Kingdom Hearts 1 really didn't age well, huh
Kingdom Hearts 1 really didn't age well, huh
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wonderland always sucked
git gud
Sorta like your mom
I liked what they did with the bizarre room but the Queen's area and the forest felt way too cramped. It was decent-good for its time. Neverland suffered from that even more though.
I don't really like the game anymore.
But I have to say, being able to fight the SAND TIGER in the alladin cave really fucking made me happy back then. That was always my favorite scene in the movie and the fact I could jump on his head and hit him and shit was awesome.
I played through it for the first time last year and had fun, a few of the worlds were boring though, like Atlantis and the Lion King world.
>atlantis boring
>with this music
Should I play Re:Chain of Memories? Or am I better off watching the cutscenes or a walkthrough online?
Play the original GBA game, scrub
Wonderland was awful and will always be awful. Instead of a world it felt like a funhouse in a theme park.
It's way, waay worse in the sequel
I know this is just a gay bait thread of faggots, but this was actually something that happened to be, and pretty recently.
When I originally played games like KH1, the levels used to feel absolutely massive, like entire worlds, when KH2 finally came out, I remember distinctly wishing that I could play in the Kh1 levels again in 2 because the KH1 levels felt so huge to me, and the kh2 levels felt really small and easy to go through.
It wasn't till recently when I went back did I realize that 99% of the reason these levels felt huge was because I was completely fucking lost and would get stuck on levels and go do other ones for a while, then come back and wander around looking for what I was supposed to be doing. It was really eye opening how merely by reading the directions the game gave you and knowing what you were supposed to be doing I actually had less fun.
This also happened to me when I was playing FF8 then later FF10, and some other games im sure.
>no Indiana Jones world
gba is way better. idk why the fuck they did the stupid 3d remake
>Lion King world
Dude, that's KH2.
The only reason was because of the backlash of having to buy a whole console just to continue following the KH storyline.
The camera is also way closer to you in KH1 so even though the maps in Kh2 are bigger you can actually see almost all of it at first glance.
BASED INDIANA JONES POSTER, he is right though they put in Pirates if the Caribbean and now that Disney owns the world why not
>Destiny Islands was just a wall a beach and a little island
No wonder those kids wanted to leaved
Wasn't this just where they hung out?
there was another island that they all lived on, it had a school and village and an entire world and stuff
KH1 Hollow Bastion is still the absolute best area of the series. Best level intro, best atmosphere, best music, it had fucking everything.
literally the only world I didn't like in the first two games lel
Did you even play the games? Destiny Islands
How could you like the shitty boring ass disney worlds over Hollow Bastion? It's like the only well thought out level in KH1
Yeah the two are in the pic right there.
Speaking of Hollow Bastion. How bad ass was Beast to just will himself onto other planets?
I thought it was a slog to get through overall even though it had its moments. I even liked Destiny Islands more. But definitely Disney worlds > that. I guess Monstro was another one I didn't like much either.
guys, user who has never played a kingdom hearts game before here.
What would be the best way to get familiar with the series? would it be a good Idea to star with the games in chronological order? have they aged well to still be enjoyable by today's standards?
Kh1 gameplay is bad. KH2, BBS, DDD and 0.2 BBS are good. DDD and 0.2 being the best
Did you also skip over the KH2 intro which shows the islands their houses are on? Or the scene in KH1 with Sora in his room.
Play in release order
DDD gameplay is really good, its hard to go back to 2 after DDDs flowmotion
Buy 1.5 + 2.5 and 2.8 on ps4 play it like this:
RE:Chain of Memories
358 days over 2
Birth By Sleep
Dream Drop Distance
0.2 fragmentory passage
Done, caught up to 3.
On 2.8, watch Back cover before 0.2, completely unnecessary but it gives backstory to the world and the keyblade war
This also applies to any other video game series you start playing.
Nah dude,literally just start with Kingdom Hearts 1,these games are meant to be enjoyed in the release order. Playing them chronologically would just fuck the story up even more
The gay bait thread comes later
Yea, I get why people do it the other way but release order makes so much more sense to me. Even disregarding gameplay mechanics/graphics, prequels' story and stuff like that are largely retroactive even if there was a general idea for it from the beginning.
>BBS, DDD, 0.2
Wow. Fucking end yourselves.
>Days before KHII
>Back Cover
>completely unnecessary
Also no
The box is in KHIII
Well with Kingdom Hearts there are the later released Final Mixes.
As far as I remember the Final mixes came out before any successor. Even if it didn't, that wouldn't change anything.
thank you my dudes, just wanted to be sure this was the right order to enjoy the story as much as I can, don't want the same thing that happened to me with star wars to happen again
Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix came out after Chain of Memories.
Who memed you into watching Star Wars out of release order?
So what is your point. Are you suggesting regular KH1 > CoM > KH1FM? Or CoM starting and then FM? This is an irrelevant point.
No you're the one suggesting it.
>This also happened to me when I was playing FF8 then later FF10, and some other games im sure.
>This also happened to me when I was playing FF10
How the fuck? X is linear as fuck the first time you go through it, but then it opens up later and really does become a big world to explore. I have no idea how someone would manage to experience this in reverse.
Doesn't KH1 begin when Sora comes out of his shack on that little island?
This is a really weak way of defending your chronological method.
It's optional, so it's all good.
>Or the scene in KH1 with Sora in his room.
That scene always fascinated me because it just appears out of no where and isn't otherwise brought up, so it just felt like you were glimpsing into the 'real world' of which this was a dream. KH2's intro concerns Roxas though.
Literally just buy the PS4 games and go in their order.
Play the goddamned game
>counting rereleases in release order
What brand of autism is this
Still unnucessary to watch it
All you have to know is: "master of masters did some manipulative shit, wrote a prophecy bout end of world, fucked with people, has a box with Xsuper on it, Luxu took box"
>Still unnecessary to watch it
>All you have to know is
Uh, user...
Here's the proper chronological order to play the games, if you wanna be really autistic about it.
>back cover
>birth by sleep
>kingdom hearts 1
>re: chain of memories
>the roxas section of kingdom hearts 2
>358/2 days
>the rest of kingdom hearts 2
>re: coded
>dream drop distance
At least, that's just how I think they would go.
I believe you're correct.
>having 3 actual plot scenes in the hour+ long movie
Nah m8, thats sparknotes shit
358/2 happens before KH2 doesn't it?
Nah, it would be even more autistic:
Unchained x
Unchained x back cover
Birth by sleep
birth by sleep 0.2 game except intro and end scene
First 30 minutes of 358/2
Chain of memories
Rest of 358/2
Re coded
Dream drop
0.2 intro scene
0.2 final scene
The KHII prologue takes place immediately after Days
If you want a REAL chronological order, then shit gets fucky because Days starts during the end of KH1, and CoM overlaps it. 0.2's frame story takes place after DDD, but the playable section takes place after BbS Secret Episode, and Blank Points has scenes during the end of BbS and after KHII, DDD and Re:coded show events from during KH1, DDD shows an event that takes place long before BbS, in BbS the three characters around at the worlds at different times, Back Cover takes place at the same time as χ[chi], Reverse/Rebirth starts slightly after Sora's Story, etc.
A TRUE chronological playthrough of KH is simply impossible.
If you want to be reductive then most KH titles only have a few key events and most of them happen at the end of the game.
Yeah I just realized.
I still don't understand why KH 1 Final Mix recolored all the Heartless to be as ugly as possible
What a mess. Glad I've been keeping up with KH since 2005. I can only imagine what a newbie to the series must think if he was to read that post.
FM colors are better
I still don't understand what the fuck Xion is.
I watched the 3 hour KH lecture by BestGuyEver and consider myself caught up. Only played Kh1 and 2 when I was a kid.
A mistake
Nate gets a few things wrong and glosses over some other stuff.
As far as a comprehensive KH summary/digest, I would suggest the GameTrailers Timeline, which is only about one hour. They consulted staff at KHInsider and if I recall, include some information found in interviews.
The lecture is fun but that's about it.
>Glad I've spent 13 years of my life following the lore of shit weeaboo game for little girls
Ok but what is she? I remember someone saying she was a data clone or something. I'll take the most basic watered down explanation. I just want to understand even a little bit.
Nice buzzwords
the game is a decade and a half old and it was a relatively new genre of game at the time. pretty much every 3d game at the time had camera issues though, but this one was especially bad. all the quality of life improvements they made in final mix makes you really notice how borderline unplayable this game was at the time.
Clone made from Sora's memories in case Roxas dies and the Organization loses a keyblade wielder which they need for their plan. How exactly they made her isn't important, it's science magic.
Thank you.
What's a heart?
>how borderline unplayable this game was at the time.
Did you not play it at the time? It felt amazing.
i bought it at launch, liked it, years later bought the final mix when it finally came to the US, loved it, and then went back to regular 1 and realized how many things they improved. one notable thing was skippable cutscenes. maleficent dragon and final riku gave me such a hard time and i had to watch the cutscene so many times in kh1 regular because i kept dying. they also improved the way you control the camera among other things.
Not him, but the best way to watch star wars is 4 5 2 3 6
4 and 5 start you off with Luke and drop the bomb shell of vader, and then you go watch Anakin become vader before the climatic finish with 6.
It makes the parallels between the two excessively apparent, particularly when you go into 6 and Luke is dressed extremely similar to Anakin and starts doing all sorts of ambiguously evil shit like force choking some dudes, something which only vader has done previously.
No, it begins with him diving into his heart. Then he wakes up on the beach. The scene I mentioned happens just before the island is destroyed.
>still playing kingpoop farts
lol you called it poop
Wouldn't King-DUMB Farts be more appropriate?
Reliable as ever. I wonder if we'll get a reunion of KH autists (ponytailfag, redpill-kun and of course oswaldfag) near KH3 release.
lol you played kingpoop farts
lol yea its fun videogame
>Not King's Dong Hurts
Consider the following:
>Sora has a mom, as evidenced by the scene where she calls him for dinner.
>At the end of KH1, Destiny Islands are returned to existence.
>In Chain of Memories, everyone forgets Sora existed.
>At the beginning of KH2, everyone suddenly remembers Sora exists, all at once, all at the same time, after two years.
>Which means Sora has a mom that, one day, suddenly remembered she has a son that she hasn't seen in two years and she has no idea where he went, or how she could have possibly forgotten about him.
We know about Kairi's grandma in Radiant Garden but what about Riku? Does he have parents?
He exists so yes he does.
>what about Riku? Does he have parents?
That's called mystery and exploration. Those things disappear when you streamline the fuck out of everything.
It's been a while, so I could be mistaken, but I seem to recall Riku saying something about "our parents" in KH1 implying he has some.
Yeah, in his speech right before Sora steals his Keyblade.