remember, it's been a long time. Maybe I did, but definitely a turned down version cause it killed my load times.
>tfw made my pawn a red midget
Why do you guys like asses so much?
The Simpsons is irrelevant. They were copying the stereotypical clown-Jew noises themselves.
because you can't make bigger tits in this game
to have multiple saves you either need to make backups and manually rename them or use something like this nexusmods.com
or make new steam accounts and enable family sharing between them
if you go the multiple saves route I think your pawn will act a bit funky since it'll be considered the same pawn for online purposes. so if you're on save a and your pawn is a level 60 fighter, then you hop onto save b and sleep at an inn it'll upload that save's pawn data and it'll become a level 40 ranger with save b's look and name. but I think bestiary/quest knowledge and ratings are tied to the account so that wouldn't change. all in all that's messy
multiple steam accounts is a bit annoying, but you can quickly switch accounts by hopping into big picture mode, logging out, logging in, and then hopping back out of big picture mode
they really should have added multiple save slots for the pc version
I've heard this before, but the game never became difficult enough for me to really care. I'd rather just pick pawns based on appearance, except in the case when I find them constantly dying.
they're gay
DDO is trash, you're not missing anything.
I recommend you fucking kill yourself
There's also a chance for a temporary "ban" from online when you swap out the saves. It's not a huge deal, I think it's a couple of days of no RC and items are replaced with rocks or something, but it's basically just capcom's system not dealing with pawn ratings changing suddenly.
Family sharing is far cleaner and easier, and it's not the kind of game where you really need more than 1 or 2 saves anyway
meant for
>Exposed side and ribs
oh me oh my
>Friend has pawn named "Sperm Worm"
The Grimm adventures of billy and mandy
Buenos Dias
cock sock